Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



I let out a breath as I walked around the house, looking around at all of the different things to see, not exactly knowing what to do.

Alice had decided to go hunting, leaving me seemingly alone in the house.

I ran my fingers across the frame of all of the graduation hats, trying not to smile at seeing all of them, even though I'd seen them plenty of times before. I couldn't help but want to giggle upon thinking of how crazy the Cullen's must be crazy having gone to school so many times.

I walked further up the stairs, examining everything I'd already seen, such as the cross hanging on the next floor and all of the random pictures that were around, until I reached a door that I hadn't even realized I was coming to.

I bit my lip at how it was open and couldn't keep myself from walking in, looking around.

"Edward's room..." I whispered softly as I looked around, not ever having been in there before. It was...


One wall was completely glass, giving a beautiful view of the forest that surrounded their home, and another wall with shelves full of music, and an amazing sound system. I smiled softly as I walked up to it softly and then looked around more. A leather couch lay not far, and the carpet looked so soft I had to take off my shoes just to feel it, my smile widening.

I turned back to the stereo and hit the power button, smiling as a soft piano noise began to play through it, nothing I recognized, but it was nice to listen to, causing myself to sway, as I closed my eyes, my smile widening.

That's why, when I heard someone clear their throat, I jumped, basically tripping over my own shoes and I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact of the soft carpet. But instead, I felt nice cold hands quickly grab me.

I was quickly righted and I looked up to see lovely honey eyes, looking down at me, a slightly concerned look on his beautiful, beautiful face.

"You dick, you scared me!" I yelled, hitting him and flinching as my hand crossed his beautiful, rock hard white skin, causing a pain to go through it, and I flinched, pulling it close.

He quickly grabbed it, examining it as he said, "I apologize, but you were in MY room, however."

I bit my lip, blushing softly as I looked anywhere but at him as he kept examining my hand.

"It was really stupid to hit me, Dakotah.." He sounded almost worried, causing me to look at him.

"Yea...I...I know.. You scared me..." I let out a chuckle, biting my lip softly and trying not to smile. "I was raised around dude's, it's kinda my nature to lash out..."

He chuckled that beautiful, beautiful laugh of his, causing me to look back up at him and smiled. He was smiling back softly, causing my smile to widen.

"It doesn't look broken..." He said softly, but he didn't let it go.

"It doesn't feel broken....I mean...I can still feel it, so I'm guessing that's a good sign..." I said softly, biting my lip as his cool hands held their soft grip on mine.

"Good, good..."

We stood there for a long time, the music washing over us, causing my heart to beat faster, just looking at each other, and, just when I thought he was leaning in, his eyes holding a look I hadn't seen before, his head suddenly turned.

"Alice is home," He said, dropping my hand and then walking past me, turning off the beautiful music and then quickly disappearing from the room.

"Well...." I said quietly and then sighed, walking out of the room, convincing myself that the momentary lapse of thinking he was going to kiss me and of thinking that I actually wanted to kiss him back was just a fluke.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha, SORRY! It's been so long, but HEYY It's out the day after Christmas :) so it's your guys's late Christmas present, even if it sucks, now you guys know things are 'bout to get interestingggg ;)

haha, so yea :)

You all that are commenting are LOVELY! So please, please keep them coming, they make me smile so much :) I'm glad to have such beautiful readers! :).
