Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?


I did post chapter 45, as some of you know! But Mibba, stupid as websites can be, decided to crash and now anything posted after April 5 has been deleted, including Chapter 45 of this story.

And stupid as RANDI can be, forgot to save the draft of Chapter 45 that I had typed out on word, not knowing that I'd need it!

So I feel really fucking stupid! And I know that I should be working on that right now, but I'm so gone in my own little world that I just... I apologize, but you guys may have to wait a few days for me to get it back out again! I mean, I just feel so fucking stupid and just... I'm so sorry!

I hope you guys don't hate me forever for not being able to get it out right away again, but I swear I'll try to get it out as soon as I possibly can afterwards!

I apologize, and I love you all! Please dont hate me :(.