Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?




This was the first thing I said to Alice the next morning at school, smiling as she turned around and smiled at me, saying, "Hello, Dakotah."

"Aww, I didn't scare you...?" I pouted falsely and she chuckled softly, smiling as she turned back to her locker and grabbed all of the stuff she'd need.

"Yes, honey, you scared me so bad that I was shaking in my boots," she said, feigning sympathy, and I just giggled, rolling my eyes as we began walking down the hall. We were soon met up by Edward, who was smiling happily and who had Bella hanging off of his arm.

I bit my lip as those thoughts started coming back, but quickly shook them off, starting to recite a random Eminem song in my head as I looked at the two of them and smiled, "Hi, Edward. Hi, Bella."

"Hi, Dakotah," Bella was the first to speak up, smiling at me softly. She was perfectly fine with me being around her and the Cullens, just as long as I said nothing to Edward. I didn't have to hear her say it to know that that's what she was thinking.

"Good morning, Dakotah," Edward said, smiling softly at me, though I could tell by the look on his face that he was confused by my thought process.

"How are you on this lovely rainy day?" I questioned, causing him to chuckle softly at my slight sarcasm.

"I've been fine, and yourself?"

I just shrugged, looking ahead of us, but was still smiling softly, repeating the Eminem song over and over in my head to keep all of the other things out.

I could feel Edward's eyes on me as we walked, while still thinking that song, and I looked at him, raising my eyebrow as though I had no idea why he was so confused, even though I knew why.

He only shook his head and looked at Bella, getting into some kind of conversation with her that I toned out, as I looked at Alice and she began talking with me. I gladly welcomed the distraction, smiling as we continued talking until the bell rang, signaling that it was time for us to go to class.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry, don't hate me because it's short, I have been so out of my head and have been getting a few new ideas, which makes my head all the more wonky cuz they try to focus just on those, and it's just...
I'll make sure to make the next one super longer, I mean, I'm gonna need something to get my mind off of school once I start on Monday XP so yea.

Anyway, I hope you liked it even though it was super short and suck-ish.

Again, I'm really, really sorry..
