Status: Updates may be slow, as my life seems to be falling apart at the seams, I'll do my best, though..

What If?



"Come on, Dakotah, we're going to be late!" yelled Jacob up the stairs the next morning as I was quickly running a brush through my hair, trying to go as fast as I could, but that obviously wasn't fast enough.

"I'm almost done!" I yelled back as I dropped the brush and ran out of my bedroom door, quickly picking up my bag and grabbing a sweatshirt as I went, throwing my sweatshirt on and putting my bag on my shoulder as I ran down the stairs. "Okay, okay, I'm ready, how much time do we have?"

"No time," he all but yelled as he grabbed my arm and began pulling me towards the door, not giving me any time to respond to that as we headed there.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I yelled, pulling my arm from his and running over to the cabinet in the kitchen to grab some pop tarts.

"Dakotah, no time for food!" Jacob yelled, grabbing my arm just as my hand landed on the box, pulling me away again. I put my hand around the box just before he could pull me out of reach and then willingly let him pull me out the door and to his car. I got in the passenger side quickly as he got in the driver's side and began driving as quickly as he possibly could to try and make us not late to school.

'Ha, good luck with that...'

I sat back as we waited for him to drive me back to my school as I smiled lightly, trying not to laugh at how distraught and rushed he looked, a smile on his face as he drove.

He pulled into my school parking lot about twenty minutes after that and all but pushed me out of the car door, an obvious upset aura around him that made me want to laugh my ass off.

"Goodbye, Jacob," I said with a laugh as I quickly exited his car and hurried towards the school, a smile on my face at how funny that car ride had been. We almost went into a ditch twice and Jacob had kept swearing at his car.

Yes, it had been quite interesting.

I walked into the school and looked up at the clock that rested above the office, letting out a sigh as I saw that it was about ten minutes after the bell had rang. I quickly went to my locker and grabbed my books before all but running down the hall and towards my class room, hoping not to get into to much trouble.


"Hello, Dakotah, it seems you had quite an interesting morning, wouldn't you say?" Alice asked as she walked up to me, a smile on her face as she went to place her hand on my shoulder. I quickly ducked away from it, giving her an apologetic look as she looked at me with a hurt expression.

"I'm sorry, Alice, but you can't touch me," I said, my apologetic smile in tact. "It took me two showers and lotion and washing my clothes three times to get the smell off. And trust me, if I go home smelling like that again, you can be sure that Jacob and the pack will kill me. I could pass it off as an accident yesterday, but I don't think I could two days in a row. I'm sorry..."

She let out a bell like laughed and nodded in understanding, saying, "It's okay, Dakotah. But about your morning..."

I laughed and looked back towards my locker, not knowing exactly what to say to that, so I just went with the truth.

"If you call being late to school interesting," I said with a laugh as I continued to look through my locker for what I needed. "I guess the fact that Jacob almost put us in a ditch interesting as well, so I guess... Wait... how did you know about my being late... you only have one class with me..."

She let out a bell-like laugh and rolled her eyes as she leaned against the locker next to mine, a smile on her face as she said, "I saw you running to your first period class."

"You saw," I asked, raising my eyebrows at her, not completely believing her, but she only chuckled softly and nodded, smiling at me once more. "Okay...however that works... anyways, Let's just go to lunch.."

Alice laughed softly and nodded as I closed my locker and we began heading towards the lunchroom, talking about anything that came to mind. It was funny how well I got along with her, even though I should have hated the ground she walked on, and I wasn't supposed to be talking with her anyway, and the fact that she was almost the complete opposite of me.

"So, what don't I know about... your family...?" I asked, trying to sound noncholant as we entered the cafeteria and got in line, though she knew what I was talking about when I said 'your family'.

"What do you know?" she countered, looking at me, her dark gold eyes curious, yet not upset. I bit my lip and shrugged.

"I know...what you are... and I know that a few of you have special talents... like...I know Edward knows everything everyone except Bella is thinking..." I said, trying to be quiet about it, knowing that people around me were still staring and interested, though probably not understanding what I was saying, or even bothering to care.

"Well, then you know a lot more than you should," she said with a nod as we got in line. "But there is stuff you don't know... I'll tell you more when we're around less people."

I nodded softly before we got our stuff and went to sit down, not saying much more until we sat at a table, and then she began telling me more about her and her family, stuff that I'm sure not even Jacob knew about, which caused me to chuckle softly in my head as I knew he wouldn't be happy about this, not that he'd find out if I had any say in it.
♠ ♠ ♠

Okay, so...kind of suck-ish... But yea, what do you think of her becoming friends with Alice??

lol, it's going to be really fun :) Lol, but yea..

Don't have a lot to say, Yea, I think I'm just gonna...stop now... XD, okay...

Comments are Love!