Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?




"Shut up, Alice!" I yelled, a harsh blush filing across my cheeks as I looked away from my short, pixie-like friend and her large smile, flopping on her bed after having eaten and her forcing me to tell her why I was so quiet and flushed, though she already probably knew it was going to happen. "It''s not a big deal..."

"Not a big deal?! He KISSED you, Kotah!" she cooed, pulling me into her arms and squeezing me so hard I could barely breath.


The vampire giggled before releasing me, but the smile stayed on her face as she looked at me, her golden eyes shining brightly.

"Tell me everything." she put an emphasis on 'everything', her eyes shining mischievously as she waited for me to explain to her what had happened.

"It was..." I sighed, looking away from her. "I can still feel his lips...that's how it was... There are words to describe it... His lips...they were....and it was...."

I sighed, closing my eyes as my heart felt as though it were about to drop into my stomach.

"But it was, like...a millisecond long...and he just left."

I knew that my voice sounded pathetic as soon as those words came out, and I bit my lip harshly, shaking my head before looking up at her, shrugging as I forced back my tears.

"And now it's done, and there's really no chance it's gonna ever happen again, so can we just...let it go?"


And then she was out of the room before I could protest any further.


I let out a frustrated breath, running a hand through my hair as I paced at inhuman speed back and forth by the stream.

My lips still tingled from the contact they had made with Dakotah's and for the first time in nearly a century, I felt like an actual teenage boy, my mind thinking thoughts of just how nice it felt to have her lips against mine, and wondering what it would feel like to have them other places.

I growled softly under my breath, clenching my fists tightly against my sides.

"Shut up, Alice!" her voice struck me from inside the house, and it made me curious as to what could cause her to yell loud enough for me to hear from the house. Instantly I was below Alice's window, listening to the conversation that precede.

"And now it's done, and there's really no chance it's gonna ever happen again, so can we just... let it go?"

I let out another sigh, a slight feeling of dread coming over me upon hearing those words even though I tried to force myself to make sure that statement was truthful.

"No," was Alice's response, her thought process switching just in time for her to show up right in front of me, her golden eyes glaring up into mine.

"You left her alone after kissing her?!"

I looked away from the short brunette I called my sister.

"She's right, Alice, let it go."

And then I ran again.
♠ ♠ ♠
:/ it sucks D:...I'm sorry... It's just.... O.O
I hate school. and I really didn't know how to get to the next big part... but it cant possibly suck as bad as some have been....
Really, it's a good filler, if you look at how bad some of my quicky filler chapters have been...
And at least it wasn't a whole month before I updated again...
Hah, I'm sorry, and I hope you guys dont murder me before I can get to the better parts...
