Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"I'm going to meet you at the border line at three tomorrow," I told Alice as we walked down the hallway and towards the entrance of the school. She nodded at me, with a happy smile on her face, and I smiled back softly before going to the door. I turned back one more time to wave at her softly before turning and walking out of the school and towards where my brother's car already sat.

I opened the door and got in, waiting for him to drive off, but, when he didn't, I looked at him, only to see him glaring out the window. Looking in the direction of his line of vision, I saw Edward standing there, looking back at him, a grimace on his face.

I smiled softly before leaning over, cupping my hand against the side of my mouth and, though pretending I was about to whisper, I actually yelled, "Jacob!"

He jumped slightly and looked over in my direction, only to let out a sigh and, as he sat back in his seat, he said, "I'm sorry, Dakotah, I didn't notice that you got in the car."

"Oh, thanks, I feel so loved," I said teasingly, smiling softly at him as I poked his cheek and he chuckled softly at my silliness, rolling his eyes. "Now take me home, Jakey! I gotta talk to Quil!"

He rolled his eyes as he started the car, but I could tell that he was still tense, knowing that Edward was still there. My eyes roamed out the window to see the vampire glaring between the two of us, obviously not happy that we were on the same planet, let alone in the same parking lot. Rolling my eyes, I diverted my eyes from him and looked out the window, contemplating my plan on getting to the boarder line in my head as Jacob drove out of the parking lot and drove us home.

The ride seemed to go faster than even this morning, though we were probably driving slower than we had been forced to this morning, and as soon as we got home, I was out of the car and into the house, my feet carrying me into there as fast as I could go without actually running.

I went to the phone as quick as I could, tossing my backpack aside, not caring if I hurt anything in it, as there was nothing to important, and picked it up, quickly dialing Quil's number.

"Hello?" said a feminine voice into the phone and I sighed to myself, but I tried to keep myself seeming happy.

"Hello, Mrs. Arteara," I said kindly into the phone as I leaned against the desk that had held the phone on it. "It's Dakotah Black. I was wondering if Quil was home...?"

"No, ma'am, I think he went over to Sam's house..." she told me, her voice still holding that motherly kindness in it that I had gotten so used to hearing over my years of being friends with Quil. I let out a breath.

"Okay, thank you..." I said and then hung up the phone before going into the living room, where I had seen Jacob retreat to. I grabbed his arm and attempted to pull him up. "Come on, you're taking me to find Quil, I need to ask him a favor."

"Depends, what's the favor?"

"I'm not telling you, it's private," I said with a roll of my eyes as I crossed my arms and Jacob sighed, rolling his eyes before standing up.

"Fine, but you're going to have to tell me at some point in time," he said and I rolled my eyes, knowing that would most likely never happen. I followed him out of the house and to his car, where he drove me to Sam's.

Walking in, I saw that everyone BUT Quil was sitting in the house, around the table and eating, of course. I sighed softly before a smirk took over and I bounded over, running my hands through Paul's hair, saying, "Oh wow, if it's so soft up here, I can only imagine what it's like down there."

"Shut up," Paul said, elbowing me away from him and I giggled softly, pulling the chair beside him out and turning it around before sitting on it backwards and looking at all of the boys, all of whom were snickering at my comment to Paul and his reply.

"Where's Quil, I need to talk to him," I stated as I looked around at the boys, who all looked curiously at Jacob, who shrugged, leaning against the wall.

"She wont tell me what's up either... but if she needs to talk to Quil, I don't think we should be all that worried... Now if she were going to talk to Embery..."

"Hey! I resent that," Embery yelled with a mouthful of food and I giggled softly, rolling my eyes, before looking over all of them again.

"Soo...?" I questioned after a few moments of silence as I looked at the boys again. One of them had to know where he was, it was just how it is. Everyone in the pack knew where everyone else in the pack was, it was just procedure. And I've become used to that.

"Hey, sexy, looking for me?" Quil asked as he walked into the room and I rolled my eyes, chuckling and nodding as I stood, nodding for him to follow me out of the door. He walked out behind me and as I continued walking until I get far enough away from the house that none of them could hear me before I turned around and looked up at him. "Okay, short stuff, what do you need?"

"I need you to drive me to the boarder tomorrow..." I said quietly, shyly, hating the fact that I couldn't drive myself. I knew it was stupid to be asking one of the pack for help, but I wasn't about to blow off Alice, and it was to far for me to walk.

"Why...?" he asked and I bit my lip, not wanting to tell him, so I looked down at the dirt ground. I ran a hand through my hair and then looked up at him before sighing softly.

"I'm meeting one of my new friends from school...and...she can't cross the boarder..."

"Your meeting a bloodsuck-"

"Shh!" I hissed, putting my hand over his mouth instantly, before he could finish that, not wanting my cover to be blown. I couldn't have the rest of the pack finding out that I was doing something completely against what all of them thought. "I can't have anyone else know, okay? I can't let Jacob know, especially. Just...please... She's not a bad girl, and I really like her, she's already become a great friend and you know that's something I need. So just...just please, Quil. You owe me, please...?"

He looked at me as I slowly removed my hand from his mouth, hoping he didn't begin yelling at me. But, as the look in his eyes changed to one of understanding, he sighed softly and nodded.

"Fine, but I won't be happy about," he said with a look of distaste on his face and I squealed, hugging him.

"Oh thank you! You're the bestest friend ever!"

He chuckled and rolled his eyes softly, "Yea, I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, so this is kind of terrible, and boring and a filler almost, so I'm sorry, but yea....

here you go! the next one should be better :)

and yea...
any comments?

lolz, bai