Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"The Holocaust."

That is the first thing I heard the next day during History class, as I sat at my desk, attempting to write in my notebook, when a few things were placed on top of my own, causing my pencil to slip and roll onto the floor.

I looked up, slightly surprised, only to see no one there. And then I heard a sigh to my left, causing me to look over and see Edward sitting in the desk beside me, holding out my pencil lazily, not even glancing in my direction.

"Oh, right, the holocaust.." I said, quickly taking my pencil from him and looking down at my books. "That...that sounds like an alright topic..."

When, in my head, I was actually cursing myself for not having of thought of that one. I moved the books over off of my notebook and erased the stray line that had come from my pencil, as I let out another breath.

The teacher than got the classes attention just long enough to tell us that we would be working on said project for that class period.

"Okay, so...we could start by..." I bit my lip as I turned toward Edward, who was looking at me with a look that told me he'd rather be doing anything else than talking to me, causing me to bite my lip and look back down at the paper.

I said nothing after that for a few long minutes, before letting out a breath and running a hand through my hair.

"Really? We're going to start that already?" I looked back at him with pursed lips. "I mean, I don't expect you to be nice to me... But the least you could do is not glare at me the whole time we try to work on this project..."

He stared at me for a long moment, before rolling his eyes and taking one of the books from me.

"I had this idea, that we could start with talking about Hitler, and his views and why he started it, and then lead into how bad it got over the years that it went on and such..." he said quietly as he flipped open the book, and I bit my lip, nodding as I opened a book and started penciling down notes, just as he started doing beside me.


"Okay, so we'll meet up tomorrow at the library?" I asked Edward as we walked down the hallway, a good distance put between us by him, but still close enough that we could discuss our project.

"Sure," he said and I could here a tone in his voice that he was thinking 'The sooner we're done with this project, the better'. I let out a breath and nodded softly before parting ways with him, going up to my locker.

"Hey, so Edward's cooperating?" Alice asked as she walked up and I looked at her.

"I knew there was something different, Alice," I said, rolling my eyes softly, but smiling as I opened my locker. "What did you do?"

"Just...talked..." she said, trying to sound nonchalant, but I could tell that it was more than that, causing me to smile even bigger.

"Well, thank you," I said, getting all of the stuff I'd need for home that weekend and closing my locker. Alice smiled and patted my shoulder, causing me to chuckle softly as we began walking towards the door. "At least we'll get the project done. And then I wont have to worry about trying to deal with him anymore.."

"He's not that bad..." she said and I looked at her before rolling my eyes and letting out a small laugh. "He's not! He's just...not that..."

"I understand," I rolled my eyes and let out a breath and running my hands through my hair again. "He hates me because I'm related to Jacob and not only are they mortal enemies because of what ya'all are, but because they both are in love with Bella. Blady-blah-blah-blah..."

She laughed softly and then said, "Okay, Dakotah, I'll see you on Monday."

She had managed to say this so cheerfully that I couldn't help but smile brightly, giggling as I said my farewell to her as well, turning and walking towards Bella's truck, as I was told I was supposed to ride home with her as I had ridden to school with her that morning.

"Yo, Bella," I said, my smile still in tact, causing her to chuckle softly.

"Hi, Dakotah," she said as she started her truck and pulling out of the school parking lot.

"So..wanna do me a favor?"
♠ ♠ ♠

8 Stars!

Wow, and 200 readers, and 50 subscribers. That just...that makes me very happy :) Like, I keep smiling when I think about it.
So thank you to all of the people actually reading and enjoying it, and thanks even more to the people commenting and telling me they like this.

And I'm sorry if this is sucky. I tried to make it good, but my head isn't completely here yet, so yea :(
But a new comment made me want to update again today :) So yea.

also, I keep forgetting to put this up here. I made this a while ago, out of boredom, and Now I'm finally going to share it with you.
Hope you like it :)