Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



It was dark out when I was fully aware of anything going on again. My eyes opened and I sat up, looking around before everything came piling down on me, causing me to let out a sigh, looking down at my lap.

The moon illuminated quite a bunch through my window, so I could see relatively clearly as I stood and walked towards my door, my original intention to get a glass of water as I walked out of my room. I made sure not to make any noise as I went, almost positive that everyone in the house was asleep by now.

And then I heard talking.

"No, Dad, we cant send her there!" I heard Jacob yell suddenly and then I instantly was against the wall, holding my breath as I inched closer to where I heard the voices coming from. "It's dangerous there."

"It's the closest, easiest place, Jacob... Unless you would like to drive thirty minutes to and back from Port Angel es," I heard my dad say in one of those "calm-but-stern" voices and I could just see the look on his face as they talked amongst themselves.

"It's better than letting her be around.... them," and I instantly knew, with the venom he held in his voice, who they were talking about and where my father was trying to send me. I wouldn't even have to ask later on what they were talking about.

I heard Dad sigh and then the wheels on his wheelchair could be heard moving a little bit before he said, in such a quiet voice I almost couldn't hear, "Jacob, she knows better than to get associated with them. And Bella will be there to make sure that nothing could happen to her. You're always the one telling me that I need to trust her more, this could be our test to see if I really can."

I bit my lip as I heard Jacob growl lightly and then I heard him sigh.

"Fine..." he said quietly, and reluctantly. "But I'm not going to be happy with it. And I am going to be making sure that Bella keeps a close eye on her."

"Of course."

"Please don't make me go..." I said as I walked into the room, biting my lip. "I don't wanna go to Forks! Especially not if I'm just going to be babysat by Jacob's girlfriend. I'd rather go to Port Angel es, and I'd drive myself as soon as I'm old enough."

Both of them looked at me as I leaned against the doorway, biting my lip and looking at them with a serious look and both of them looked at me with a slightly shocked look. Dad was the first one to recover, as he sighed softly and gave me one of those "I'm-your-father-and-I-love-you-but-you-have-no-say-in-this" type of looks. That caused a sigh to escape my lips, too.

"Look, you got expelled from this school, and I really wouldn't feel comfortable sending you off to Port Angel es, to many things could happen between here and there," he said with one of those wise voices he liked to use. "A lot less could happen to you in Forks, even with the vampires there."

I bit my lip and looked at him with a tired expression and knew that he would be winning this argument. Because he was the dad, and dad's always trumped daughters. No matter how much that rule sucked.

"Fine," I said quietly, turning and walking out of the room, forgetting all about my water as I thought about going to Forks High School. I guess it couldn't be that bad. And I had never gotten a chance to meet any of the vampires, so this could be my perfect excuse to. Not that I'd ever admit that to Jacob or anything.

With a tired sigh, I plopped on my bed, but knew that I would never get back to sleep that night, as to many things were going on in my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
aha, kinda short. I wrote, like, half of it during Algebra-Fashion design CD, and I WOULD have posted it in school, but I had no way of getting the banner on here there, so yea *nods*.

CD, anyway, I don't have a lot to say, so...

Comments are love :)

(also, thank you to the two people who did and the people who have subscribed already :) really making my day :) )