Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?




"I can't want to kiss him, Alice, I just can't!"

Dakotah's voice sounded so conflicted as she continued on her rant, pacing back and forth around my room before finally ending on that, plopping down on my bed with a large, frustrated sigh and a look of pure defeated sadness on her face.

One, of which, I only caught a glimpse of before she buried her face in her hands, and the salty smell of tears filled my nose.

"Oh, Kotah..." I whispered as I sat down beside him, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close. "But I don't see what the big deal about this all is..."

"It's a big deal because he's....HIM!" she said in a sudden outburst, pulling out of my hug almost instantly and looking at me with wide brown eyes, tears still falling softly as she stood up to continue pacing. "He...He's Edward, he's... my brother's worst enemy! A vampire, who basically hates my guts and really probably only tolerates me because you want him to! I can't want to kiss him because....because I'm supposed...I'm not even supposed to be here, and you say that wanting to kiss him isn't a big deal?!"

I sighed softly, pulling her towards me once more, holding her close as she broke down crying again.

"Hey, hey....It'll be okay..." I whispered softly. "I understand, I understand that this is a lot to handle, but honey, you can't help how you feel. And he's not just around you because I want him to be... Trust me, he doesn't listen to me when I tell him to do things. Not unless he really wants to himself."

I looked at her with seriousness written all over my face, though I kept a smile there, too, and she sighed, wiping away her tears and rolling her eyes.

"That means nothing, Alice..." She shook her head and I let out a breath. "Even if he's my friend now...I'm still going to just be Jacob's little sister, and the root of his breaking up with Bella... And under everything, you and I both kno-"

"No, I don't know this!" I protested instantly. "I know that if I had come home even a millisecond later, he would have kissed you! And you would have kissed back because that's what you both want!"

She just looked away, letting out a frustrated sigh as more tears fell.

And this caused me to sigh, especially when I heard Edward mutter from another part of the house, "Just give up, Alice."

And I pursed my lips, letting out a growl and thinking to him, "Never."

And then I began contemplating, blocking Edward from what I was thinking by thinking in a code that I had made up over the years I'd lived with him, and heard a growl from his room, causing me to smirk.


Later, I lay on the couch, quite amazingly by myself, as Alice was in the kitchen making food for me. I could smell the food faintly, but made no move, just stared blankly at the television, not really paying attention, my mind still focused on earlier happenings.

I knew that I was making a big deal out of what probably was nothing, but it was just making me feel so confused.

He looked like he wanted to kiss me, WHY did he look like that. There was absolutely no way that he wanted it. It was just... It was not right.

I let out a frustrated sigh, running my hands through my hair and closing my eyes.

Tugging at a few strands, I just kept my eyes closed, forcing myself to wonder what was taking Alice so long, when that voice caught my attention.

"Kotah..." I looked over and saw Edward kneeling by the couch, his gold eyes looking almost sternly at me. "Stop thinking."

And for a very short moment, I felt his soft, cool lips pressed to mine. But in the same instant, they were away, and so was he. And I was left there, face warm, as I touched my lips softly, all thoughts gone except for the thoughts of how his lips felt.
♠ ♠ ♠

A KISSSS!!!!!!!

:P It sucks, AHHH, I feel terrible :( But heyyy, part of it is in Alice's point of vieww :D that has to make it better, if even just a little bit,
I swear I'm getting myself back, I'm just....All of my previous excuses, everything in my head is just way to crazy, but I'm getting everything in order, and I swear that I'm working on it.

I'm just so thankful for the ones of you that keep up with me, and I love you so much for not giving up on me even through my stupidity! It's just....I love you all!