Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



I had to be careful at school from now on. This made me feel extremely terrible, because, without Bella as a friend, I couldn't be around Alice. And, even if she didn't, I couldn't be around Edward.

Without the three, it hurt.

In Forks, I had no friends. Absolutely no one...and it just...

Let's just say, the days after Bella officially hated me were torture.

I would still talk to Alice, of course. When we had classes together, we'd talk to each other as much as possible.

But I couldn't sit with her at lunch or walk down the halls with her, with the risk of Bella seeing us together.

And that pissed me off. I wanted to hate her for it, but I guess I knew I had it coming. I should have never said absolutely anything about it to Edward. But SHE should have. She should have told him, a long time ago, and IF she had, I never would have had to tell him myself, and I could still be friends.

"You look out of it," Alice said one day during class, waving her hand in front of my face as I was staring off into space, and I sighed softly, looking down.

I rested my head in my arms and closed my eyes tightly.

"I'm hated by someone who's been my friend since I was born, basically, my brother spends almost all of his time with her, so I don't get to see him much, and now that she hates me, I can't spend any time with you during school," I said, pursing my lips, trying not to sound to bitter, but I knew that I failed. "And then there's Edward..."

She sighed softly, looking at me with a look of sympathy that made me grind my teeth.

"Look, everything is going to get better, I promise...." she whispered, her lovely bell voice looking at me with compassion and sympathy. "I've seen it. I know that it's going to be alright."

"Then tell me," I said, looking up and glaring at her, knowing that she had to be lying. She just had to be lying, because how could it possibly get better?

But a mischievous smile crossed her face and she looked at me with completely honest eyes, "I can't tell yoouuu, it's a surprise."

I let out a quiet growl, looking back at the notebook on my desk and rolling my eyes.

"You should come spend the night with me tonight, that way we CAN hang out and have fun and could take your mind off of all of the stuff happening lately!" she said in a giggling voice, a gleam in her honey eyes that I didn't quite recognize. But it made me nervous.

"I don..." she looked at me, her eyes suddenly pleading and I sighed. "Edward...?"

"It wont matter, honey..." she said in a small voice, that mischievous smile and before I could ask what it was about, the bell had rang and she was out the door.

"Oh Alice..." I said quietly, shaking my head and then gathering my stuff and leaving the classroom as well.


At lunch, I had called Dad, and asked him if I would be able to spend the night with Alice, leaving out the fact that it was Alice Cullen, of course.

It didn't take much to convince him to say yes, as he was happy with the fact that I had friends. I don't know why it was such a surprise to them, even now, but oh well.

So after school, I piled into the Cullen car, biting my tongue when I saw Edward as the driver, and that Alice had "let" me sit in the passenger seat. I bit my tongue, glaring at Alice through the rear view mirror, where I could see her, looking at me with that gleam in her honey eyes.

And I could tell that she planned on trying to make this an interesting night.
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:D another chappptttteerrr.

Pretty short, I'm aware, again. But it's the second one today :D lol, I hope you all enjoy it :D