Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



I bit my lip as I walked into History class the following Monday, hoping beyond hope that Edward's new found niceness had lasted throughout the weekend, but new better than to actually get my hopes up.

When I sat down, however, I was surprised that he actually turned to me with a small smile on his face, and said in a soft voice, "I found some more information that we might be able to use on our project."

I looked at him and realized to late how shocked I must have looked, as his smile instantly became amused. I bit my lip and blinked a few times, before smiling a soft smile of my own and nodding.

"Alright, cool," I said, sitting back in my seat and placing my books on the desk, looking at them. We sat in a silence after that that was almost...comfortable?

"Okay, class, today we're going to be taking a break from our projects and start on..." I cut the teacher off after that, going off into a wonderment of my own, trying to figure out what had caused Edward to be so nice.

"Just...talked..." Alice's voice from the other day filtered through my head and I bit my lip.



"Okay, what on Earth did you say to him, exactly?" was the first thing I said to Alice after that class as I walked up to her, hands on my hips and a serious look on my face, despite the small smile that was formed on my lips.

She looked at me, her dark golden eyes holding an obviously false innocent look, the smile on her face mocking her eyes.

"What ever do you mean?" her voice also mocked the innocence as she turned back to her locker, shoving in the books she wouldn't need for the next class and taking out the ones that she would need.

I rolled my eyes at her and said, "What did you say that made Edward stop being as much of a...dick?"

I had said it in a demanding voice, crossing my arms over my chest and tapping my foot as though I were an impatient child, causing her to chuckle as she closed her locker and began walking towards her (erm, our) class.

"I don't know what you mean, Dakotah," she said, looking at me with those dark golden eyes again, keeping them on me and yet having no problem moving out of the way before running into anyone. "Maybe he just had a change of heart?"

I laughed dryly, not being able to control the roll of my eyes at that one, causing her to chuckle that bell sounding chuckle as well.

"Change of heart, my ass, what did you say to him?" I asked, my smile still on my face despite my seriousness and dry laugh, causing her to chuckle as well, looking ahead.

"I didn't say anything to him, I swear," she said, and then she walked into the classroom. I followed her in and, just as I went to say something else, the bell rang, cutting me off before I was able to say anything else.
♠ ♠ ♠
and 261 readers and 68 subscribers!

haha, that makes me happy :) I just...I don't even know what to say to that, it makes me extremely happy.

Anyway. I'm so sorry it's been so long since the last time I've updated. I know I promised it would only be two weeks, but I've tried so hard to write this chapter, and I've been at such an extreme writer's block for it, so it probably sucks.

And for that, as well as it's severe shortness, I sincerely apologize, but yea...
Hope you enjoyed anyway :).. and I promise to make the next chapter a seriously lot longer.