‹ Prequel: I Still Remember

Come A Little Closer



I hear her calling as she stomps up the stairs. She then slams the door open and flops on my bed. “Syd, are you okay?” I ask as she looks up and I gasp. I see her face drenched in mascara. If Jared had anything to do with this, I am going to rip him to shreds. “Sydney, what happened?” I asked, grabbing her shoulders.

H-h-hhheeee du-duuu-ummmpppped me!”
“Sydney, it’s okay, calm down.”

She sits up straight and blows her nose with the klenex on my nightstand. She then nods her head and begins breathe in and out. Jared dumped Sydney, this was werid. If anything, Jared was head over heels over Sydney, so why the hell would he dump her? “Sydney, I need you to tell me what happened okay?”

“I told him I couldn’t find a job and couldn’t afford to go back to school.”
“Oh god…”
“He didn’t believe me, he said it was bullshit and that he couldn’t trust me and then he dumped me and threatened to not call me!”
“I don’t know Gina, he was a bitch about it.”

I begin to get up when Sydney grabs my shirt. She knows I’m just about ready to go kill him. I begin to fight the grip she has on my teeshirt when I turn to look at her. “Sydney, if you know what’s best for you, let go of my shirt,” I begin to tell her but she gives me the glare. “Syd, I think you need to let go of my shirt,” I plead.

“Gina, just let him cool off.”
“Fine, only for your own sake.”
“Thank you. I hate boys, your so lucky you have a man.”
“Marc can be a five year old sometimes. Hey, lets watch some TV?”
“Yes, lets!”

I grab the remote and we begin to flip through the channels, looking for something decent to watch. So far, all we see is Teen Mom, Secret Life of an American Teenager, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, and Bad Girls Club. I look at Sydney, who’s holding on to my teddy bear. “Would you like me to keep this bullshit on?”

“God no, they make my life look like less of a freakshow.”
“Good point, I’ll keep changing,” I say, passing up NHL Network.
“Wait, put that back, I think they were talking about Marc.”
“Why would they do that?”
“Just do it.”

I roll my eyes and put NHL Network back on, only to see that they were talking about Marc. I kept it, odds are I knew what was going on. “And Runaway Groom as they are calling him,” they begin talking, “Marc Staal not only got reengaged, but has signed an extension with the New York Rangers.”

“WHAT!?” Sydney and I begin.
“Did you know about this?” Sydney asked.
“No…I’m going to kill him. No wonder he had to go back to New York,” I begin, getting up.
“Gina, calm down, there has to be a good explanation about this,” Sydney yells at me.
“I’m going to fucken kill him!”
“Gina, where are you going and who are you going to kill?” Lindsy yells as I stomp down the stairs.
“I’ll be back!”

I stomp over to the Staals and let myself in. I ignore Tanya as she tries to say hi to me but I hear her calling for Eric. I then open the door and find Marc standing in his room looking at the TV before turning to see me standing there and when he did see me there, he could tell I was ready to kill him. “Gina, I can explain…”

“Gina, I can explain—“
“Marc, you know I’m trying to go to law school and your going to do that?”
“Gina, they made me an offer I couldn’t pass up.”
“And how good of an offer was this?”

Marc didn’t say anything at first, but I could tell he was trying to hold this back because he knew I was pissed that he didn’t tell me. I would’ve liked it if he told me so we could try to work something out, but the idiot decided to not tell me. How does he expect us to be married if he’s not going to tell me anything? He signed and finally got out, “A five year, $19.875 million dollar contract.”

“See, I knew you were going to be mad.”
“I’m mad because you didn’t tell me! How am I supposed to trust you if your not going to be honest with me about things like this?”
“Gina, I didn’t want to tell you because I know this was going to turn into an explosion.”
“You do know I’m supposed to apply to law school around now, right?”
“You’re applying to NYU, right?”
“Who the fuck said I was going to?”
“I assumed you where.”
“Not even, Marc, I’m not moving to New York.”

Marc looks pissed now, but hey, lets be honest, there is no way in fucken hell I am moving to New York. Hell, I didn’t even know he was a free agent until I put the TV on. Marc puts his hands in his back pockets as he waits for me to say something, which I’m not going to. “What do you mean your not coming to New York?”

“Marc, Loyola has a really good law school.”
“But its New York and I will be there.”
“Marc, I think my education is a little more important right now.”
“Oh so your picking your education over your fiancé?”
“Marc, your acting like a twelve year old right now. Stop making this all about you.”
“Gina, your coming to New York.”
“I am not going to New York and that’s that. Don’t act like you’re the damn boss of me.”
“Oh so you don’t love me then.”
“Marc, I’m picking my education over you right now because I know for a fact it’ll pay off in the end.”
“You’re being a complete bitch right now.”
“Excuse me?”

Marc’s face went as white as a ghost, due to the fact he just called me a bitch. I throw my hands in the air. I was really going to marry a man with the mind of a twelve year old. “Gina, I am so –“

“You know what, the wedding’s off.”
“Gina, don’t do this.”
“Marc, right now, we can’t get married until you want to work this out like two respectable human beings, I’m sorry.”
“Gina, do not do this, I’m not losing you again.”
“You already lost me Marc. Don’t chase after me.”
“I knew you’d do this again.”
“Marc, I can’t do this right now. When you want to work this out, you know where to find me, but until then, don’t chase me.”

I slip the ring off my finger and put it in his hand. I catch him shed a tear and then walk away. I walk out the door crying as I walk back into my house. “Great, now why are you crying?!” Lindsy asked as I stompped to my room and flopped on my bed. Syd’s looking at me now, because she knows what happened. “The weddings off,” I cry.

“Gina, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I think we need to get away for a while.”

And that’s when I had the most brilliant idea ever.

“Sydney, pack your things.”
“Where are we going?”
“I don’t know, but we are leaving Thunder Bay for a few days.”