‹ Prequel: From Rags to Riches.
Status: Updates come whenever , lovelies.<3

Always and Forever.



Andreas' POV.

"I'll be there in a minute. Let me have my breakfast first , now go." I said , shooing away the Duke. He nodded and bowed before running out of the room. I sighed and shook my head , I hate talking like that to people. I have to do it though or people will think I'm too weak to be their king.

"I love it when that side comes out. It's so . . kinky." Juliann said , reaching over and grabbing my hand. I blushed and lightly shoved him , causing him to chuckle. He brought my hand toward his lips and kissed it , smiling lightly at me. I love these sweet moments between us. I get so giddy when I know I'm the only one he shows this side too. OUCH. WHAT THE FUCK?! I thought , snapping my head over towards Corey.

"What the hell , Corey?! Why'd you kick me?!" I exclaimed , rubbing my shin. Corey looked up and gasped , hand put on his chest with it.

"Me?! I did NOT kick you! I'm simply eating my food." Corey innocently said , looking at Robert with a slight smile. Shaking my head , I turned towards Juliann , who in return shrugged. Turning towards Corey again , I saw him and Robert give each other a "secret handshake" with a smirk.

"I hate you , Corey. You too , Robert."

"WHAT?! But, I love you, AnAn." Corey whined , getting on his knees and crawling towards me. I skimmed the table , noting how Juliann and Robert were eating but still watching us. Bitches. They think this is funny, I thought , giving them a playful glare. I turned my head towards Killian to see him giving Gornalen the most loved filled stare ever. I visibly cooed at them , making Gornalen snap his head up and give me a confused expression.

"Whaat? What's wrong?" He asked , raising his eyebrow. I nodded my head towards Killian and watched as he looked over and blushed , bowing his head. Killian grabbed him and pulled him onto his lap , hugging him tightly to his body. It really works since Gornalen's the shortest out of us all , 4'10" the most.

"Your Majesty! We need you at once! It's been over an hour!" Another Duke shouted , running in the room then running out. I sighed and pushed back my chair , noting how Juliann did the same. We excused ourselves then walked out the room towards the audience room. Upon walking into the room , we noticed how it was far more crowded then ever. Two guards announced our presence and in return everyone got on the floor and bowed.

"You may rise. Someone explain what is so urgent that I can't even have a calming breakfast , NOW." I sternly said , grabbing and holding Julianns' hand. He squeezed it and silently told me to calm down. I shook my head and turned towards the Duke in front of me , zooming in on what he was saying.

"Your Majesty. This way please?" He said , walking towards the center of the room. I nodded and followed after him , squeezing Julianns' hand absentmindedly. The Duke led us towards some blue box , looking at us nervously. Juliann and I walked up to the box and gasped , looking at each other before looking at the Duke.

"What the hell is this?!"
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How's everybody doing?(:
I'M GOOD! I noticed I'm only on chapter two and I already have
66 readers , 54 subbers , & 12 comments. <3

you guys are AMAZINGGGG! ;D i love you guys!
hope you liked?!<3