Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Uhm, excuse me..." I said quietly as I walked into a random classroom, praying to God it was the right class room and blushed as all eyes were on me. "I'm looking for Mr. Bruner's class... Calculus...?"

"You're the new girl?" he asked softly, not answering my question as he looked at me from the board, his hand up with chalk in it, against the board as though I had interrupted him right in the middle of writing. "Dakotah Black, the junior?"

I bit my lip, nodding softly, "Yea, that be me."

"Well, you've found the right room," he said with a nod and I smiled happily, a proud look, I'm sure, filling my eyes, as he chuckled a little bit. "Alright, come on in. Class, this is, as you've all probably heard, Dakotah Black. She transferred here from the reservation, she's going to be in a few of your classes due to all of the extra credit courses she took there."

I blushed as he told them this, as though he was trying to brag about me, and looked at my feet, biting my lip softly once again.

"Alright, Dakotah, you can sit on the other side of Mr. Cullen," he said and, as the name crossed through my head, my head snapped up and I looked across the room, my eyes landing on the one that obviously stuck out, his hair a rusty color, tousled as though it hadn't been brushed, but still looked perfect, skin as pale as snow, and eyes as gold as honey.

'So THAT'S the Edward Cullen I've heard so many complaints about...' I thought and his eyes, which had been one of the only pairs that haven't been looking at me, snapped in my direction and held something similar to a glare. I bit my lip and locked eyes with him for a spare moment, before I heard a throat clear.

"Excuse me, Ms. Black, is there a problem?" Mr. Bruner's voice rang through my ears and my head snapped in his direction for a second before I shook my head, putting on a half way false smile before I shifted my books to my other arm and headed to the seat that I had been told to sit in.

I sat in it slowly, biting my lip softly as I placed my books on the table, keeping my eyes on them. Then, I looked up at the board, trying to ignore all of the stares that I knew I was getting.

He assigned a worksheet of stuff that had been learned in the past week, which was fine with me, as I really didn't feel into listening to a bunch of lectures, and I quickly skimmed over the chapters he told me the assignment would be on before filling it out with almost no struggle, as my Geometry class on the reservation had been over this part a chapter or two back already.

Once I finished, I peeked over at him.

The vampire.

He looked away from his conversation with a brunette that sat beside him, of whom I couldn't completely see because he was leaning in my way, and he looked at me again, causing me to bite my lip, smiling a little.

"Hola," I said, smiling as I sat back, crossing my arms softly and he looked at me, pursing his lips. I think he would have liked to rip my head off at that point and, knowing who I was related to, I really didn't blame him.

I'd want to kill anything to do with a dude I hated, especially if he was after my chick.

He pursed his lips as though he was thinking the exact same thing as I was, and his eyes were filled with an actual glare in my direction and I met his eyes equally, not phased, knowing what he could do to me, but not being afraid of him one single bit.

"You should be," he said quietly, leaning closer and a smile broke out on my face, a slight giggle passing my face and I went to say something, only for the bell to ring.

I chuckled and grabbed his shirt before he could leave, knowing he would try to leave as fast as he could, which I knew he would, and he looked at me with a slight glare, but I only smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of someone that wouldn't hurt me. Because I've never done anything to you, hurting me would be completely against what I've heard your family is about. And don't worry. I'm nothing like my brother, as long as you don't do anything to me, I wont do anything to you. Clear?"

He just yanked his shirt from my arm and, without a second glance in my direction, he fled from the room, almost so fast that I couldn't see him.

I chuckled softly to myself and picked up my stuff, leaving the class and heading to the next one my schedule told me that I had.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea, I made her smart! :P

Also, I know that in the books, around the time this is taking place (like, between New Moon and Eclipse somewhere XP), Jacob is normally sixteen, but in this, I'm making him seventeen, and then I'm making Dakotah sixteen, and she's a junior in high school, but she takes two senior classes.
I needed to make it like that so I could have her have SOME interaction with Edward other than just at lunch. So yea, haha.

But yea, I just felt like updating this, because I'm supposed to be doing my Fashion Design project, but I really don't feel like doing it, so yea...

Anyway, comments are love! :)