Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



It was silent for a long while. Edward just stood there next to me, his hand gripping my arm still, but very loosely now. I could have (and should have) pulled my arm away and ran, but I couldn't get myself to do so.

The deep, slicing guilt had filled me to my very core, as though I had been the one given the bad news, and I wanted to cry when I dared a look at his forlorn face.

And then a small, almost broken, "What?" came from him, his grip on my arm tightening ever so slightly again.

I took a shaky breath, peeking up at him and whispering, so low I was amazed even he heard me, "Please...don't make me say it out loud..."

A growl emitted from deep in his throat, such an animalistic sound that it made me jump in surprise, falling backwards as he released my arm. My eyes tracked his movements as best I could as he ran, almost vampire speed, to a near tree, punching it hard.

The snap of it breaking and falling was the last I heard from him before he ran off.

I don't know how long I sat there, staring at the fallen tree, the place he had last stood. But an eternity later, the school bell pulled me back into reality enough to get up and finish out the day as best I could, my thoughts never leaving the guilt from having told him that.


I ran towards Bella's house, anger coursing through my veins. And that anger only increased when I saw the mutt's car sitting out front.

I pounded on the door, cracking it down the middle. I could smell the mutt from outside, and it only made my anger grow.

When no one answered, I just stormed in, throwing the door open roughly, nearly breaking it off the hinges, and then following the scent of that dog.

I found them on the couch, and a growl erupted from my throat upon seeing his arms around my Bella, his lips on MY Bella's.

They pulled apart, but only just before I pulled Jacob off the couch and threw him into a wall, a dent forming where he hit. I knew I shouldn't do anything in the house, as not to break anything.

But, as I saw his eyes glaring up at mine, and Bella's voice yelling his name in worry, I lost it. I lunged, punching him harshly, repeatedly, relishing in the sound of his bones cracking beneath my every punch.

He attempted to fight back, but I moved to fast.

"STOP!" I heard Bella repeat, over and over, but I didn't listen. I just kept beating him, letting all of the anger of what I'd just heard fall upon him. But Bella's voice posed as my ultimate downfall, distracting me and saddening me enough that he was able to push me off of him.

I went to stand and lunge at him once more, only for Bella to jump in the way.

"Stop." she looked at me, eyes filled with tears and worry before turning and running to the mutt's side, brushing his hair from his face and whispering repeatedly to him, asking him if he was okay.

I growled and glared at the scene before saying, "We're done."

And then I left, not bothering to see if she'd try to stop me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry this one's short too, but hey, TWO IN ONE DAY! I rock, don't I?

So yea, this is gonna be sooo awesome. But yea. Hope you enjoyed the drama, my lovelies ;)

What do you think will happen nneeexxxttt.
Only I know :).
