Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"So, Dakotah, would you like to hang out this weekend?" Alice's voice asked as I was walking to my locker shortly after the bell rang, and I nearly jumped out of my skin before looking at her with a shocked expression that slowly changed into one of a shocked happiness, as I laughed softly. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

She laughed softly and hugged me, shocking me slightly once more, but I didn't completely care at the moment, as I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, okay, let go, Alice, I forgive you, but if my brother smells you on me, he'll murder me," I said and she laughed her bell-like laugh, pulling away from me and smiling at me.

"So, do you want to?" she asked as we began heading down the hall once more and I thought about what she meant for a few mere seconds before I smiled softly and nodded a little bit.

"Sure, I guess that'll be okay, I'll just have to ask my dad," I said as we walked, though I already knew he'd say yes, because he would love the fact that I made a friend already. And I didn't HAVE to tell him that it was with a vampire.

That could possibly be suicide, anyway.

"Alright, sounds great, we can go shopping!" she said with a smile and skipped off before I could protest, causing me to sigh before chuckling and rolling my eyes, heading over to my locker to gather the things I would need for tonight.

Shortly after, I was walking out of the school and I almost instantly felt that already familiar glare on me, causing me to sigh softly, my eyes flickering in the direction of Edward Cullen for a matter of thirty seconds, my eyes locking with his until I was shocked out of it by the loud honking of what was most obviously my brother's car.

This was further proved by his voice filtering in my ears as he yelled, "Come on, Koti, get your ass in this car!"

I rolled my eyes, striding over to the car and throwing my bag in the back seat and hopping into the passenger side through the window, giving him permission to start driving while I sat on the window seal as it began to downpour.

"Bye!" I heard a voice call and I looked to see Alice, causing me to smile softly and I waved in her direction, feeling glad that the roof of the car kept Jacob from noticing, before going the rest of the way into the car with a smile on my face.

"So how was your first day of school?" he asked, his eyes on the road and I shrugged, looking out the window.

"It was...interesting."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, here's this chapter.

It's kind of shitty and short, and for that I really apologize. It's, like... 2am and I am so tired, but I'm the type of person that, when I have sugar in my system, even when I'm not hyper from it any more, it still courses through me and makes me unable to sleep, already more than it truly is for me.

But anyway, I thought, since I was awake, I might as well update a story, and this one was the first one in my head.

So yea...
Comments are love!