One Shots

Cemetery Drive

Like all tragic stories this one is both sad and complicated. However unlike most I feel I got my happy ending. I was born Anabelle Elizabeth Hanover on June 12 1980. I was born into a wealthy family in New Jersey. My family only cared about money and being perfect in front of everyone. I unlike my older sister Jane I was never a prep or a cheerleader, I was a punk who liked to color my hair and get piercing. My parents never agreed with my lifestyle and would vocalize it a lot but I never listened to them. After I got kicked at of my third prep school and second boarding school, they finally let me go to public school. There I made friends with a group of boys who were also outcasts. Their names were Frank, Mikey, Ray , Bob and Gerard. At first Gerard and I were just friends but then we became more. After we started dating we became even more inseparable. I always believed him and knew that one day he and the boys would be in a band together. We shared all of our firsts together and by the end of high school we knew that we were in love. After we graduated Gerard and I were forbidden to see each other by my parents. Since I was still a minor we went along with their plan but secretly waited to be together after my birthday. The day of my birthday came and Gerard sent me a bouquet of my favorite flowers with a simple not that said "Marry Me." Even though he did not put his name on the card I knew that they were from him. I sent word to him that I would indeed marry him. However this was not to be, you see the night of my birthday my parents held a huge party for me. At the party the announced my engagement to
Jonathan Seabring. He was a rich bitch that had always wanted to be with me but I would never give him the time of day. I was shocked and horrified to find out that I had to marry that man. I sent word to Gerard and told him about the horrible news. He sent a letter back but before I could get it my mother intercepted it. She found out about our secret engagement and our plan to runaway. After all of this was brought to light my family decided to take me to
Martha's Vineyard until the day of the wedding. The day I left was the last time I saw Gerard he was running after the car as it pulled away. I was married a month later and was miserable from that day on. Every time I had to be with Jonathan I would always pretend it was Gerard. It was another four years before I would see him again. The boys band became a huge hit and they were being recognized everywhere. One day when Jonathan was out of town I bought ticket and a backstage pass to their concert. After the concert I went back stage and was reunited with my Gerard. After that meeting we knew that we had to be together no matter what. From that day on we started a secret affair, we would meet at the cemetery and just walk and talk. I would always wear dresses that drove Jonathan crazy because they were low cut and sexy and I would never wear them for him. Sometimes Gerard and I would go to his apartment or a hotel and make love. I was times like these that I cherished the most. I was getting ready to leave Jonathan for Gerard when he found out. Jonathan was furious and moved us away to England so that I could never see Gerard again. I became a prisoner and I was always depressed. I forced myself to eat just because of my little secret. One day Jonathan came into my room with a sinister smile on him face. He told me that Gerard killed himself because he could not be with me. At first I thought that the bastard was lying to me but then he turned on the news and my worst nightmare came true. Gerard had killed himself and I had never got to tell him about my secret. Jonathan left thinking that he had won, yet little did he know that he was actually losing. I cried and became more depressed, after listening to Gerard's CD I knew what I had to do. That night I locked myself in the bathroom and slit my wrists. By time Jonathan found me it was to late I had died. On my grave stone I had the words "True love conquers all" written. The next time that I woke up I saw Gerard holding our baby girl. I knew then that I had officially gotten my happy ending.