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I was only ten years old when I moved to Cleveland, Ohio. I was a nervous wreck. No one really knew who I was, and I didn’t know how to get along with strangers. I was an outcast for a long while. I felt as though the world would have been better off not knowing of my existence. What was I supposed to do? I was only ten; my mind was wild at that age. I was your average child who was scared of the world.

I got made fun of for most of my school years—up until I started high school that is. I was in a new world when I began that rout. People always told me that it’s your parents who screw you up. In my opinion, if you really want to screw someone up, you should send them to high school. It’s the one place where you have to worry about every little thing you do. Whether it’s work, your appearance, or how you act, you need to refine everything. How you act in high school defines how you act in the real world.

School was never a problem for me. I started to dress a bit darker than the rest of the kids, but girls found it more attractive than anything else. It never really came to me though. I wasn’t a kid who was interested in dating, sex, or girls for that matter. I only focused on grades for the most part. That’s until I met her at least.

Tabitha Vivian Chambers is the love of my life. She’s my girlfriend of two years. We’re in our junior year now, and we are inseparable. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give for this girl—she’s everything to me. She has the most mesmerizing green eyes I’ve ever seen. Her dark hair is so alluring, always flawless. She’s beautiful, caring, and perfect.

As for me, I can’t say the same for myself. My name is Cadence Hale Evans. I have long, dark brown hair that is a bitch to straighten. I wish I could say that I have a desirable figure, but I don’t. I’m a twig, no muscle, and I’m shorter than most guys. I’m an even height of 5’8” and most guys here are over six feet tall.

Despite my imperfections, I find that life is pretty okay. Everything is a dream in reality. I have the perfect girlfriend, good grades, a good relationship with my parents, and my siblings and I get along great. Nothing could ever go wrong.

That is, until I met Xander Silas Walker. Xander is a boy who acts as though he has everything in the world by a thread. He’s mysterious, silence, and has a smirk across his face whenever I see him. He talks to no one. He intimidates all. He’s absolutely beautiful. He has the perfect body that girls would yearn for and guys would kill for. He has the perfect muscle tone on his thin frame, the perfect skin color with no marks of flaw. He has beautiful blue eyes and black, perfectly styled hair. He has two piercing below his lips that just yearn to be licked when someone kisses him.

This boy has been causing me problems since the first day I saw him. Ever since he moved here three months ago I can’t keep him off my mind. He angers me. No man should be that perfect. I grow jealous of his beauty, thinking my girlfriend will one day try to charm him rather than me.

I’m starting to wonder what’s gotten over me… he’s on my mind more than my own girlfriend. What am I supposed to do? It’s worrying me. Now all I can think is… What if there’s more to this hate I have for him?

No. That’s not possible… that’s all there is. Hate.
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A new story I'm writing. I think it'll be a good one. Comment and subscribe! :)