‹ Prequel: I Still Remember

Come A Little Closer



I yell as I walk into the Staals house like it was no big deal. Over the past summer, Jared’s relationship and mine became stronger. Sure, we became friends when I moved here in grade twelve when Gina and I became friends and she introduced me to the Staals, but never did I once think I was going to develop a crush…well..more of a relationship with Jared.

Things were going well in the relationship for the most part. We kind of made it a thing after the carnival and more official before runaway away groom decided to not get married and go to Niagra Falls with my best friend as we laughed at Francesca’s attemption to chase Marc out of the church, which she failed at miserably.

However, he had asked me to move to Florida with him while he plays hockey so our relationship wouldn’t turn out to be a relationshit. I said I’d try, and after the whole runaway groom thing went down, I applied for every teaching job in Florida I could try to obtain. However, no one was hiring, because the American economy sucks. I thought about going back to school to become a psychiatrist, but while looking for a cheap school, I had no luck, and realized that Loyola wasn’t paying me much, because that’s how chatolic schools are. So I decided that I wasn’t going to move to Florida.

Did Jared know any of this? No, of course not. If I told Jared, which I know I’m going to at one point, a big explosion would happen because of his temper. You’d think his mother had a temper, nope, Jared was just as bad, said things he didn’t mean, went all Godzilla on everyones asses, stuff like that.

Which is why I was at his house. I had to tell him the bad news of me not moving to Florida and that our relationship was going to be turning into a relationshit. “Jared!” I yell as I see Hank. “Oh, hey Mr. Staal,” I smile.

“Looking for my son?”
“He’s being a dumbass in the barn.”
“That’s nothing new. Thanks!”

I walk to the barn while rehersing in my head what I should say to him. I had approached the barn to find him taping up his stick when he looked up and grew a big grin on his face. He then proceeded to drop the stick and give me a huge hug. I knew he wasn’t going to be happy for long, because I couldn’t find a job in Florida. “Hey babe!” He smiled after kissing my cheek.

“Hey,” was all I could get out. “What are you doing?”
“I was shooting objects I found in the trash can and taping my stick. Care to join?”
“Not really.”
“Syd, is everything okay?” He asked me.
“Not really.”
“Syd, you can tell me,” he smiled.
“Please don’t be mad at me.”
“You cheated, didn’t you?”

I sat on the haystack that was in the barn and sighed. Jared sat next to me and grabbed my hands. This was going to be so hard and to top it off, we were most likely going to get into this big huge fight and an explosion was going to happen. Why wasn’t someone filiming it so we can compare the explosions of Linda, Marc, and Jared to one another? “Jared, I can’t find a job in Florida.”

“Oh really? Well…I thought you were going to go back to school then?”
“Jared…I can’t afford it right now.”
“So what does that mean?”
“Jare…I can’t come to Florida. There is no way in hell I can do so right now.”

It’s quiet now. I know for a fact Jared’s trying to keep his composure but as I bite my lip. He then looks at me and his green eyes are full of sadness and rage, which was not good, especially for Jared. “Syd, are you sure you can’t find a job?” He asks. I nodd my head, as he sighs before adding, “That’s bullshit.”

“Jared, do you honestly think I’d make this up?”
“Well…if you didn’t want to move, that’s all you had to say.”
“Jared, believe me, I want to go, I can’t find a job and I’m broke. What do you want me to do, become homeless and live in a box?”
“Move in with me.”
“We are defiantly not at that stage yet and to be quite honest, I don’t think I’m ready to even relocate because of your career.”
“Gina’s going to have to.”
“Gina doesn’t even know she has to yet and I don’t think she’s going to be willing to do that and why are we bringing her into our argument?”
“Sydney, you don’t have to lie to me. I get it, you don’t want to move.”
“Jared, I am not lying, I can’t find a job and I’m broke.”
“Well, maybe you and Gina shouldn’t be coming back and forth here.”
“We’re coming back and forth here because we love you and Marc, we want to see you guys and don’t tell me what I can and cannot do.”
“Syd, you’re moving with me, okay?”

Now I was agrivated. Who the hell gave Jared the right to tell me what I was going to do? He wasn’t my parent and quite frankly, he wasn’t my boss. This is what I get for dating someone older than I am by a few years. “Well…maybe if you weren’t a lazyass, we wouldn’t be having this problem.”

“How am I lazyass?”
“Jared, if you actually played your ass off, you’d be in Carolina, and odds are I could find a job.”
“Don’t make this all about you and I am not a lazy ass.”
“How the hell am I making this all about me Jare? I’m just being honest.”
“You know, I bet you didn’t even look for a job,” he’s yelling now.
“There is no need to yell and yes, I actually did believe it or not. Plus, I’d have to take the test to get my liscense to teach in Florida.”
“Go ahead, make an excuse up about that too.”
“Jared, you are just being a dick, I’m leaving now.”

I begin my walk away from the barn with Jared following close behind me. If there was one thing I didn’t want, it was for Jared to be dragging this on. “SYDNEY STOP!” He’s yelling now as I keep walking. Of course he was going to drag this on, he was like his mother and brother, stubborn to no end. “Sydney wait!” He grabs my hand.

“Jared leave me alone.”
“Tell me the truth, did you honestly look?”
“Yes I did.”
“I don’t believe it.”
“Then why are we together if you can’t trust me? We basically have a relationshit going on!”
“Fine, if you want to end it, so be it.”
“Call me when you grow up.”
“Maybe I won’t call you!”

I stomp away on the verge of tears. He was really going to get mad and break up with me over this, fine, so be it. I opened the front door of the Pisani house and slammed it. “GINA!” I yelled. I knew one person in my life was going to attempt to fix this and that was my best friend…

Until we turn on the T.V. that is.