Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Your thinking about him, aren't you?" Alice asked as we lay in her room. I almost choked on the water that I was drinking, as I hadn't expected those words to come. Just two seconds before we were talking about clothes, and then she had to ask me that.

Actually, she knew that it was true, so she didn't have to ask. And, as I looked at her, my brown eyes holding a look that was a dead give away.

"Look, don't stress about it," Alice said and I sighed softly, looking away from her and towards the wall.

"Of course I'll stress about it, he hates me, Alice, and I don't even know what I did!" I all but yelled. I knew that the people in the house could all hear me, aside from maybe Bella, but at that point I really didn't care. "I know, I know, I'm related to Jacob, but really! That shouldn't have anything to do with me. I didn't make Jacob hate him. I didn't make Jacob fall in love with Bella, and I most certainly didn't make Jacob and Bella-"

I cut myself off, realizing what I was about to say and quickly banished the thought from my mind, knowing Edward would probably try and kill me for it. Looking at my nails, I picked at my already chipped nail polish, thinking of anything other than that.

"He doesn't hate you, Dakotah..."

"Yes, I do," I heard Edward's voice call throughout the house, causing me to let out a sigh and to give Alice a look that said "I told you so".

She had a look on her face that told me she would have hit herself, if she wasn't busy doing her nails. I almost wanted to laugh at this fact, but I didn't. I just let myself fall back on her bed and look up at her ceiling, with a small frown on my face.

"Answer your phone," Alice said with a small smile and I gave her a look, staring at her for a long moment before jumping slightly when my ring-tone went off. I gave her an even stranger look before fishing it out of my pocket and holding it to my ear.

"Yo, yo, yo, it's Dee," I said.

"Where are you?" I could almost hear Jacob rolling his eyes as his voice rang through the phone, asking me that question. I sighed softly and sat up, looking at my watch before my eyes all but bulged out of my eye sockets at seeing the time.

"Oh my holy mother of cookies, I am so sorry!" I all but yelled, standing and running over to Alice's door, throwing on my shoes. "I'm with Alic-son! Ali, remember? Yea, we went shopping, remember?"

I was almost positive he could hear the slight panic in my voice and I sighed, looking at the wall and hearing him sigh, too.

"Just hurry up, Dad's about to pop a vein in his head," he warned and I let out another sigh before hanging up the phone and looking back at Alice.

"Take me to the boarder line?" I questioned and she nodded, as though to say 'of course' and she was instantly on her feet. We headed down the stairs, me ignoring Edward, who was sitting on the couch with Bella again. I thought of something and turned around, looking at Bella. "Please don't tell Jacob I was here, he'll murder me without a second though."

She looked at me for a moment before letting out a sigh, "If he finds out I knew and didn't tell him, he'll kill the both of us."

"That's why he wont find out," I said and then held out my pinkie to her. It was childish, but Bella and I had done that since the day we became friends, which was when she used to come down here all the time in the summer to see her father. She looked at me warily for a moment before sighing and attaching her pinkie to mine. "Oh Bella, your the best!"

I engulfed her in a quick hug before pulling away, and then looking at Edward, I stuck out my tongue child-ishly before running and rushing Alice out of the house. I still needed to get to the beach to wash off the smell of the vampires, and who knew how long that would take.

My dad was so going to kill me...

"Thank you, Alice," I said, smiling as I hugged her quickly as we pulled up to the boarder-line. "I had fun. We should really do this again."

"We should," she said, smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile right back. "Now go before your brother starts to come looking for you."

I smiled and nodded, grabbing my bags from the back of the car (i had made sure to bag them up well so the smell couldn't leak through onto any of them) and then got out, heading through the forest and towards the beach.


"Honey, I'm home!" I said as I skipped into my house, my bags hanging from my arms, seemingly trying to force the circulation from my arms, but I ignored it as I began heading towards my room.

My hair was still dripping from my beach trip, and I was sure that I had gotten all of the smell off of me. I had even changed my clothes to further help with that problem. And, as Jacob walked into my room from the living room, I looked at him and saw no sign that he could smell anything different on me.

"Wow, did you buy out the whole store?" he asked in a teasing voice and I rolled my eyes, giving off a dry laugh as I began to pull my clothes out of the bags and putting them where they belonged in my room.

The last thing I pulled out was the dress, and, as I did so, I could see Jacob tense from beside me. I looked between him and the dress, to see him staring at it intensely. It took me a minute before I realized why.

Alice had touched the dress...

I bit my lip and then raised my eyebrow at him, pretending I didn't know why he was so tense.

"You okay, bro? You look like you just heard your puppy died..." I said and he seemed to snap out of it, looking at me for a long moment before figuring that I didn't know why it smelt so bad to him, causing him to shake his head and crinkle his nose.

"Nothing, that dress just smells..." he said and I rolled my eyes, carrying it to my closet and putting it in, close to the back. "So how was your day? You didn't come home early, so I'm guessing you didn't run off your friend..."

I turned on him with a blazing glare in my eyes before flipping him that not so nice finger. He let out a laugh and then nodded for me to come on.

"Time for supper," he said and I let out a squeal, all but cutting him off.


Then I ran out of the door, pushing past him and scurrying down to the dining room and eating just about as much as Jacob.

And that's saying a lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh emm gee, I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to take so long to update, I've just been so busy, and then there was a while I got my computer literally confiscated from me. The only time I was able to be on was at school, and then my dad took it away as soon as I would get home.

So yea, I know, I'm terrible, but I haven't updated anything in a long long time.

So I'm so sorry.
