Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Dakotah!" called a voice as I walked into the lunch room a few periods after the whole altercation with Edward and I looked across the cafeteria, over to where I saw Bella smiling lightly in my direction, as Edward slowly looked in my direction with a slight glare and I bit my lip.

'Also, another thing, be careful what you think... That bloodsucker can read minds and he still doesn't know that me and B-' I heard Jacob's voice ringing through my mind and, just as I was about to remember the rest of it, I saw Edward's face fill with many different looks at one time, causing me to quickly change my thoughts to something else, not wanting him to find out, knowing Jacob would kill me if I did.

If Edward or Bella didn't first.

"Hey, Bella," I said softly, walking up with a smile on my face as I looked at her with a soft smile, sitting next to Edward, but ignoring his presence as I looked at Bella with a smile, giggling. "How are you doing on this lovely afternoon?"

She chuckled and rolled her eyes, "I'm doing alright, and yourself? How are you liking Forks so far?"

"I'm doing just fine, and Forks is a lot better than the reservation," I said with a smile, and I could feel the glare on the side of my head. "I miss Jacob though... He's probably having fun without me there to bug him, though."

We both chuckled softly and I smiled at her once more, still feeling the glare on the side of my head, as she said, "Well, it's good to see you an-"

"Okay, really, what is your problem?" I suddenly said, my smile dropping as I looked in the direction of Edward, meeting his honey eyes, my brown ones holding a uncomfortable glare as I looked up at him. "Really, I don't think I should have to sit here while you glare at me for talking to someone who's my friend."

"Then why not tell me what you were thinking when you walked in?" he asked with a low growl and I pursed my lips before looking away from his eyes.

"Stay out of my head, vampire, I'd prefer to have my privacy," I said before standing up and heading to the lunch line to get myself some food, not looking back at the two, or even bothering to state a goodbye.


"And that is why-" I walked in before the teacher could finish that sentence, biting my lip as everyone looked at me once again, the teacher giving me a slight glare, as though he was just stating the cure to cancer and I had interrupted his humongous speech about it.

"Uhm...Hi..." I said quietly, shifting my weight onto one foot and smiling nervously at the teacher, causing him to sigh. "I'm-"

"Dakotah Black, I know." he stated boredly, setting his chalk down on the holder for the chalk on the chalk-board. "You're late."

"I know, and I'm so sorry, I ju-"

"Sit down beside Alice Cullen, and I don't want to hear another word out of you unless I ask for one, got it?" he asked, his voice fierce and I bit my lip, nodding before quickly skittered over to where the other vampire sat. She was smiling as I sat by her and I was confused as to why, but didn't question it, as I was to distracted by the looks that were still on me, along with a familiar, obvious glare.

I peeked back and saw exactly who I thought I would see.

Edward Cullen.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, looking towards the board as the teacher started talking once more, ignoring all the looks and glares as I got out my notebook and began taking notes.

"I'm sorry about him, he's just not really happy with anything that has to do with Jacob Black, although, I'm sure you can understand why," a voice whispered and I looked over, only to meet the golden eyes of who I knew to be Alice Cullen. She was smiling softly at me, causing me to smile back, as her smile was very much contagious.

"It's okay, I fully understand the situation," I said in an equal whisper, my smile not faltering. "I don't blame him for hating me, I just wish that he wouldn't judge me because I'm my brother's sister. I'm really nothing like him."

Alice chuckled and I smiled a little more at the beautiful, bell-like sound of it, before she whispered to me, "He doesn't hate you. He just doesn't want to like you. He's intent on pushing you away. Trust me, I've seen the future, and you guys wont be enemy's for long."

I was slightly confused, and went to say something more, only for a loud slapping noise made me jump and I looked forward, to see that it had been the teacher, and he was looking at the both of us with a glare.

"Is my class to boring for you girls?" he asked with a stern, hateful look and I bit my lip, shaking my head.

"No, sir, she was just catching me up on what I had missed," I said softly and then he pursed his lips softly, glaring down into my eyes.

"No talking in my classroom," he slammed his ruler once more before turning and going to the board once more. Alice and I looked towards each other, before smiling happily and giggling before looking back to the board and paying attention.
♠ ♠ ♠
lol, here's chapter 5.

I hope you enjoy it, though it's kinda suck-ish. But yea, I dunno.

I know where this is gonna go, but I don't know how to start it. Don't you hate when you're writing a story and you're so excited to get to the end that you just want to skip to the good parts and then the whole beginning is suck-ish?

Yea, that's what's happening for me, but I'm trying my hardest to make all of these as little suck-ish as possible.

Am I doing okay??

Comments=Love :)