‹ Prequel: I Still Remember

Come A Little Closer


“Baby are you going to get that? It’s been ringing off the hook for five minutes.”

He mumbles in his sleep groggy voice as he pulls me into a tighter hug. I feel his skin press up against mine as I roll over to the side of the nightstand. I extended my hand and slapped the iPhone, in hopes that it didn’t smash into pieces. I put the phone to my ear. I wasn’t in the mood to answer any phone calls right now. “Hello?” I say in a groggy tone of voice.


Shit, it was my best friend Sydney. I roll my eyes as I hear Jared and Eric’s comments. Everyone had been trying to get ahold of Marc and I after we left the church. Why we left the church? If you’re just reading this and don’t have a clue as to what’s going on, I stopped a wedding. Yep, I stopped the boy I had been inlove with since I was three who now plays for the New York Rangers from getting married. Amazing, I know. We ran away from the church and took a long ass drive to Niagra Falls were he proposed to me. We’re now in a trashy hotel room, sleeping.

I look at my phone that I pulll away from my ear. It’s 9:15 in the morning. I put the phone back to my ear and roll my eyes. I’m sure everyone back in Thunder Bay was both happy I did that or pissed that Marc and I ran off. I’m sure Francesca wanted to rip my head off. “Morning to you too,” I say as I sit up and hold the sheets to my naked chest.

“Okay, where are you?” She asks me.
“Somewhere in Ontario.”
“Don’t get all smart ass with me right now, we were so close into sending the cops on you guys.”
“You guys wouldn’t do that.”
“Please, we’re all happy you stopped the wedding but you both scared us when we heard the car pull away.”
“How’s the bitch holding up?”
“Oh God, she was a basket case. She actual almost went after you guys when you ran out hand in hand.”
“WHEN ARE THEY COMING HOME?!” I hear Mrs. Staal yell.

Marc sat up as he heard the sound of his mothers voice on the other end as he rubbed his forehead. I run my spare hand through my hair, as I sighed. I looked at Marc, who shrugged. “Sometime tonight,” I replied.

“You both have a lot of explaining to do, ya know that right?” Sydney laughs.
“Yeah I know.”
“Hey, I’m proud you stopped that wedding. When you and Marc get married, don’t make me wear gold.”
“I’ll consider.”
“Just hurry up and come home.”

I hang the phone up and throw it back on the nightstand. I turn my head toward Marc, who’s smiling at me as he pushes me back down and is on top of me. A stupid grin grows on my face as I bite my lip. “Marc, we had sex last night, ya know that right?”

“Who says we can’t go again?”
“This is quite true.”
“I mean, you are my fiancé and all.”
“And how do you expect us to break the news to our family?”
“Oh please, they all knew you and I would eventually get together and burst out that we’re going to get married and make you a Staal.”
“You think they’ll get pissed? I mean, I did stop your wedding and now you have to plan an entirely different wedding. You know that right?”
“I’m okay with that, I mean, you are my bride to be.”

With that he kisses me as I wrap my arms around the back of his head. The phone rings again as he pulls back. This time it’s his phone. I watch him reach over the nightstand and grab the phone. I catch him roll his eyes. “Who is it?” I ask him.

“Jordan,” he rolls his eyes. “To be continued?”
“Hello?” He says putting the phone to his ear while sitting down next to me. “Jordan we’re going to leave soon, relax. I don’t know, why don’t you wait til we get back to tell you all, eh? Goodbye Jordan.”
“What was that about?”
“My brother wants to know what our deal is.”
“This is going to be fun.”
“You can shower first if you want.”
“Are you going to join?”
“I was waiting for you to ask me that.”

A few hours later we head out back to Thunder Bay. The whole eight-teen hour car ride I had the nerves. I knew my mother was going to be happy that I manned up and stopped a wedding, but I knew that telling them Marc and I wanted to tie the knot was going to be loads of fun. Yeah, sure they all knew Marc and I were in love, but really, I don’t think they were going to be thrilled to find out that I’m engaged.

“You okay babe?” Marc asks me.
“My mother is going to kill you then me.”
“Please, she won’t be mad.”
“I hope so.”
“I promise it will be okay, I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?”
“She won’t come to the wedding?”
“It’ll be fine babe.”

We pull up to Marcs house and see the lights flicker on in his kitchen. It’s three in the fucken morning, who the hell is still up? We sneak around the back door and walk into the living room. Marc nodds his head toward the stairs before picking me up bridal style as I buried my face into his chest, then proceeds to tip toe up the stairs. “Hold it right there,” we hear. Marc slowly turns around and I bring my head away from his chest to see Sydney, Lindsy, my mom, Rick, Eric, Jordan, Tanya, Jared, and Mr. and Mrs. Staal standing before us.

This was really fucken awkward.

“It’s about time you guys come home,” Mrs. Staal says. “Where have you been!?”
“Can we go to bed? We’re awfully tired,” Marc pleaded.
“Sit down now!” Mr. Staal says.

Marc and I plop ourselves on the couch infront of our parents, while everyone else sits around us. I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder. This was going to be a longass night.