Sequel: A Burden

A Mistake

A Shadow of Fear

Upon running out of the chamber, Raina’s ears were met with the many vibrations of drums and orc’s feet. She flinched, resisting the urge to stop and cover her ears. Legolas looked at her with concern, but she motioned for him to keep running. They were soon close enough to be seen, and in a matter of minutes were upon the Fellowship.

It wasn’t long before they were surrounded completely. Raina pulled her bow off her shoulder, whisking an arrow into the bow in an instant.

The moment before the tension was cut, Gimli let out a roar powered by pure insane anger and hurt. Deep within the halls, Raina heard the rumble of a new devil, along with the crackling of fire. The orcs faces showed recognition, and in a flash they had all disappeared back into the shadows.

Raina turned around slowly to face the exit, where the growling had come from. A small bit of fear grew inside her, but her curiosity and lust for blood extinguished it.

“What is it?” she asked Gandalf softly.

He did not reply for a long moment, putting Raina off ease. She curled and uncurled her toes in her boots to pass the seconds, not wanted to get anxious.
He finally opened his eyes after a few moments of concentrating.

“A Balrog- a demon of the ancient world.”

The demon bellowed from beneath them. Raina glanced up at Legolas, whose eyes showed a shadow of fear. He looked down at her as she realized how scared she should be, and wiped his face clear of fear for her. But by now, her heart beats had increased greatly and her eyes flicked from side to side. If Legolas was scared, how bad could this be?

“This foe is beyond any of you… run!”