Status: In progress!

Thanks for the Memories


The concert was amazing, of course.
Yes, I will admit, I did freak out when I saw Cameron onstage.
But not that “fan girl” type of freak out. It was more like, “That’s the boy who stole my heart and I’m madly in love with”, type of freak out.

I got in line for the meet and greet, anxious to see Cameron’s reaction to me being there. I had no clue what to say to him.
Part of me wanted to just run up to him, jump into his arms, and kiss him like there was no tomorrow.
But of course, this was reality. And doing that would just be plain crazy. I will admit, I wanted to feel his lips against mine again more than anything, but I had to somehow refrain myself from doing so.
Action Item was walking around and meeting random fans, when Mark and I caught each other’s eye. We smiled at each other, and he walked over to me, giving me a hug.
“Fancy seeing you here.” He winked.
I laughed. “Same to you.”
“So, did you like the show?”
“Yeah, you guys were amazing!”
“Thank you. I didn’t see you in the audience though!”
“Oh yeah. I was more towards the back.”
“Oh, okay! Well I’m glad you enjoyed it. So are you excited to meet Allstar Weekend?”
I giggled. “Let’s just say, I’m mostly here for Cameron.”
“So he’s your favorite?”
“I guess you can say that.”
“I bet he’ll love you.”
“I hope so.” I sighed happily. “Cause I sure love him.”

Mark and I talked for a little bit more, when he pointed something out.
“Hey, check it out.” Mark smiled. “Cameron is looking at you.”
I looked up, to see Cameron staring at me. When I looked at him, his mouth dropped a little.
I thought he was going to come up to me and wrap me in a big hug, saying how much he missed me and that he couldn’t believe I was here.
But instead, he whispered something to Nathan, and quickly ran away, going backstage.
“That was weird.” Mark stated.
“Yeah.” I frowned. “It was.”
“Well, I’m going to go meet more fans. Feel free to come by the van after this, we can talk more then.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
He walked off, leaving me by myself. I eventually got to the front of the line, and I walked up to Zach, Michael, and Nathan.
They thanked me for coming, I told them they did great onstage, and we all took a picture together. Minus Cameron.
“Hey, Nathan?” I said, before I left. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did Cameron leave?”
“Cam said he wasn’t feeling well, and that he wanted to rest.” He explained. “So he went to the bus.”
“Oh. That’s weird. Uh, thanks though.” I smiled at him. He smiled back.
“Sorry you weren’t able to meet him, he usually always stays out to meet every fan, no matter how he’s feeling. That really wasn’t like him.”
“Nah, I get it. It’s totally fine. Thanks again.”
I walked outside of the venue, and looked around for the Action Item van. I found it in a parking lot separate from where all the fans parked. It was sitting right next to the Allstar Weekend tour bus. The one Cameron was in.
I stared at it for a minute, hoping Cameron might just happen to come out. But of course, he didn’t. I sighed, and walked over to a ledge that was against the venue wall, and sat on it, having a perfect view of the van for when Mark would come out.

It took about a half hour, but Action Item and Allstar Weekend (well, three fourths of them) finally walked out, talking and laughing. I walked over to them, along with a couple other fans that had been waiting for them to come out.
“You made it out!” Mark smiled, coming up to me.
“I should be saying that to you,” I teased. “I’m the one that’s been waiting out here for half an hour!”
Mark gasped, pretending to be surprised. “A whole thirty minutes?! You must really love me.” He winked, causing me to blush, but we quickly laughed it off.
“I wish I could stay to talk,” Mark frowned. “But we kind of need to get going. Are you going to be at the New Jersey show?”
“When is it?” I asked.
“In two days, on Monday.”
“Damn it, I can’t. I got work.”
“Well, we have the day off tomorrow. Got any plans?”
I smiled. “I didn’t before, but I think I do now.”
“Lunch?” Mark asked, hopefully.
“That sounds lovely.”
We exchanged numbers and hugged each other goodbye.
The Action Item van drove away, and I started walking to my car.
Right when I passed by the Allstar Weekend bus, I heard the door open, and close.
Being the curious person I am, I poked my head around the side of the bus, to see who came out.
It was Cameron.

He walked to the front of the bus, and leaned against it.
I went around to the other side, and stood next to him. He didn’t seem to notice me.
“Hey.” I said quietly, looking at him.
He turned his head. His eyes got big, realizing it was me. He couldn’t run this time.
“Uh, hi.” He tried to smile, but I could tell it was fake. “I didn’t realize there were still some fans here.” Fans? What the hell are you talking about Cameron? I gave him a confused look.
He took a deep breath and continued talking. “So do you want a picture or an autograph? Sorry, I’m just not feeling well and I kind of have to get going to the hotel in a minute, with the rest of the guys.” He seemed really nervous.
“Cameron,” A lump formed in my throat. “It’s me, Sydney.” He moved his gaze so he wasn’t looking at me anymore.
“Have we met before?” He asked.
“Are you kidding me?” I said, hurt.
“What do you mean?”
“You got to be fucking joking.”
He didn’t say anything in response.
“Wow. Just forget it, Quiseng. Forget everything.”

Tears formed in my eyes as I looked up to him. He brought his gaze back to me, looking hurt. Then, in less than a second, I took off running, back to my car.
I threw myself into the drivers seat, and locked the door behind me. I slid down in my seat, and cried.
He doesn’t remember me.
♠ ♠ ♠
**Btw, Sydney wasn't friends with Zach, Nate, & Mikey back in California! So they've never met her, before tonight. But Cameron has told them a lot about her, so they know she exists! aha.

if you didn't notice, i changed the layout. xD
I'll try to post tomorrow, it all depends on how much homework I have!
COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE! Please & thank you. (: Love you guys! <3

Oh, and happy Martin Luther King Day! I'll end this with a little quote.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.