Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



Within the next few weeks, Edward and I actually became friends. We talked during our free-time in class, he actually smiled more and acted like I wasn't a disease. Even when I was over at their house to see Alice, I found myself talking to him just about as much, if not more, than I talked to Alice (depending on if Bella was there or not).

It was weird, but I found myself liking it. I didn't really know how to react to being friends with someone like Edward, who had hated me before he even knew me. And who I was supposed to hate with every fiber of my being because of who he was and who I was.

I found myself slowly not caring, however, as I got to know more about who he was and how he really acted when he got to know someone, himself.

But, as time went on, and we got closer, I also started to feel more and more guilty for what I knew about Bella and Jacob. I'd actually figured out how nice he was, and then I had to hide something like this from him.

I mean, I didn't want to tell him, because I already knew by how he looked at Bella every day how badly it would hurt him. But it actually was starting to hurt me that he didn't know.

"Earth to Dakotah, come in Dakotah," I heard a voice say, suddenly interrupting my thoughts and I looked to see Seth staring at me with those big brown eyes of his. "Finally, I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes! Billy's going Charlie's for a game so you are going to be joining me and Jacob and the gang at Sam and Emily's for supper, and I'm supposed to bring you."

He was smiling almost triumphantly as he said this, his brown eyes shining with an almost child-like innocence, and I couldn't help but smile back. He had always been my favorite of the group, and I had always seemed to be his.

I think he had a crush on me, but I never bothered to ask, because that would make things awkward.

"Okay, Seth," I nodded, looking back down at my notebook. I closed my notebook and tossed it away before looking back up at Seth. "I couldn't concentrate on my homework anyway."

I loved going to Emily and Sam's place for supper. Emily was amazing and I loved her. She was really nice and she always treated me like family, even if I wasn't technically family, since I wasn't like any of them, nor was I related to any of them, minus Jacob. But, of course, they'd all accepted Bella, and she hung out with vampires for almost a year before meeting any of them.

The pack was just nice, which is why I loved all of them. No matter how one sided they were when it came to vampires, they were all really nice once you got to know them. And truthfully, they were all like the big family I'd always wanted as a kid.

We left for Sam and Emily's shortly after, arriving there as we were laughing while talking about something that I forgot about almost as soon as we walked into the house and saw Paul and Jacob about to tear each others heads off.

"Hey!" I yelled, getting in between the two of them, even knowing that it's dangerous to do that with them being so close to phasing, but I didn't care. I could see the two of them shaking as they glared into each others eyes and pursed my lips, pressing my hands against each of their chest. "What the hell is wrong with you two?!"

"Stay out of it, Dakotah," Paul warned as he pushed me back, only causing my anger to start rising as well.

"What...?" asked a voice from the door and I turned, and, upon seeing Bella, I suddenly realized the problem between the two males. Out of everyone, he was the only one that couldn't accept Bella's existence in all of our lives. He wanted nothing to do with her, and he wanted her to stay as far away from La Push and him as possible.

I sighed and got between them, looking at Paul harshly, saying in a dead calm voice, "I suggest you go outside with your whiny baby ass before you do something you'll regret."

Paul glared down at me, going to say something, but Sam had come back in the room and taken a look at the scene and grabbed Paul's arm, knowing that if he got Paul out, I could handle Jacob.

Once Paul was out, I turned to Jacob and looked him in the eyes.

"Calm down, Paul's an ass, he's not worth hurting people for, and if you phase and hurt me or Bella, not only will you regret it, you'll have dad all over your ass," was what I said to him. He looked down at me and then ran a hand through his hair, rolling his eyes.

"You are so annoying."

And then he walked over to Bella. I almost flinched as I saw the two kissing, that feeling of guilt suddenly filling my stomach again. And, to say the least, supper was very, very awkward.
♠ ♠ ♠

Here it is :)

Thank you so much to the people that commented, it made me smile and I hope you guys like this chapter as well.
And I don't have much to say now, so that's it...
