Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?


It was almost five hours before anyone decided to come back in the room.

It was Alice. She walked in the room, a fresh set of pajamas in her hand, and she was smiling a bright, very triumphant, and very Alice smile across her beautiful pale face.

"Come on, the human's gotta sleep," Alice said, giggling in spite of herself, before grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. I waved at Edward as we went, smiling. He was smiling softly back.

I smiled as she led me into her bathroom and tossed me the pajamas, before closing the door. I walked out a moment later, a smile still on my face. She looked at me, that triumphant smile still plastered across her face.

"I told you so!" she said, giggling so profusely that I couldn't help but begin to giggle with her.

"Stopp! I'm still mad at you." I giggled out, falling on the bed beside her. She looked at me with a large smile on her face. I closed my eyes softly, my smile large as well. "You tricked me."

"But it succeeded! You and him are on better terms than you ever have been!" she giggled and hugged me tightly. I groaned but was smiling despite myself.

"You're right.... Thank you, Alice," I said, wrapping my arms around her as well. "You're amazing, the best friend ever! Now let me goo, human's gotta breath, ya know."

She giggled and released me from her vice grip and she giggled again.

"You're very welcome, but it was totally worth it to see a smile on yours and Edward's faces again, I missed them!" she giggled out and hugged me again, only this time even tighter than she had before.

"Alice, breathing...necessary...." I was able to utter out and she giggled, pulling away once more as she rolled her golden eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'm very sorry, I'm just so happy!" she squealed and went to hug me again, only for me to put my hands up, stopping her, causing her to giggle just a little more. "Alright, alright, I'm done. Now I meant it, human needs to go to sleep. Don't want your little brother to think your friend is neglecting to care for you."

She patted my head and then moved so quickly that I hadn't even realized what she was doing until the covers were pulled back and she was laying me down and tucking me in.

"Night, Kotah-Bear."

"Night, Alice."

And I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry, it's short and suckish, but I felt bad for not updating in four days that I had to get SOMETHING out, and this is the best I could do right now :( but heyyy :) it went goooddd, XD, and yea..

and I promise to make the next chapter better for my loyal readers :)

(ps. sorry for no chapter picture thing, polyvore's being mean today)