Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



I sighed as I slammed the door behind me, leaning against it once it was fully closed, and I let my head fall back against the wood as my mind raced quickly back to the memory of how his lips felt against mine, my pulse still racing as it had done on the whole walk home.

"Kotah?" I heard Jake's voice and I quickly snapped myself back to reality, seeing him standing just a few feet away, his eyes holding a slight concern. "You're okay?" I nodded, not fully trusting my voice. "You're soaking wet. And your heart is beating really fast..."

"Oh, yea, I'm fine... when it started raining out, I started running and yea..." I nodded quickly, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

He looked at me, his eyes skeptical and I sighed inwardly.

"You sure?"

"Maybe my pulse had a little help speeding up, nothing I want to talk about," I shook my head, a blush working its way across my cheeks and a confused look crossed his face. "Don't worry about it, Jake, really. I'm still all innocent and virgined up, no boyfriend, nothing for your big brother hormones to get all worked up about."

I said this as I was walking past him and towards my bedroom, stopping only as my hand touched the doorknob.


And then I hurried into my room, smiling more as I continued to reminisce in the memories of Edward's lips, the tingling feeling still coursing through me as I thought about it. Shutting my door, I didn't even bother to change as I flopped onto my bed, pulling my pillow and closing my eyes, replaying the memory as I placed my head down, before moving it back up when I felt something placed there already.

I smiled as I saw the picture of Edward still placed there from the night I'd stolen it from Bella.

"Please don't act like it didn't happen again tomorrow..." I whispered to it softly before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to it and then placing the pillow securely back over it and instead pulling my blanket close to cuddle with; soon after, I was asleep, dreaming dreams full of Edward Cullen.



I felt myself being shaken slightly, causing me to groan and roll over, shaking my head before pulling my blanket securely over it.


The voice sounded more annoyed and firm this time, as the hand pulled the blanket from my body. I merely groaned once more, muttering a 'no' and cursing whomever it was that was disturbing my wonderful dream process.



I sat up and looked in the direction of the voice to see Bella glaring in my direction, obvious disinterest written across her face.

"What do you want?" I made my voice harsh, as I moved to grab my blanket from where she'd placed it.

"I've been put on Dakotah driving duty.'

Her voice reflected that this information upset her and I sighed, rolling my eyes and looking away from the brunette.

"No, not happening," I shook my head, getting out of my bed and heading towards the door, all but stomping. "JACOB!"

"Pack duties."

I growled and pursed my lips before taking in and letting out a deep breath, shrugging and turning back around, "Oh well, I just wont go to school then. Now leave."

I gestured dramatically towards my door and tapped my foot in anticipation.

"Uh... How about no." She glared at me, attempting to look intimidating as she stood, pursing her lips. I opening my mouth to speak, but shut it as a smirk crossed her face. "You were muttering his name in your sleep."


My heart almost stopped, then I quickly shook myself out of the shock of hearing her say this and crossed my arms, forcing an appearance of indifference .

"I don't know what you-"

"Edward." Apparently something on my face changed, as her smirk broadened, her eyes dancing with mischeif. "And, if I'm right..."

She lifted my pillow, revealing a picture. Slowly, she plucked it from the sheets, her brown eyes sparking with triumph, her smirk making her look even more like the bitch that she was deep down inside."

"It seems as though someone has acquired a little rush," her voice was manacle almost, amussion lacing the tone as she fanned herself with the picture. "It's funny, really. That you like him, especially when he'll never like someone like you."

"You don't know that-"

"Oh please, he had me." She rolled her eyes as though it was obvious. "He loved me, still probably does. I'm his type. You're just some poor, confused little wolf girl that he's only being nice to because Alice is making him.

"That's not tu-"

"Wanna bet?" her voice had a harsh undertone, but then she laughed. "That's why you told him. About me and Jake, you thought he might like you for it; respect you. And then maybe it would become something more."


"Please, you are so predictable," she advanced on me, glaring once more. "But he wont. You are and always will be only the little girl he hates by association. You are nothing to him. And I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up a nothing to everyone. You are just a stupid, useless-"

"Shut up!" I yelled and I heard a smack. This time, however, I felt it was my hand that came into contact with her cheek.

Time seemed to slow as she turned her head to look at me, her brown eyes burrowing down on me. And then a smirk slowly formed across her face.

"Get ready, you have five minutes," and she headed to the door, stopping for a minute only to toss the photo behind her and I watched it float slowly to the floor. "Keep it. I have no use for it. And it's going to be very funny when Jacob finds it."

And then she left the room, and I was left staring lamely at the picture as her words completely began to take toll over me, my heart dropping straight to my stomach.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha, I hope you like it :D.

I didn't mean for it to end up like this, but I'm actually happier with how this happened up than how it actually was in my head. I actually think that this works, and it kinda sets some other things up, and yea. :)

But oh well, I hope YOU enjoyed it, and I'm sorry again that it's been a little over a week, I tried to write this for days, but it just didn't work out in my head until just the past few days. It's much better this way, anyhow.

And yea :)