Sequel: A Burden

A Mistake

Coming Home

Night had fallen, but there were still a few souls wandering into the night. Raina, one of them, slipped into a shadowed terrace, where she thought she could have some time to clear her thoughts.

Earlier that day, Elrond had offered her a place in Rivendell, as long as the elves were there. It would be wonderful to live with the Elves, and it was where Raina felt her heart was leading her. She brushed her fingers on the long dress that had been made for her. It was incredibly light and beautiful; olive green with a little gold in color. Her hair was let down, and felt straighter. Two braids from the front of her hair were pulled back into a larger braid that fell down her back, making her feel like she fit in with the rest of Rivendell now.

But living without Frodo would be hard. He had always been there, and understanding to her problems. Would she be alone in Rivendell? She knew no one that lived there, but that was hardly a reason to not stay. It was supposed to be her home, and her heart was telling her that it should be.

Footsteps echoed through the terrace, and Raina’s head shot up. No Elf was so loud, and the noise was strange to her ears. She had not been around Men in a while, so quiet was the way it usually was.

After a moment, as the footsteps got louder, a man appeared in the doorway of the terrace and walked in.

It was obvious that he did not realize that Raina was there, and she assessed him the best she could. He held himself in a way that made her think that he was some sort of royalty- or he thought he was what the sun revolved around. The way he was dressed confirmed that he was very wealthy, but his eyes showed weakness. Not lack of bravery, for he had plenty of that in his heart. But greed for power was this Man’s Achilles' heel.

The man approached the Lady’s Shrine, looking down at the broken sword.

"The Shards of Narsil! The blade that cut the ring from Sauron's hand!" he whispered to himself, as Raina watched in curiosity.

The man picked the hilt up, and swung it around once. He then traced the edge of it with his finger, but recoiled when it was sliced.

“Still sharp!”

He then seemed to notice that there was another presence on the terrace, and slowly turned to look at Raina, who kept looking at him evenly. He seemed intimidated by her, although she was not trying to pierce him with her stare.

"But no more than a broken heirloom." The Man then dropped the hilt onto the shrine, but it slipped off. As he was walking out, he paused to look at the fallen sword, but continued on.

Raina stood, her dress moving in the wind. She walked slowly to the Shrine, where she bent to pick up the hilt and placed it carefully back in place. She glanced around her once more, and then left the terrace swiftly.

From the shadows sat another person. Strider, having seen the encounter, watched Raina leave -now with more respect for the young girl.