My Perfect Other Half

Chapter Four - Max

I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were more, just like us. The boy was thirteen, the younger girl six. I was amazed that they made it this far; they claimed to have been on the run for three years. They came from “The Laboratory”, somewhere in the wilderness of Canada.

The boy’s name was Brian. With his brown hair, he reminded me of Fang. However, his eyes were grey-green and showed all of his emotions, unlike Fang’s emotionless front. His wings were brown, like his hair. The girl, Kylie, was adorable. She wasn’t smart like Angel, but now much more loveable. She had white-blonde hair, bright green eyes, and pure white wings. Her appearance and personality made me think that she deserved the name Angel much more than the real Angel did. When we found a place on the ground to talk, I spoke.

“Come with us,” I told them.. “We’ll help you. You don’t want to keep going in the same direction.”

Brian thought about it for a minute. I really wanted him to join us, to fill the hole in the heart that had been left from my banishment. Kylie gave him a hopeful look. It seemed as though she wanted to come with us. I gave them both a kind smile, which Dylan mirrored.

“Alright, I suppose so.” Brian told me. A grin appeared as I gave him a hug. Hesitantly, he hugged back. I crouched down in front of Kylie, so we were nearly the same height.

“Hey there,” I whispered. “We’re going to help take care of you now.” A heartbreaking smile appeared on her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug.

“So, have you guys had any trouble with Erasers?” I asked, after Kylie stopped hugging me. She was now holding my hand tightly, as if she was afraid I’d leave her.

“Erasers?” Brian asked, confused.

I gasped. “You know—mutant wolf people that can sometimes fly?”

Brian shook his head. “No, but they sound seriously scary.”

“You think? I hope you know how to fight because they’re getting stronger and smarter.” Dylan said, finally coming into the conversation.

“We had training at the Laboratory. Martial arts. Even Kylie knows how to do it.” Brian told us, sitting on the ground.

“That’s great,” I breathed. I didn’t want to tell them that I attracted them, fearing they’d change their mind and leave.

“Kylie wants me to tell you that she’s really happy that you let us join you.” Brian said, looking nervous. I looked at him oddly.

“Um, okay, you’re welcome Kylie. How do you know that she says that?”

“Oh, uh, we can tell each other things without speaking. In our minds, I guess.”

“That’s pretty cool! Can you hear her thoughts, too, or just what she tells you?” I asked him. He shook his head.

“Just what she tells me. It’s the same for her.”

I nodded. “Okay, but—forgive me for asking—is Kylie mute or something?”

“No, she just doesn’t like talking.” Brian laughed, shaking his head.

We talked for a while, about nearly everything. What we’ve been doing, what to avoid, and other stuff like that. I was smiling a lot, I noticed. I felt as though they were replacing the hole the Flock had left—I wonder if they’d (as in the flock) would care I was completely replacing them. I was set on trying to forget them, what they’ve done, and to just not think about them. But it was so hard. I hated being like this, like those teenagers that are depressed and pretend to be happy when they aren’t. But I am happy, in a way.

“Maxie, you said not to go in the same direction we were going. Why?” Kylie spoke, surprising us all. Her voice was sweet and light, like cotton candy, if that was even possible.

“Maxie?” I questioned at the nickname. Kylie just shrugged with a light smile.

I sighed. “Well, you see, Dylan and I were living with five others like us—”

“Five others?” Brian gasped, interrupting me. “We should—” He stopped after Kylie elbowed and shushed him.

“Anyways, so I was basically leading them…” I began to tell them my story, my whole story, up till now. I strategically left out the part about me crying on the cliff when they had kicked me out. When I was finished, Brian looked a little uncomfortable and Kylie looked sad. I bit my lip, regretting telling them.

It’s going to be okay, Maxie! We’ll help you like you’re helping us. I heard a voice in my head, which no doubt belonged to Kylie. I gaped at her.

“What—” I began, but she tapped her head.

I thought that was only with Brian? It was a statement, but I phased it as a question. She smiled at me.

Me too, but look at us now! I can do it with Dylan too.

Maybe you can do it with everyone. Or maybe just us bird people.

By the time our conversation was over, Brian and Dylan were staring at us. I let out a nervous laugh. “Dylan and I were headed to Texas. Is it alright with you both if we go that way?” I asked them, ignoring their looks.

“Yeah. Fine by me!” Brian told me. “Kylie says so too.”

“We’ll find a place to sleep tonight then leave tomorrow and find food.” Everyone nodded in agreement. We decided to just sleep in the trees, which weren’t the most comfortable, but it was quite safe from anything that may be wandering on the forest floor.

This is a great new start, Max. I heard my voice say, right before I fell asleep. Too tired to answer, I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.
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Second update today (: Kylie isn't actually that similar to Angel, that's just how Max sees her. Same with Brian (originally, his name was Ace, but I changed it).

Back to watching Happy Feet! Just got to the part where Mumble got kicked out by the grumpy old elder penguin *tear*