Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Rise and shine!"

This is how I was woken up the next day as Alice jumped as humanly as she could manage on the bed to shake me from my slumber.

"Alice," I groaned, rolling over and pulling a blanket over my head and curling into the fetal position, holding the blankets tight. My attempt at staying under them, however, was futile, and before I knew it, she had them pulled off of me and had the curtains open, shining bright sunlight onto my face. "Noo, five more minutes..."

"Nope, you promised Jacob you'd be home by noon, and we don't want him to hate your 'only friend' now would we?" she looked at me, an ironic smile on her face, and I couldn't help but smile back, a giggle escaping my lips.

"Jacob can wait five more minutes," I said, looking her directly in the eyes before stretching and rolling to my opposite side, so that my back was facing the window, and curled into the fetal position once more, pulling the pillow close.

"Nnnoooo," she scolded and suddenly I was over her shoulder.

"No no no no no!" I reached out to grip the bed post, attempting to struggle, but failing quite miserably. Take it from me, don't underestimate her size, she was just as strong as any vampire.

Her bell like giggle filtered through the room as she forced me into the closet, getting me dressed even though she knew that the clothes would soon be covered in beach water.

I just rolled my eyes as she continued to carry me around like a tote bag down the stairs and to the car, just barely giving me enough time to yell bye to the house before she had me out of the house and buckled up.

It took less than twenty minutes to get us to the boarder, and I looked at her with a smile on my face before hugging her.

"Thank you for last night..." I whispered and she pulled out of the hug, smiling brightly in my direction.

"To see that smile on your's and my brother's face, I'd do anything," She said and then hugged me again. "So you're very very welcome."

I smiled more and then peeked at the time, before letting out a breath, "I better go, Alice..."

She nodded, hugging me one last time before allowing me out of the car.

I walked in the direction of the beach, looking around as I did. Everything had become so familiar on this patch, so there was really nothing new to look at.

I walked along the beach, looking up at the cliff and smiling. It's been forever since I'd been cliff diving, so I headed towards them, a determined smile on my face.

But things didn't go as planned, as when I was half way up, I heard a voice from behind me yell, "Dakotah?"

I took in a sharp breath and didn't even bother looking back before quickly jumping into the water, ignoring the yell that I heard for me to stop.
♠ ♠ ♠

I've been trying to write this chapter FOREVER, but I just...couldn't get my mind to think right. It's been being so terrible to me when trying to write on this lately. Or, basically anything...It's been so terrible... and I'm really sorry about the shortness as well, I feel so frickin terrible.

Anyway, I really hope you like this :) and I'll try to not wait another few weeks before updating again. I promise!