Status: Complete! Look for the sequel called Metamorphosis.

The Usual Suspects

A Very Supernatural Christmas

One thing most people didn’t know that Sarah could get a lot done in two days, one of them was getting a ton of Christmas shopping done. Even though she only went shopping for six people it seemed like she went overkill. One last thing she did the first day was write the guys at the Roadhouse and tell them not to touch their presents until it was time. The second day she packed a couple of bags since she wasn’t sure how long she’d be hanging with the guys. The morning of Sam and Dean were waiting in the Impala why she said her goodbye to her dad. Of course both were heavy hearted since this would be the first Christmas in a long time that the two would be away from each other.

“Promise me you’ll wait until you open up my present dad,” she said smiling weakly.
“You know me sweetheart I always do, but if Dean or Sam tells me you’ve opened my gift early I will break that promise,” he told her in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Yes sir,” she replied saluting him, he laughed at his daughters antics. “I’ll miss you dad you know that right?”
“As much as I’ll miss you, call me when you get there,” he said, pulling her into a hug, “don’t you get yourself hurt you hear me.”
“I want you to do the same I couldn’t stand losing you, see you dad,” and with that she was off to the Impala.
“How touching Bobby has a soft side,” said Dean as they pulled out of the driveway.
“Only when it comes to me so don’t expect it often.”
“Such a daddy’s girl aren’t you Sarah, we’ll have to get her a shirt and everything.”

At that Sarah grabbed an empty coffee cup and threw it at Sam who was making faces at her from the front seat. Dean broke out into laughter causing him to swerve, which in turn got a glare from Sarah who got whiplash from it.

“So miss FBI agent will you get my father back?” Asked the young girl curiously, while standing in front of Sarah over in the next room.
“The only promise I’m making to you is I’m sure going to try,” she replied.
“It’s three days ‘till Christmas do you know what it’s like to not have a dad to celebrate Christmas with?” The girl retorted with a half yell.

Sarah looked at her with a sadden look, the girls demeanour changed, “I’ve spent many Christmases without mine, I’ll tell you it does get lonely without him too.”

At that Sam, Dean and the girls mother walked in the room, she heard a sigh coming from Dean, knowing exactly how Sarah felt at the moment.

“It seems like we’re done here Agent Mitchell, time for us to leave,” Spoke Sam, at this Sarah stood and walked out of the house and headed straight for the Impala. This was going to be one long Christmas.
“Find anything?” Asked Dean when he and Sam entered the Impala.

Sam let out a defeated sigh before he spoke, “stocking, mistletoe…this.” He dug in his pocket and handed it over to Dean, Sarah who was intrigued at this point scooted to the middle part of the back seat and leaned forward looking into the front.

“A tooth?” Sarah asked, a little disgusted that Sam touched that barehanded.
“Where was this?” Dean asked with the same tone of voice that Sarah had just used.
“In the chimney,” at this Dean started the engine and headed back to the motel before he would speak again.
“No way a man fits up a chimney. It’s too narrow.”
“No way he fits up in one piece,” Sarah added, feeling slightly left out.
“Alright,” Dean spoke, “so if dad went up the chimney-“
“We need to find out what dragged him up there,” finished Sam, as they stepped out of the Impala Dean said something about food before heading off in the direction of the Diner.

“Look Sam you’ve done way too much research, let me at it, besides I didn’t go to university for nothing,” she spoke with a smile.
Sam hesitated, “you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure you look like you need a break anyway.”

With that Sam laid back on one of the beds while Sarah grabbed the laptop and searched for eons before realising who they were after.

“What are we aha-ing in excitement about?” Dean asked as he walked through the motel door twenty minutes later, food in his hands. He sat Sarah’s bag down beside her.
“I can’t believe I didn’t figure this out earlier since I did a paper on him just before last Christmas, it’s the anti-Claus, well there’s more than one but they all get taken out the same way…we just need to narrow it down to who…or what it is.”
“Geez Sarah, don’t make it sound so easy,” replied Dean who was now stuffing a cheeseburger into his mouth, Sarah just shook her head at the sight.
“Well Dean,” she added a little emphasis on his name, “that’s why we split up and go looking, I’m good on my own. Since I know you boys are joined at the hip and work very well together you go off and do your thing.”

At this Sam spoke up while standing and stepping in front of her. Sarah stared deeply into his eyes; she could feel the seriousness radiating from his body.

“No, there’s no way we’re leaving you so you can go off and do your thing, I am not having you die on my watch.”

Sarah flinched, she didn’t think these boys cared this much for her, even when they were kids they never showed this much passion. As much as it touched her, it scared her to see Sam in this light. Dean stood up and put his hand on Sam’s shoulder, who immediately eased up.

“Calm down Sammy it was a suggestion,” this time Dean was the one getting serious, “she knows she’s coming with us.”
“Really guys, is this how it is? I can take care of myself I’ve done it for years, I’m not being kept like some hostage.”

They both looked hurt when she said this, she struck a nerve. Dean was the first to speak.

“It’s just,” he than let out a sigh, “its Christmas is all.”
“Why do you care so much about Christmas?” asked Sam, “never in my life have we had a decent one and I don’t plan on having one now because you want to make up for lost time.”

Sarah at this point gave up, grabbed her jacket and headed out the door ignoring the Winchesters yells to come back. She couldn’t help but think they only wanted her close because they were afraid of her father, she was angry and needed to clear her head.

When she found a bar she walked in and decided to get cozy with a barstool, she sat there for a few hours before she decided to head for a park down the street. She found it somewhat calming to be here alone, well minus the children playing. A few minutes later she heard someone sit down at the other end of the bench. She couldn’t help but glance down at the man who looked somewhat disgruntled.

“It seems like this is where everyone comes to think,” Sarah spoke.
“Yeah, park benches usually do the trick when you’ve gone walking to clear your head and that just hasn’t worked,” the man replied laughing slightly. Sarah took in his looks; he was handsome with blue eyes, and short gelled hair. He wore a business suit with a trench coat over top of it.
“To be so young and innocent, it’s a shame they don’t know what’s coming.”
“True, I keep thinking the same thing for my daughter, though I’m hoping that things will turn out for the better.”
“She one of them?” Sarah asked.
“No,” he replied, “here on a business trip, one of them yours?”
“Nope, no kids for me, not yet at least, and I guess you could call mine a business trip as well,” she looked at her watch and realized it was getting late in the day and it would take her awhile to get back to the motel. “Well I should getting back, the guys I’m with will probably be getting worried.”
He looked at his watch, “I must agree with you I hope we’ll meet again sometime, the names Jimmy by the way.”
“Sarah and that would be nice,” with this they parted ways.

It was nightfall by the time Sarah got back to the motel, and it was unusually dark inside. She unlocked the door only to find it decorated, she smiled and knew this was Sam’s doing. She noted the tree and the presents there were a couple there for her including her fathers. She laid down on one of the beds waiting for Sam and Dean to get back. The next thing she knew she was startled awake by the two stumbling through the door exhausted and bloody.

To lighten the mood, and the tension she spoke, “wow guys’ way to have fun without me,” even though the boys grunted and rolled their eyes they still smiled. Deans was the widest after seeing how the room was decorated. With this gifts were exchanged, as were laughs while watching a football game.
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Sarah's FBI name is taken from singer Joni Mitchell for those who don't know she was the original singer of Big Yellow Taxi.