Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Alright, class, today I will be putting you in partners to complete..." was the first and only thing I remember hearing in History class, before I completely zoned out, even knowing it was probably a bad idea, but not being able to help it as I looked in the direction of Edward Cullen.

It had been a full week, and his hatred for me hadn't relented a single bit. It was annoying, really.

I had been trying to even get him to be civil towards me, even if Alice kept telling me not to worry about it, but I couldn't help but worry about it. I hated when people hated me for something that wasn't my fault, and I really wished that I had time to get to the bottom of it, but he just...


I felt his eyes on me upon my thinking about him, his signature glare still fixed on me, and I pursed my lips, looking at him, unfazed, propping my chin on my hand. His eyes glared into mine, and, despite myself, I couldn't help but notice their dark, liquid gold color. Such a pretty, pretty color.

"Dakotah Black and Edward Cullen."

My head snapped to the teacher and then back to Edward, and an inevitable, "What?" passed my lips before I could stop it. This time, both the teacher AND Edward were glaring at me, causing me to flush and I quickly buried my face in my arms.

There was no way this was going to end well.

"I'll explain it to you later," I heard Alice whisper to me a few moments later, after the teacher had begun to list off more names for partners.


"So what are we doing our project on?" I asked as I leaned against the locker next to Edward's. He just continued to get his stuff ready to leave for the day. "Edward..." I poked his arm. "Hellooooo??" I poked at him again.

I continued this again, until he finally grabbed my finger, gripping tight enough that it hurt really bad, and he looked into my eyes as he bent my finger back, saying in a dead calm voice, "Stop.Touching.Me."

"Technically, now you're the one touching me," I managed to get out, and he pursed his lips, releasing my finger and going back to going through his locker. "What are we going to do our project on."

"Go away," was how he responded.

"Ya know, I don't recall ever hearing about that time in history, but ya know, I wouldn't mind doing it on something I've never heard of, and-"

He looked at me, those golden eyes holding an even darker glare at my smart ass response, causing me to purse my lips.

"Alright, listen here, I'm sick of your attitude, but I normally can just sit back and ignore it because I really don't care if you hate my guts," I stated, glaring right back at him, standing up straight. I hated that I had to be almost a whole foot and a half shorter than him. "But there is no way I'm getting an F on this project because you're an asshole. I'm not my brother, and I've never done ANYTHING to you. So yes, it bothers me, but I don't care that you're a jerk to me in any other place, but school is not something you should be an ass to me about. Because unlike you, I have to TRY to pass my classes, because I haven't lived for only God knows how fucking long. So for once, just stop being an ass and talk to me about what we're going to do and when we're going to work on it."

He looked at me for a long moment and then closed his locker and turned, walking away.

I let out a growl/scream thing, stomped my foot and then stormed out of the school, not looking at anyone as I stormed to my brother's car and got in.

"Hey, you oka-"

"Just drive, Jacob."
♠ ♠ ♠

I've been so preoccupied. But I promise to try and update more, and try to get more out more often like I did before. I just hope ya'll don't hate me, and I hope you don't think this totally sucks.

again, I'm so sorry.

I hope you enjoyed this even though it's way later than it should have been..
