Sequel: A Burden

A Mistake

Haven't Dropped No Eaves

Raina moved over to the kitchen table and sat down, the mug of tea clutched in her hands. “That is the One Ring. Here, all these years…”

“The One Ring?” Frodo asked, moving over to sit next to Raina, who was staring off into space.

Gandalf was the last to sit, completely ignoring his tea now.

"This is the One Ring. Forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom. Taken by Isildur from the hand of Sauron himself."

Frodo leaned it. “Bilbo found it. In Gollum’s cave.”

"Yes. For sixty years the Ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping, prolonging his life, delaying old age. But no longer, Frodo. Evil is stirring in Mordor. The Ring has awoken. It's heard its master's call."

“But he was destroyed! Sauron was destroyed!”

“Not completely,” Raina said, looking up at them, a shiver going up her spine. “He’s looking for this. We have to get it away from here.”

Frodo looked up at Gandalf with a frightened expression. “Take it Gandalf, take it!”

“No, Frodo.”

“Please, take it!”

“Don’t tempt me with this ring, Frodo! I dare not take it. Not even to keep it safe. Understand Frodo, I would use this Ring from a desire to do good. But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine."

“So we have to take it,” Raina said softly, looking up at Gandalf fearfully. “Away from here. Now.”

“Yes, you need to go Bree.”

“Bree,” Frodo repeated. “But what about you?”

“I will meet you there, at the Prancing Pony Inn. Travel only by day, and stay off the roads.” By now Raina is scurrying around to gather her things as well, and they are soon ready to go.

Outside there was a rustling of the leaves, and Raina glanced at Gandalf quickly, who motions to get down. She and Frodo lay down, looking at each other in fright. For all they knew, there was an army of orcs outside Bag’s End right then.

After a moment, Gandalf turned around and threw Samwise Gamgee on the kitchen table.

"Confound it all Samwise Gamgee! Have you been eavesdropping?!"

"I haven't dropped no eaves sir, honest. I was just cutting the grass under the window there, if you follow me." Raina stood up, and helped Frodo up with a laugh.

“You scared me to death, Sam!” she said with a giggle.

Gandalf turned back to Sam, who looked up at him in fright. "A little late for trimming the verge, don't you think?"

"I heard raised voices." Sam stuttered, and Raina felt bad for the lad. He was just trying to look out for Frodo and herself.

"What did you hear? Speak!"

"N-n-n-nothing important. That is I heard a good deal about a Ring and a Dark Lord and something about the end of the world but… Please, Mister Gandalf sir, don't hurt me. Don't turn me into anythin' — unnatural."

Gandalf’s facial feature’s relaxed, and Raina knew that he would not do anything to Sam.

“No? Perhaps not. I have thought of a better use for you,” he said with a grin to Raina and Frodo.