Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Thank you so much, Bella," I said as she drove us towards Forks. I knew that if I had tried to explain to Jacob why I needed to go to the library in Forks, his head probably would have blown up.

"It's not a problem, I know you really don't have a choice otherwise... and I know that Jacob wouldn't have taken it very well..." she replied, a soft smile forming across her lips as Jacob entered her thoughts. I bit my lip as I thought about what she was doing.

I know that he hated me, but I felt really bad for Edward. I mean, yea, I felt bad for Jacob, but at least he knew about Edward. Edward had no idea what Bella was doing to him. And that made me feel absolutely terrible inside.

"Yea, I know he wouldn't have," I said, gazing out the window and biting my lip. I tapped my fingers against the pile of books that rested in my lap and let out a breath.

"Well, we're here," she said after a while, stopping in front of a building. It, much like the school, was just a solid brick building, with a few windows, and the only way of identifying what it was was a sign out front that said, in plain lettering 'Forks Public Library'.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, before looking at Bella, smiling softly and thanking her, and then opening the door and getting out, holding my books close as to protect them from the rain as I headed inside.

I found Edward sitting at a table in the back, his head buried in a book and a frustrated look on his face. I had planned on sneaking up, slamming my stuff down and yelling, 'boo', but, as I started, his hands were out, grabbing my books, and he said, in a tense voice, "Dont.Even.Think.About it."

"Okay then..." I said, trying not to smile to big as I sat across from him, but, when I saw the scowl on his face, my smile fell and I bit my lip. I gingerly took my books from him and opened the top notebook. "Uhm, I already kinda started it... just a little..."

He took it from me before I could say anything else and read it over.

"That's actually surprisingly good.." I heard him admit quietly as he finished and I sighed softly.

"Yea, of course that would be a surprise to you," I rolled my eyes and he looked over at me with apathetic eyes. "Why do you do that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said as he passed me my notebook back, looking back down at the books.

"Yes, you know exactly what I'm talking about," I protested, taking away the book and closing it. "You keep assuming that just because I'm a Black, I'm just terrible and so is everything I come in contact with."

"Because you are and so is everything you come in contact with, just like the rest of your godforsaken family," he said, not even trying to hide the hatred in his voice as he said this, looking up at me with dark gold eyes.

"You don't even know me!" I yelled, standing and slamming my hands down, glaring at him. It felt good to be taller than someone when yelling at them for once.

"Shh," a voice cut in and I looked over to see an elderly lady with graying hair and those typical granny glasses peeking around one of the book shelves, a scolding look on her wrinkled face and a pale finger pressed against her chapped lips.

I pursed my lips, looked at the books with a glare and plopped back down in my chair. I could hear the click of her heels as she walked back to what I assumed was the desk and then looked up at Edward again.

"It's not fair to assume that I'm a bitch or whatever it is you think I am just because of my blood," I said in a harsh whisper, knowing he could hear me no matter how low I spoke. "You don't know a single thing about who I am. It wouldn't be fair of me to assume that you're a sparkling gay bastard just because that's what Jacob tells me. And I don't think that. I'm sure you're really nice under all of that dick-ness."

Everything was silent as I picked up a pencil and opened the book that I had taken from Edward, looking through where I had seen him. It was a bunch of stuff on the concentration camps and all of what happened there.

I cringed at one of the pictures before looking up at him, "How can you read this..?"

He just rolled his eyes, but I could see the soft smirk that formed across his lips and he took the book from me again, saying, "It's not to bad. If you've lived as long as I have, you would know there's a lot worse out there than this."

I thought about that for just a moment before cracking a smile and rolling my eyes as well.


And things actually started to go smoother than I thought after that.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry, does it suck? XP

And YAY, thank you to the two other people that commented, it made me smile :). And sorry, also, I may not be able to update as much as I'd like to within the next two weeks, because I'm going to be with the bestest, most amazing person in the world.

So yea... But I'll try to update as much as I can get in, but if I end up not updating at all, then I apologize greatly, and know that I'm still thinking of how to write the next chapter and that it is in my head, even if I don't update within that time.

But yea...Hope it's not as terrible as I think..
