Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Morning," I said as I entered the kitchen a few days later, heading straight toward the cabinet in which held all of the cereal boxes, taking out a box of Froot Loops.

"Morning, Koti," Jacob said as he ate out of his own bowl quickly, as though trying to literally inhale the food and I laughed as I grabbed my own bowl, smirking in his direction as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"A. Make sure not to eat the bowl while you inhale that cereal, and B. Can you even taste what's going down your throat??" I asked, raising my eyebrow to mock his and he chuckled, rolling his eyes and pushing me softly.

"Shut up," he said as I stumbled a little and then stuck my tongue out at him before pouring my bowl of cereal and leaning on the counter next to him, taking a bite of my cereal and then looking up at him. He seemed to be in a deep thought, however that was possible with how fast he was shoving the cereal down his throat.

"Are you sure your a werewolf? You act more like a vacuum," I teased and he playfully glared at me before ever so maturely sticking his tongue out at me and I made a grossed out moan, turning my head away at the bits of food that were stuck on his tongue. "You are so immature, Jake!"

"You're one to talk..." He muttered and I chuckled, rolling my eyes and eating more of my cereal. We lapsed into another silence, causing me to bite my lip after a short few seconds, and, just as I was about to say something, he spoke up again. "Alright, so we have to leave soon." I bit my lip. "Now, you remember the rules, right?"

"Yes, Jacob, and I wouldn't have done any of those things anyway," I said, rolling my eyes. "I wont get involved with any of the vampires, in any way shape or form. I wont start any fights, I'll listen to my teachers, blah-di-blah-blah-blah..."

I kept my gaze on my bowl as I said these things, desperately attempting not to roll my eyes as I took another bite of it and then smiled softly as I heard his annoyed sigh.

"This is serious," he said, as though I needed him to tell me that. I knew not to start fights and I knew that I needed to try harder to listen at this school. And as for the vampire thing, I wouldn't even think of associating with them.


"Now, come on, we better go or we'll both be late for school," he said and I rolled my eyes, drinking the rest of my milk and then running and grabbing my bag and going to his car, him following close behind.

The car ride seemed shorter than it actually was, as we talked almost the whole way there, about just about anything. That was the joy of being around Jacob, to a lot of people, he seemed cold and distant, but with me, that wasn't the case.

As lame as it might sound to some people, my brother was my best friend and we told each other everything.

"Alright..." He said suddenly and I looked out, shocked to see that we were already at the school. I bit my lip and looked up at the school and then back at her. "Are you gonna be okay? We can still go back and try to convince dad to send you to Port Angeles."

"No, I'll be okay..." I said quietly, shaking my head and then looking at him with a smile. "You taught me to be afraid of nothing. And I intend on using that information in everything."

He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"You are such a cheese ball!" he said and I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Well fine then, scat! I have to get back to La Push before I'm late for school. Because if I'm late, your going to get in trouble for it."

I sighed and rolled my eyes before opening my door, without a second glance back at him, saying "Bye, Jacob!" in a high pitched, girly voice and then giggling as I shut the door and skipped into the school, a large smile on my face as I went.
♠ ♠ ♠

Haha, another chapter! I plan on updating my other stories in the next few days, too, I was just super motivated today, cuz in about thirty minutes after I posted, I already had two comments (one within five minutes after it was posted)

So that made me really happy :D.

See, comments=good things happening.
