Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



I let out a breath as I lay in bed that night, trying to think of all the different projects that I could just finish and pretend that Edward helped on, because I figured, I really couldn't risk a bad grade just because he was an ass.

And I really didn't want to sit around and just let him do it, because then I wouldn't feel accomplished at all.

I pursed my lips as I tapped my pencil on my notebook.

I just didn't understand why he was such an ass. I mean, sure, I was related to Jacob, but what was going on between them had nothing to do with me.

It was ridiculous to me. I wasn't mean to him (except when I just yelled at him), I had never done anything to make him think I was mean, and I had even tried to be kind to him, even though it was probably the worst idea in the world to try and be, if Jacob had found out about it.

"God!" I muttered, tossing my books away and then slamming my pillow over my head and trying to get myself not to think about it.

"Dakotah?" a voice questioned from the doorway and I peeked out from under my pillow, looking to see Jacob at my door.

"Yea?" I asked, moving into a sitting position as I gave him my full attention.

"You okay? You've been locked in here since we got home..." he said, his eyes showing genuine concern, and I shrugged, moving and picking up my stuff from beside my bed.

"I little ticked...this dude in my class..." I shook my head as I set everything back up the way I had it before. "We have this assignment, and I need his help, but he's just...uncooperative.."

He chuckled as though he thought this was super funny, and I rolled my eyes, throwing my pillow at him, but smiling despite myself.

He caught the pillow and tossed it back, smiling at me as he said, "Don't worry about it, you're a braniac, you'll think of something. Even if you don't get him to cooperate. And if you cant, you can always complain to the teacher to get him to help. Now, are you sure that was it? You seem a little more stressed for it being something that small.."

I rolled my eyes, figuring that would be his options, before smiling softly at him, to reassure him that I was okay, even when I knew inside that I wasn't completely okay. I didn't even know why he was getting on my nerves so badly.

I let out a breath after Jacob had said his goodbyes and left my room, after telling me that Bella was going to come over early tomorrow and then was going to be the one to give me a ride.

That was another thing on the list of confusing things that cluttered my mind as I tried to get back to work, wishing that I could just get everything in my head to shut up and focus on the task at hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry, it's kind of sucky, I only have half of my brain today, but I really wanted to update. Because I'm sick of promising quick updates and then failing to keep those promises.

So yea...

I'll do better next time, I swear, I'm working on betting the rest of my brain back ASAP. And the next one, I'm going to try and make it better, and hopefully I can succeed that time.
