‹ Prequel: From Rags to Riches.
Status: Updates come whenever , lovelies.<3

Always and Forever.



Andreas' POV.

"Yeah, what the hell is this? Some kind of joke?" I asked , looking down at the small baby in the box. I seriously have no clue why this baby is here , and I need to know why.

"Well, it's a ba-by , Sir. And-" The Duke was suddenly thrown across the room , landing against the wall. I looked towards Juliann , noticing his eyes turning a glowing red and him panting heavily. He shook out his hand and slowly started to walk towards the Duke. The Duke whimpered and cowered in fear , pressing himself against the wall. Juliann finally was in front of him and picked the cowering Duke up , slamming him against the wall.

"You do NOT talk to your King like that , you hear me? You will NEVER talk to him like he's a little kid unless you want to deal with me , understand? The next time I catch you mistreating Your Majesty or anyone higher than you , I will kill you." I heard Juliann say calmly , which is a sure sign he's pissed off & ready to kill. The Duke nodded and Juliann slowly let him go , glaring at him all the while. I smiled inwardly , I love how he's so protective over me. It's nice to know you can be of a higher status and still have someone protect you like you're a baby still. Shaking my head , I zoomed in on Juliann watching as he moved slightly to let the Duke passed by , but reached out and stopped him.

"Don't you have something to say to your Majesty?" Juliann said , squeezing the Duke's shoulder , making the Duke wince and whimper slightly. The Duke turned towards me and fell to his knees , looking upwards at me.

"I am terribly sorry for my actions and words , Your Majesty. I had no right to say and act like that to you and I regret it fully. Please accept my apology , my King. I will forever be in your debt."

I turned towards Juliann , noticing how he was looking down at the Duke with an evil smirk. Clearing my throat , I watched as Juliann looked up and smiled genuinely at me , showing all his love in one simple actions. I smiled back at him , then turned my attention back towards the Duke. I stood up straight and looked down at him , putting on a stern yet calm facial expression.

"I will accept your apology , but this will be the only time. I do NOT like to be treated like that and don't expect ANYONE of you to talk to me like that again. If you do decide to do that , you won't have me to handle. You'll have to deal with my mate and everyone knows he's faar meaner than me. He won't hesitate to kill you & if I have to , neither will I. Understand?" I said clearly , looking at the Duke then all around at the room. They all muttered their agreements and I instructed them to continue on with their work , giving the Duke one last glare.

"Now, why is this baby here? Someone explain , NOW." I said , putting my hands on my hips and looking at my other advisors. They looked at each other before talking all at once , creating a loud buzz in my ear. I clapped my hands , successfully shutting them up , and told them I only want one advisor to talk. A duke named Henrey stepped up and bowed deeply , coming up after a few seconds.

"Your Majesties, this box with the baby arrived at the doorstep this morning. It may sound cliche , but it arrived with a note also. We wouldn't really call it a note since it only had two words on it. " Henrey explained , stepping forward and giving me the note. It was folded up and blue with baby rattles around the edges , leaving me and Juliann confused. Who would send us a BABY? And with a two worded note? I thought , shooting Juliann a look before unfolding the paper.

You will

The note left me completely confused and wondering what it could mean. I passed the note to Juliann who looked down at it with the same expression , before looking at me.

"What the hell is this supposed to mean?" Juliann snapped , flipping the note over and over again. Maybe there's some other words on it that no one noticed , or maybe it just got cut off. Henrey shrugged his shoulders , looking back at the other Dukes.

"We have no clue , Your Majesties. We're having everyone investigating who could've sent this and we'll let you know immediately if we find something. Untill then , we're stuck with the baby boy." Henrey said , bowing then walking away with the other Dukes. Me and Juliann looked at each other , our thoughts mirroring each others.

Great. Another thing to cause me more stress.
♠ ♠ ♠
His name is pronounced Gorn-Uh-Lynn. <3

Like it? Love it? Hate it?
Let me know , loveliesss.<3

This story won't be updated everyday like "From Rags to Riches". When I did that story , I was on a two week christmas break meaning I had more time. Now that I'm back in school , this story will be updated every other day. Okay?(:

Love you guyyysss!<3