Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



I stayed under water, scrubbing harshly at my skin and the clothes that were over me, trying to wash off the smell before going back above water, knowing that they had followed me in. I held in my air, hoping that I’d gotten enough to keep me under for a while, but soon it felt like my lunges were on fire.

And then, all of a sudden, I felt arms wrapping around me, and I felt warm despite the cold of the water. I was pulled to the surface, where I took a few deep breaths and then struggled to look at who had picked me up.

“Sethyy! Put meee dooowwwnnn!” I said upon seeing his face, pushing against his chest and pouting.

“Are you insane?!” he asked, his eyes wide with shock and I couldn’t help but giggle, rolling my eyes softly.

“I could be asking you the same thing! Since when is it such a problem for me to go cliff diving, geesh,” I finally was able to get free of his arm, standing on my tippy-toes to keep my head above water and glaring into his eyes playfully.

He just chuckled softly, a smile quirking on his face, and he hugged me.

Seth had to have been my most favorite person in the world outside my family. He was the nicest of the pack and I loved his company.

But anyway, I could have sworn I heard him mutter something, and I looked up at him curiously, pulling out of the hug and looking up at him.

“What was that?” I question, my eyebrows arching in curiosity, and he gave me an innocent look, shaking his head as though he had no clue what I was talking about, so I pursed my lips, halfway glaring at him.

“Really, it’s nooottthhhiiiinnnnggg!” he said innocently and I just rolled my eyes, deciding to shrug it off for now. “So what brings you here?”

“I wanted to go cliff diving.”

“In your clothes?”

I giggled, shrugging before I started to wade towards the shore. I peeled my clothes away from my skin as we reached the sandy beach and looked towards him once more. He shook out his hair and I rolled my eyes.

“You are such a dog,” I giggled, poking at his chest. “So why aren’t you with the pack?”

“They had no use for me today,” he said, mocking my shrug and I rolled my eyes.

“Well, in that case, you are running me home!” I said before hopping on his back and giggling.

“But you’re all wet!” He yelled playfully, pulling me off his back and holding me at arm’s length away, in the air.

“SO ARE YOU!” I yelled at him and playfully stuck out my tongue, causing him to roll his eyes. He giggled and tossed me over his shoulder.

“Fiinnnee! But if you throw up on me, it’s your own fault!” he yelled and then he began running quickly along the beach.

“Seth!” I yelled, slamming my fists against his back, though it really only hurt me, and I felt the vibrations of his laugh. “Put me dowwwnnn!”

I couldn’t help but giggle myself as he continued running, and I was about to ask out-loud why people loved using me as a carry-on package, but decided against it, knowing he’d only ask me what I meant, and I really didn’t feel like lying to Seth.

He set me on my feet once we reached my house and I just rolled my eyes, opening the door and yelling, “Honey, I’m hooommmeee! And I brought a stray muuutt!”

“Hey!” Seth yelled, pushing me playfully, and I giggled, sticking my tongue out at him once more. He rolled his eyes.

“Hello Dakotah, Seth,” dad yelled from the living room and we walked in to see him, Jacob, Charlie and Bella all around the television. Dad and Charlie were watching the game, but Jacob and Bella were off in their own little world, and I’m surprised neither of the dad’s had said anything yet. “What happened to you two?”

I giggled, looking up at Seth and then back at my dad, “We went cliff diving!”

“Well, she went cliff diving,” Seth said, rolling his eyes. “I jumped in after her because it took her so long to come back up for air.”

“I was seeing how long I could hold my breath!” I yelled defensively, glaring up into his dark eyes and then we burst out giggling.

“If you’re going to argue, take it elsewhere, you’re making us miss the gamee!” dad complained and I rolled my eyes.

“Fine, we’ll go to my room, alone,” I giggled, rolling my eyes and pulling Seth along with me.

“Don’t close the dooorrr!” he yelled playfully after us, though we all knew nothing would happen. I mean, I knew Seth had a crush on me, but he was just a kid, sure a sweet kid, but friendship was as far as it went.

I pushed Seth into Jacob’s room and said, “Steal some of his clothes, I’ll call for you when I’m done getting dressed.”

He just chuckled and rolled his eyes, but did as told.

I skipped to my room and quickly threw on a new set of clothing and then opened my door, jumping when I saw Seth was already standing there.

“Dick,” I muttered and he smiled a big cheesy smile at me before pulling me along with him.

“I’m stealing your daughter!” he yelled through the house before pulling me out of my house, and I just giggled, following.



Bella was still there when I got back, but Charlie wasn’t. And Dad and Jacob were nowhere in sight.

So I felt very uncomfortable walking into the house without Seth by my side. I looked at her all wary-like for a moment, and she glared at me, causing me to sigh softly.

“What is your problem?” I dared ask and her glare harshened.

“My problem?!” she stood, coming up and getting in my face, causing me to purse my lips. “My problem is YOU!”

I let out a breath, closing my eyes for a moment and then looking back, “I didn’t do anything to you.”



As soon as I had yelled that, I wished I hadn’t yelled it. I didn’t regret saying it, of course. But I regretted yelling it.

“Look, I’m sor-“

She pushed me back and I looked up at her in shock, “What I do is none of your fucking business! And you had no right to tell him anything!”

“I don’t like lying!”

“You have no problem doing it to Jacob about where you’re actually spending the night at every weekend,” she said, getting in my face, her voice dropping to a harsh, dead whisper, and I let out a breath, looking away from her. “So I suggest you just stay out of my way, or I’ll make sure to tell your brother of your friend ‘Ali’.”

“Dakotah, Bella…? Everything okay?”

“It’s fine, Jacob,” I said after a few moments and then walking out of the room, not looking at either one of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope this makes up for the sucky short last chapter that I posted, and HEY it's on the same day, too! :D

haha, so yea, I hope you enjoy :) It's kind of filler-ish, but I just...felt like trying to write more. and yeeaa....