Sequel: A Burden

A Mistake

His Debut

Raina stared around the empty blackness of the cave while trying to grasp consciousness, not letting herself slip away from it.

Soon a light was lit and it spread the darkness away from the cave. Rain squinted, trying to block it from her eyes. It wasn’t for a few more seconds did someone notice her condition.

“Raina!” someone called, but she was not awake enough to be able to tell whom.

“She’s bleeding!” another voice called, but so much closer. She opened her eyes to find herself laying on the ground and staring up at an unknown figure. She was not frightened, but listened to his voice instead. The man’s lips did not move, but she listened to his voice, telling her it was going to be okay. He seemed very familiar, and Raina tried to decide who he was. She gave up as she looked into the eyes of the familiar stranger.

“Who are you?” she finally asked, and the man smiled.

“Faramir. You must go now…” and with that, the man turned into Boromir. Raina blinked looking up at Boromir in confusion. They had looked so similar.

“Raina… it’s Boromir. Remember? The Fellowship?” he looked down at the small elf in concern as she sat up.

“I remember… you just turned into someone else for a moment,” she trailed off into thought. “Boromir, you don’t happen to have a brother do you? A man named Faramir?”

A flash of recognition washed over the man’s face as he looked up at the Elf.

“I do… what do you know of him?”

Raina closed her eyes and shook her head. “I saw him, instead of you. He was talking to me, but I could not understand what he was saying, except when I asked him he said that he was Faramir. You two look very similar.”

“You had a vision of my brother?” Boromir questioned further.

Raina’s brow furrowed. “I… suppose you could call it a vision.” She shrugged apologetically for no better answer.

Legolas stared at Raina curiously, and as he had been kneeling next to her body when she was down, he was now very close to her.

“It seems… that your mother may have had the gift of Foresight…” he said softly.

Gandalf nodded. “But I fear she will not get many promotions here after. Since she is only part Elf, and even less Foresighted, I doubt you will have the gift as well.”

Raina shrugged. “I want no special gift,” she said to herself, but she could not help but feel saddened that she would not get any more visions of the man. She felt inevitably drawn to him, as if she had known him before, perhaps in a past life… While deep in her thoughts, she did not notice that Legolas stayed by her side protectively with a slight scowl on his face.

“We have now but one choice,” Gandalf said, moving on. “We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than Orcs, in the deep places of the Earth.”

Raina blinked back more black spots, and quietly asked if Legolas had anything that could help clear her mind. He immediately pulled a dried herb from his pack, handing it to her without question. And she was too off to notice that he was giving her the small bit that he had packed for himself for emergencies, otherwise she would have refused it.

After a few moments her mind was cleared, and her senses were sharp once more.

“Quietly now. It’s a four day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence will go unnoticed.”

Raina glanced up, hearing the scuttling of some creatures above. But what frightened her was the crackling of an inferno far beneath them.