Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?


"So why are you avoiding showing me you're thoughts?"

I looked towards Edward and raised my eyebrow, pretending I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about, even though we both knew that I very well did. He gave me a look that told him to tell him, but I only shrugged and looked back down at my notebook.


"I don't know what you're talking about." I stated, still looking at my notebook, my mind concentrating on some old pop song that I can't even remember the name of.

"Well, there's the fact that you're singing old songs in you're head as to pointedly keep me away from something," he said and I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my head.

"Look, it's nothing, really, just... Don't worry about it." I stated, looking at him honestly yet seriously. "Now, let me hear it from you, red head, how are you doing today?"

He let out a breath, obviously upset over my masking my thoughts, but smiled a small smile anyway, nodding softly, "I've been fine, and you...?"

"Just fine," I smiled and nodded and then we lapsed back into silence, him obviously trying to pry into my thoughts and find out what it was exactly that I was hiding from him.


"So you're certainly making friends with the Cullens..." Bella said as she drove me home, not looking at me.

"You already know that I won't tell Edward about you and Jacob, so just-"

"No, I'm not talking about that. I just... I want to know WHY... I mean, why you get along with them... Living with the wolves, how do you get over the fact that they're what they are?"

"How did you?" I retaliated, giving her a look, causing her to get that surprised smile, as she had no idea how to respond to that, and I knew that.

"T-that is completely different." She stated, her eyes flickering between me and the road. I gave her a look that read 'how', which caused her to bite her lip. "It... Just answer my question."

"I'm not the wolves, I give people chances before I decide that I hate them, and Alice and Edward aren't hateable when you actually get to know them," I said, nodding, hoping she'd be happy with that answer.

I couldn't tell, though, as she was completely silent.

"You should tell him..." I said after a few minutes of silence and she acted as though she was choking for just a moment before her shocked eyes peered over at me. "Or... Choose... One of them... Neither of them deserve what your doing... I mean, I won't tell him... And I won't make Jacob come to his senses... But you need to choose... And the sooner, the better...."

She didn't respond.

In fact, she didn't say anything to me for the rest of the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohh emm gee, Chapter 20!!! :D I have NEVER gotten this far in a story that I was posting online, and a lot of the credit goes out to the readers for reading and to the people who keep commenting. :D so happy.

Haha, but yea, anyway, I'm sorry if this seems short, I'm on my dad's phone, but inspiration struck, so I had to write. -nods- so yea, that's also why there's not one of those little cover thngy's at the top, so sorry.
I might add one when I get on the computer, but I dunno... Do you guys want me to?

Lol, anyway, comments??
