Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



'Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.'

"Can you just say something?" I demanded, letting my hand fall into my lap as I looked up at the Principle, who looked toward me with a bored expression on his face, as though he had forgotten I was there, even though we both know he hadn't. "Please, you cant just make me sit here in silence."

"I can do whatever I please, and we're only waiting until your father-" the door opened and dad wheeled in, a concerned look on his face. I bit my lip and shrunk down in my seat as he cast his gaze on me, and obviously he was upset. "Ah, Billy. Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you, too, Richard, though I'm guessing this isn't a casual visit," he said, and I could still feel his eyes on me, which caused me to shrink further in my seat, putting a hand up to try and block his gaze from my face, since my hair was rather useless, being pulled up like it was. "What happened?"

"She started another fight, Billy," Richard said to him in a bored, I'd-rather-be-anywhere-but-here voice, tapping his fingers on the desk as he looked between me and my father. I could hear him sigh as he wheeled over to a position beside me and I bit my lip, keeping my hand in place childishly. "I'm sorry, Billy, but I don't think I can do this anymore. The suspension didn't seem to do anything for her, either. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to expel her..."

"Expel?!" I yelled, dropping my hand and gripping the armrest of the chair, looking at him incredulously. "But, but Mr. Boyd, you can't expel me!"

"Yes, yes I can, and I'm afraid that's what I'm going to have to do..." he looked between me and Dad, who sighed once more.

"Of course, Richard..." he said in one of those disappointed voices that a dad uses when he doesn't want to yell but he is really upset. "Come on, Dakotah."

And with that, he wheeled to the door. I sighed softly and stood, heading after him, picking up my bag on the way there. I was allowed to stop at my locker to get my stuff before Dad and I walked out of the school and headed towards the house, me walking behind him. We walked in pure silence, saying nothing, me to afraid to speak and him most likely to disappointed to say anything just yet.

When we reached the house, I helped dad into the house and then headed straight for my room, only for him to call after me, "Dakotah, wait..."

I turned around but kept my eyes on my feet, and said, "I'm sorry, okay? Please don't yell at me. I didn't mean to, I really really didn't. I was doing better, I swear I was, but then Amber.... Amber just...she... Grr."

I ended that with a growl and Dad sighed.

"I'm not angry with you, Dakotah... I'm upset and disappointed, but not angry," he said quietly, with a tired sigh and I peeked up at him, biting my lip. He was looking at me with a sad, forlorn look, and this caused me to sigh inwardly. "But you are grounded."

I sighed and nodded before turning and heading there, only to see the door to Jacob's room cracked open slightly. I bit my lip and snuck over there, peeking in and biting my lip at seeing him dead asleep, and covered in dirt.

'So that's why he wasn't at school today...' I thought with another inward sigh, before I left, closing the door ever so softly, and then heading to my own room. discarding my backpack in the corner before plopping down on my bed and staring at my ceiling.

'Now what am I gonna do for the rest of my day...?' I thought with a sigh, snuggling back into the comforters and, before I could form another legible thought, I was passed out cold on my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I restarted this already XD.

Yea, my friend helped me get a better idea for it, so I decided that I might as well restart it, because that could make my plot line easier to lay out.
So yea, that's why I restarted it, and I think it turned out better than the first time, even though it's shorter (a little bit), but IDK. I just hope that you think it's okay :).

So yea...

Comments are love!