Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



I paced, my mind rushing around faster than I allowed my feet to carry me across my floor as I glared at the wooden floor beneath me, kicking around anything that happened to get in the way of my feet in frustration.

’How dare he… A whole week, after doing THAT? He…he has some nerve.’ were my repeated thoughts as I continued to pace around the room, repeatedly running my hands through my hair, amazed that I hadn’t pulled it out.

One week, he’s been ignoring me for a week.

After kissing me.

He decided that it would be perfectly okay to ignore me after that. As though it were perfectly normal, after doing something so astronomically big, as if it were nothing more than swatting a fly or breathing!

Like this didn’t have any effect on anyone.

’This is…this is impossible! He is just impossible! I just… He’s such an ass!’

I kicked the edge of my bed and then groaned in pain, biting my lip harshly and pulling my foot close to me, flopping onto the bed and pouting, closing my eyes tightly to fight back the tears pricking at the corners from both the outer pain and the inner conflict.

“Why does he have to be so stupid…?” I muttered to myself in a low growl and then sighed, placing my head on my knee as I rubbed my toes, knowing I was probably making too big of a deal out of something that probably didn’t mean anything anyway. He’d probably already forgotten it, and here I was, making it out to be an astronomical catastrophe. “Why do I have to be so stupid…?”

’You aren’t the stupid one. He is for kissing you and then not talking to you afterwards. that little voice in my head and I pursed my lips, before standing, settling my mind on what I would do about it, heading towards the door.

“Dad, I’m going out!” I yelled as I slipped on my shoes and pulled on a jacket. His reply was a slightly muffled ‘okay’, which I barely heard as I shut the door behind me and quickly headed down the steps. My feet carried me away from their, rain falling from the sky as I hurried in the direction that I needed to head to get to my destination.

When I reached the house, I went to start up the steps and the door was swung open by none other than Alice, a smirk forming across her face.

I only rolled my eyes, hurrying past her and up the stairs, not caring that he probably heard me coming, as I pushed open his door and yelled, “How dare you?!”

His golden eyes looked up at me from where he sat on the couch and something flashed across them that I didn’t recognize before he stood up, looking ready to leave.


I moved myself in front of the door, crossing my arms as I looked up at him. His demeanor screamed apathy, which only fueled the fire building inside me even more as I glared up into those cursed honey eyes.

“You are going to listen to me. I’m tired of you not listening to me!”

He looked as though he were wanting to say something, his eyes seeming to look right through me, but I shook my head, pursing my lips.

“No, you are going to listen,” I insisted. “You are going to stand there and you are going to let me yell for a while! Because at this point, you kind of deserve it! You, you just…You can’t do what you did and then act how you’ve been acting for a week, so you’re going to get yelled at for a while!”


“No!” I stomped my foot. “You can’t just act like you hate me, then act like I’m your friend, then act like you hate me, then kiss me and then ignore me! You can’t do that and not expect to be yelled at, especially not when you act so confusing! So…so bipolar! It’s not fair to me for you to do that! I don’t know what’s going on in that stupid head of yours, but you can’t just do that! You can’t just play with people’s feelings like that!”

“Dakotah, you really need to stop-“

“No! I just… Why did you do it? Why did kiss me and then think it was okay to just ignore me after wards?! What kind of person does that?!”

“I’m not a perso-“

“Obviously! And if I could slap you across the face without breaking my hand I would! Because you may not be a person, but you still have feelings like a person, and you should know better than to screw with people like this!”

“That was not my intention.”

“Then what was?! Because obviously it wasn’t because you actually have feelings for me or you wouldn’t have ignored me for a whole week after!”

“How would you know my feelings?”

“Because you ignored me! For a whole week! If you actually liked me you wouldn’t have acted like such a…such a coward!”

He glared at me for a moment and, before I knew it, I was against the wall, his hands gripping my upper arms and he glowered down at me, his face completely serious, yet his eyes held something in them that seemed almost foreign to me, as he whispered, “You know nothing…”

And then his lips were placed upon mine in a deep kiss that, this time, I was allowed to return.
♠ ♠ ♠

Hehe, so I felt you guys deserved something special, because you're all so...lovely, so I decided to give you all a special treat.

And now, I'm hoping to keep this going uphill for a while, but of course, what goes up, must always go down :) I'm both happy AND sad to say that this story isn't near over.

Happy, because I have so many amazing readers, and know A LOT about where I'm taking it from this point, so it shouldn't be as crazy-choppy as I think it has been.
Sad, because I feel like I'm gonna end up disappointing you guys once more later on, which I'm trying really hard now NOT to, since I went so bad on you guys before, going months without updating and all that stupid shit.

So, cross you're fingers and hope that my mind stays all nice and lovely for YOU lovely people :)
And I hope you enjoy your valentine's day present! Because I'm to lame to have an actual valentine, so I have made all of you my valentines :D
