‹ Prequel: From Rags to Riches.
Status: Updates come whenever , lovelies.<3

Always and Forever.



Andreas' POV.





"NO , COREY! YOU'RE NOT GETTING ME INTO THAT!" I shouted , walking swiftly away with my robes flowing behind me. It's been 2 months since Juliann proposed to me and Corey's STILL trying to get me to wear a dress. I said I wanted traditional , but not THAT traditional!

"Just try it on , AnAn! Please!" Corey exclaimed , jogging towards me with the dress in his hands. I shook my head and started running , hearing Corey pick up his pace. I dodged in and out of rooms , getting strange and amused looks from the servants. I looked behind me and noticed Corey gaining speed , the dress tightly clutched in his hands. I watched as Corey stopped and smirked , gazing at me with a look of pride in his eyes. I was about to shout and ask him what's up , but ran smack dab into a warm and muscled chest.

"Oh! I'm sorry , Your Majesty. But, Sir Juliann requests you to join us for breakfast." I looked up and noticed it was Robert who I bumped into. Sneaky ass Corey must've sent him to slow me down , hence why he stopped and smirked. I looked upwards at Robert and noticed how he was joking by the gleam in his eyes. Shaking my head , I slowly stood up and brushed off the invisible dust.

"Let's go along then. I can't leave my fiancee alone by himself , can I?" I raised my chin high and started walking , hearing Corey and Robert chuckle slightly. They caught up with me , holding hands along the way. I noticed how Corey still had the dress in his grasp , that evil thing. Corey locked eyes with me and smirked evilly , slowly letting go of Robert's hand. My eyes widened , realizing what he was going to do.

"Don't.You.Dare!" I seethed , my teeth clinching together at the thought. Robert looked between us and shook his head , laughing. Corey took off running while I followed , shouting profanities at him along the way. Corey was laughing like a maniac the whole time , while I slowly caught up to him. I passed by Corey and snatched the dress out of his hands , smirking in the process. Turning my head around , I stuck my tongue out while making my eyes cross eyed.

"Who's laughing now?! HAHA!" I turned around , only to run into ANOTHER warm and very familiar chest. I whined and rubbed my nose , slowly working my eyes up the body. My eyes caught sight of the greyish colored ones and I smiled softly , noticing how much I loved them.

"I just can't leave you alone for 5 minutes , can I?" Juliann asked , arms crossed against his chest. I smirked slightly and raised myself off the floor , rubbing my sore butt. Walking towards him , I wrapped my arms around Juliann and relaxed visibly. He always manages to take away any negative feelings. Juliann lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist , loving the feeling I get.

"Guys. Stop trying to have "discreet" sex in the hallway. We all know you guys get plenty at night." Robert said , calmly walking towards us. I blushed and buried my face into Julianns' neck , feeling the vibrations of when he started to laugh. Corey snickered evilly and I raised my head up , looking at him with a blank face.

"You know , since we've gotten down here , you've been REALLY evil , Corey. And quite frankly , you're scaring the SHIT out of me!" I said , eyes widening. Corey jokingly rubbed his hands which caused all of us to laugh. Juliann turned around and started walking , keeping me tightly against his chest.

"Sex standing up AND while walking. Kinky bastards." I heard Corey mumble to Robert , who snickered loudly. I whistled loudly , causing their attention to be brought towards me again. I shot them a bird and told them where they can shove it at , causing Juliann to laugh and smack my butt teasingly.

We arrived at the dining room and I noted how the places were all set up. Juliann slowly let me down and grabbed my hand , tugging me towards my throne chair. Yeah , I know! Who seriously needs a throne just to eat breakfast?! Apparently us Demon Kings do. We sat down at our places and I noticed how Killian was missing.

"Where's Killian?" I asked , looking towards Juliann. Juliann set down his glass of blood and chuckled slightly. He looked towards the kitchen door and turned towards me.

"He's with you know who. It's hard to imagine that they're finally a couple after weeks of endless flirting." Juliann stated , laughing loudly with Robert. I raised an eyebrow and glanced at the two men , not knowing what was so funny. The kitchen door slammed open and a flustered Gornalen , isn't his name AWESOME?! , stormed out with a smug looking Killian following.

Gornalen plopped down in the seat next to mine , glancing at me with a smile. I shook my head and chuckled , clapping my hands to signal we were ready. The servants came out and started placing food ontop of the table. After they were done , we all started to eat and joke around with each other. Our conversation was stopped by the dining room doors slamming open , a Duke running in.

"Your Majesty , my greatest apologies! But , we have a problem and you need to see this." The Duke exclaimed , running around in circles.

♠ ♠ ♠
My internet was disconnected the day before I was gonna post this!
Talk about coinceidence?(sp?)

Hope you like! I tried , haha! ;D
Comments please? Tell me what you think so far!
And some of you might think you know who the mystery person is ,
but uh. I'm pretty sure it's some you don't know or wouldn't expect. ;)
WHA BAM! i'm done ramblingggg.<3