Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



I didn’t know how to react, my mind swirling away from me, all conscious thought completely lost, my body reacting without the help of my brain.

My hands made their way to his hair, tugging randomly at the strands of beautiful bronze, my eyes closing as my lips moved in synch with his, kissing with a need that I didn’t even know was inside of me until I was allowed to let it show.

Slowly I let my hands move, tracing his cheek bones and down his jaw and his neck before wrapping my arms around his neck, and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.

He pulled back, looking at me with his eyes now a deep brown and instantly my hands went to his shirt.

“Don’t run from me…” I whispered, gripping onto his shirt as though it were a life-line, as though I would fall to my death if he were to leave. “Please, not again…”

He said nothing, just looked into my pleading eyes, not releasing my grip on his shirt.


I looked down into the deep brown eyes as they pleaded with me, her vice grip on my shirt; nothing compared to what I knew I could do to her.

“You can’t do that to me again…” she whispered, true pain in her voice, as though I were going to do something far worse than just walking away from her.

Her thoughts were repeating please over and over again, and I felt bad for making her believe that I would do that once more to her, though she had every right to believe that I would. My eyes closed, as I heard Alice’s thoughts thinking very similar thoughts and I leaned forward, placing a soft kiss onto Dakotah’s forehead, almost painfully, running my hand through her lovely chocolate curls.

“Stop telling me how I feel…”

I whispered this, my lips still brushing the soft skin of her forehead before I pulled back again, looking into her eyes.

“Because you can’t make me feel for you any differently than I already do.”

She looked hurt, almost like a puppy that had just been kicked, which I only allowed for a moment before I sighed and leaned down, pressing my lips softly to hers once more. Her lips instantly replied, softer this time, but her thoughts still spiraled away from her, focusing on nothing other than my lips pressed against hers, as though she was trying to memorize the feel of them.


It was blissful, the feel of his lips, something I didn’t’ believe I would ever get used to, and this time I was the one that had to pull away, taking a deep breath and hating that I was human for just a moment because of my inability to keep my lips to his forever.

I heard him chuckle, and blushed softly, turning my head away from him, though I could still feel his eyes as he looked down on me.

I looked up after a minute and saw him smiling softly, a lop-sided grin that I had only ever seen him give Bella, and I smiled, leaning up, going to place a kiss on his lovely lips, when a vibration cut me off.

I groaned, letting my head fall back against the wall, reaching down to my pocket and pulling out my phone, cursing under my breath at the name that displayed itself clearly across the screen. My eyes flicked up to Edward’s face and I saw a small scowl in place of the grin that I had just been allowed to see moments before.

“Hey Jake…” I sighed into the phone, closing my eyes to avoid looking at his scowl, my free hand still gripping his shirt.

“Where are you?”

“At Ali’s-“

“You walked there? All the way to Forks, in the rain?”

“I didn’t want to bother anyone for a ride, Jake, and she needed me, she-”

“Dakotah, you didn’t tell anyone where you were, you just dissapear-“

“I told Dad I was leaving.”

“You didn’t say you’d be gone for so long. And you forgot to mention that you were leaving town.”

I sighed at the scolding tone of voice he had taken on, keeping my eyes closed as I felt Edward slowly uncurl my fingers from his shirt.

“I’m sorry, it was kind of a last minute decision, I was going to call…” I turned my head towards the ground, just barely willing myself to open my eyes and disappointment flooded me upon noting the disappearance of Edward’s feet, closing my eyes once more. “I’m sorry that you didn’t know where I went, and I’ll be home soon, I swear… She’s all…calmed down now. And don’t worry about me getting home, I’ll be fine walking again. Walking is nice. Goodbye, Jake.”

And I hung up, turning my phone off, shoving it in my pocked once more and walking towards the door to Edward’s room, peeking in and sighing upon seeing him glaring out the window.


He looked at me and I bit my lip, afraid that he was going to be upset, angry.


Instantly he was in front of me, looking at me for a long moment before kissing my cheek softly.

“Goodnight, Dakotah.”

And then he was gone, and I sighed, walking out of the house, muttering a goodbye to him and anyone else that may have been somewhere in the house.
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mmm, here's another updaattteee :)

haha, I hope you enjoy this, as I took time away from meh friend to update for ya'all :P haha, just kidding (kind of, I am actually with a friend, but we're really doing nothing XD)

So I thought I'd give you guys an update, and I hope you like it. I kind of like it, in a way. I also don't like it, but, as you guys have realized, I don't like a lot of what I write...
But, due to the comments that I've gotten saying they hope I'd update soon, I though "Why not? I have time, and I'm not in a terrible place of writer's block"

So yea... haha :)