Status: In progress!

Thanks for the Memories

Goodbyes Are Never Easy.

“Promise me,” I whispered. “ That you’ll stay with me. Forever.”
“I can’t imagine being with anybody else.” He cooed, caressing my neck. He slowly made his way up my jaw line, until our lips met, colliding against each other.
My eyes filled with tears, knowing this may be the last kiss we shared for a while.
After about a minute, we pulled away, and looked straight at each other. I looked right into his eyes.

I’ve always loved his eyes; they were a deep shade of emerald green. When he looked in your direction, you could tell that he not only saw your body, but also what was inside.
He pressed his forehead against mine, our lips less than an inch apart from each other. I couldn’t help it, as I closed up the space between us, tasting the sweet sensation of his lips yet again.

“I love you, Sydney Eloise Boyce.” I could feel his cool breath against my skin.
“I love you too, Cameron Michael Quiseng.”
His thumb brushed up against my cheek, wiping away a few tears that somehow managed to escape from me.
“I don’t want to leave, Cameron.” I cried. “I want to stay here, with you.”
“I know, darling.” He sighed, pulling me close. “But you know it’s for the best, for your family. Moving to New York will earn your father more money, you’ll meet lots of new people…”
“But you won’t be there.”
“I’ll always be with you, Syd. You know I’ll just be a phone call away.”
I sighed, and glanced at my watch. “I…I need to go… Were leaving in 20 minutes.”
Tears started to form in his eyes too, as I hugged him one last time.
“At least let me drive you to the airport.” He begged. “I don’t want to say goodbye until right before you board your plane.”
“That’s fine with me.” I pecked him on the lips and smiled slightly, before taking a hold of his hand.

We walked to his car and drove to the airport, stopping by my house first to pick up my luggage, and say one last goodbye to the one and only place that I’ve ever been able to call my home. My childhood. The keeper of all my memories.
I texted my little sister, Alice, telling her I would meet her and dad at the gate.
We got my boarding pass, checked my luggage, and went through security.
“Would you like anything to eat, hun?” Cameron offered, not letting go of my hand.
I shook my head. I was too upset to eat. He sighed, but nodded his head, understanding what I was going through.
We approached the gate, and I eyed my family. Everyone was already boarding.
I absolutely hated crying in front of people, but I couldn’t help myself. The tears came out of nowhere, as I hugged Cameron tightly, never wanting to let go.
I looked up at him, and wrapped my arms around his neck, as he did the same around my waist. He pulled me forward, closing up any space between us.
I lurched forward, pressing my lips up against his. I never wanted to pull away.

“Last call, for flight A139, to New York.” They announced over the speakers.
I buried my face in Cameron’s chest, knowing this was it. But I knew what I had to do, so I unwillingly pulled away. Cameron quickly reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small box. He handed it to me.
“Don’t open it until you’re off the ground.” He instructed.
I nodded, sliding it into my purse. I grabbed my carry on suitcase and purse, and started walking towards the entrance of the plane.
Right before I was about to board, I turned around, and looked at him, for the last time. “Promise me Cameron,” I called to him. “That you’ll never, ever, forget me.”
“I’d never dream of it.” He replied, with a smirk. I could tell he was trying to hold back his tears, something I was unable to do.
Without another word, I got on the plane, and found the row where my father and sister were. I slid in next to them, claiming the window seat.
I took out my phone, to turn off for the flight. I got an incoming text message.

Cameron - Whoever said young love is just a myth, is a total nut job, because I proved them wrong. Sydney, I am madly in love with you. <3

I chuckled a bit, and quickly replied.

Sydney - I love you to the moon and back, Cameron. I hope you will always know that. I’ll call you right when I land in New York, promise. Miss you already. <3

I shut off my phone, sliding it into my bag.
The plane started moving, and I watched out the window as we slowly lifted up off the ground.
I took out the small box Cameron had given me, anxious to see what it was.
I opened it, and in it was a silver necklace, with a “C” charm on it.
Attached, was a note.

My dearest Sydney,
You’re on your way, my dear, 3000 miles across the country.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, the C stands for Cameron. Its just a little something you can remember me by. I love you with all my heart, I really truly do.
I don’t know when we’ll be able to see each other again, but let’s hope it will be soon.
I hope you have fun living in New York. It’ll definitely be a big change, but I know you can handle it. Always remember, its not goodbye. It’s just, “see you later.”
So, I’ll see you later, Syd. <3
Yours truly, Cameron Quiseng

I tucked the note into my wallet; it was something I was going to keep with me forever. My sister helped me put on the necklace, which was absolutely beautiful. I was never going to take it off.

I was going to miss a lot of things, but the one thing I am going to miss the most, is Cameron Michael Quiseng.
I am a 16-year-old girl from a small town known as Poway, California.
I made a promise to my 17-year-old boyfriend, that he will always be my one and only. No matter how far apart we are.
I kept my promise, but he did not.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the first chapter!
I'm not good at beginnings, but I promise it'll get better!
I haven't written a fanfic for about three or four years. (I used to write Jonas Brothers ones.)
So hopefully I didn't do too bad of a job. hahaha.
Well, enjoy! I'll try to update as much as possible.
Comments are also very much appreciated. (: hehehe.
Thanks! <3