Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Honey, I'm home!" I sang as I walked into the house, a bright smile on my face as I skipped into the living room, where I saw all of the pack sitting, causing me to chuckle to myself and then I smirked and jumped into Paul's lap. "Paul, my love! How are you on this lov-e-leh day?"

He looked at me as though I had three heads before his face fell into a scowling glare and he pushed me off as all of the others laughed and I pouted.

"Aww, you're no fun!" I all but whined as I pouted in his direction and he rolled his eyes and looked away from me. I was almost instantly picked up by another member of the pack, who's voice I recognized instantly as Seth's as it said:

"Well no wonder he doesn't want to be near you, you smell terrible, Koti!"

"Oh thanks, that is so flattering, I love you, too," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm as I looked up at Seth, sticking out my tongue in his direction, though I knew exactly why he was saying it. To them, I probably did smell terrible, even after being in a car with Jacob's smell all over it, there was no way the vampire scent was off of me yet.

He laughed, as well did almost all of the boys in the room.

"Alright, Alright, no more," Jacob said, walking in and I smiled triumphantly and went to sit on the couch. "Ey, ey, ey, no sitting on the couch, Dakotah. No sitting on anything until you get that putrid smell off of you."

I raised my eyebrow at him for a few seconds, pursing my lips and he gave me almost the same look, causing me to sigh and turn, walking out of the room, yelling behind me, "If any of you come in while I'm in there, I will rip off your balls!"

A chorus of laughter followed me as I went to take a shower, a small smile on my face.

God, I loved my family.


"Hello, Dakotah," said a voice from the doorway later on that night as I lay on my bed, my back to the door, curled up and reading a book, causing me to jump, as I hadn't been paying attention to anything around me except my book and the soft music that I had playing at a low volume through my stereo speakers.

I looked towards the door and saw my dad sitting there, causing me to smile softly, sitting up and motioning him to come in further as I said, "Hey, Daddy."

He did as I motioned, rolling his wheel chair up by my bed, and, when he stopped and had been sitting there for almost a minute, he asked, "So how was your first day at Forks?"

"Interesting," I laughed out softly, smiling as I sat against the headboard, looking up at the ceiling and away from him. "I got stared at, met some people, was stared at, got some homework, got stared at, almost fell down the stairs and, oh yea, did I mention got stared at?"

As I said the last sentence, I gave him a cross look with a teasing smile on my face, causing him to chuckle softly and shake his head at me, before stating, "And the leeches?"

"They weren't a problem... well, I mean, the red-head had some glaring problems, but other than that, it was relatively easy to ignore their presence," I half-lied with a soft chuckle and a smile, causing him to roll his eyes softly. "Really, I think it's going to be an interesting experience, I mean, I've never been anywhere but the reservation, except to go to Seattle and Port Angeles, and even that hasn't been very much since mom has been... gone... So, though I love the Rez, I think it would be better for me to be somewhere where I can make friends with people I haven't known my whole life, ya know?"

He stared at me for a what seemed to me a very long time (to me) after my small speech, not showing very many signs of emotion on his face, and then a smile broke out softly on his face and he nodded, saying, "Yes, I suppose I do understand. And I'm glad that you seem happy with this decision, however hard it may have been for me and Jacob. And don't you think for a second the pack has been very happy with me, especially not when you come home smelling of the bloodsuckers."

"That was an accident," I said, barely letting him finish the sentence, trying not to sound to defensive, knowing full well that it couldn't be considered just an 'accident'. "I bumped into that little pixy-like one on my way out of the school, is all."

"And I wasn't accusing you of otherwise," he said, his voice nothing but reassuring as he smiled softly at me, a very trusting smile. "I trust you, Dakotah. I know that you wouldn't make a mistake such as one as befriending them."

"Of course not, Daddy," I assured, smiling back at him and he chuckled before looking at the light.

"It's about time for bed, so get that light off and get there, okay?" he asked and I nodded softly, smiling reassuringly at him and he nodded back at me, rolling back to the door. "Night, Dakotah."

I giggled and closed my book, waving at him softly with a small smile, and said, "Night, Daddy."

He rolled out and I chuckled softly before flipping off the light and laying down to go to bed, falling asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
♠ ♠ ♠
lol, this was maybe a little better XD.

I'll probably update all my stories tomorrow, because -LE GASP- NO SCHOOL BABEHZ! :) So I'm super excited for that, and yea.

Anyway, comments??

What do you think of the story so far and stuff? And a thanks to those of you who have been commenting, I may not be like some people and put names in here or stuff and I don't go and say thanks on your page, for which I'm sorry, but I do really appreciate all of you people who comment, it really makes my day, and I just wish more people would.
Because comments seriously make my day, good or bad, it helps me know what I'm doing right and wrong. So yea.

again, Comments truly are love :)