Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"You smell of leech," he said as he drove and I bit my lip. I should have known that, even though it was minimal contact, he would still be able to smell Alice's hug on me.

That statement didn't help with the tenseness that seemed to engulf the car on the ride home, though I had no clue why. And this ride seemed to take so much longer than the ride there had been, which didn't help the situation any.

And then he had to go and say that.

"Oh, yea...uhm.." I said, not really knowing how to respond without getting into any trouble with him, and then let out a breath, about to tell the truth when the actual words that slipped from my mouth were: "I ran into one on my way out of the school to come to the car. That little one that could pass as a pixy if you put wings on 'er."

I nodded, as though that would help make the statement seem more true, and Jacob thought it over before nodding as though believing it was true, causing me to let out a silent sigh before reaching out to turn on the radio.

"It doesn't work, I have to fix it, thanks to Paul..." he said, sounding rather angrier than normal, causing me to bite my lip and look at him with slight worry in my eyes.

"Are you okay, you don't seem yourself..." I said after a few minutes, averting my eyes out the window and he sighed softly at my seemingly being afraid of him, and I saw him nod out of the corner of my eyes.

"Yea, I'm fine, Koti," he said softly, his voice slightly tense. "It's just...that redheaded bloodsucker... We still haven't been able to catch her... And she's getting closer each day, pushing the boundaries of getting to Bella."

Of course, that would be it. He was worried about whom Bella had told me to be Victoria. I could understand that... Though it surprised me a little to hear that they hadn't caught her yet... I would have thought the pack would have her by now.

They got the other one easy enough.

"Oh..." was all I could find to say as I looked at my nails, pulling one up to begin working on biting the nail of a thumb, before looking back out the window and watching the trees as they passed on our way back to La Push.

"And it doesn't help that you smell of leech," he stated, though this was in a teasing tone, as though to try and lighten the mood. This, though catching me slightly off guard due to the earlier tense presence, caused me to giggle and push at his arm slightly.

"Oh, shuddup, you don't smell so great either, mister," I said, sticking my tongue out at him playfully, causing us both to laugh and we spent the rest of the car ride, attempting to talk as though there was nothing wrong, as though there was nothing threatening around us. Just like we tried to every day, though both of us knew better than that.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, here's chapter seven.

Wow, this story still seems to suck, in my opinion... :/.... BUt i guess that's expected, since I haven't gotten into the plot very much yet.

Anyway...I don't really have a lot to say... So yea...

Comments are love...?