The Bloody Masquerade

Chapter 14

As soon as dawn approached in the early hours of the morning, I stumbled up the narrow spiralled staircase before the sun rendered me from moving. I followed the trace of my boys through the tiny hall. There were four doors, two on either side. One was left wide open, showing an old bathroom, while the door directly opposite was tightly shut. From the scent, I guess this was Badger’s and Martha’s room. The other room further up the hall was slightly open. Interest propelled me to push the door slightly and glance inside.

It was small, tidy and simple, but the clothes I could see through the heightened senses told me he was young, a teenager. The bulk on the bed stirred and the sound of a fitful grown escaped from Elgar as he rolled onto his back. Realising my presence was probably waking him, I retreated and left him alone. There would more than enough time to find out who Elgar was exactly later.

I turned to the final door at the very end of the hall and walked in as quietly as I could. The room was a little bigger but practically bare. There was only a desk, wardrobe and bed which indicated that Alexis had not returned here after our first meeting five years ago. I let my eyes settle on Alexis and Eugene. Alexis was on his back, sleeping heavily, with Eugene curled up beside him. I smiled warmly at the two before I rummaged around in my pack left at the end of the bed. After quickly picking out one of my loose tops and comfortable shorts, I unhooked my sword and removed my gun before unzipped the suit I had been wearing all evening and wriggled out of it. I gently folded it and, out of habit, placed it and my weapons under Alexis’s bed before dressing in the light clothes I had picked out. I shuffled over to the only place available on the bed and clambered onto the mattress. I didn’t bother to get under the cover, the sun would keep me warm.

I placed my head on the pillow and watched Alexis with a gentle gaze. I don’t know why but I felt something warm bubbling in my chest. He was so kind, so patient, and having him helping me and watching out for me was something I quite liked. And laying here beside him, with Eugene curled in between us, I felt weirdly happy. Elated even. It felt like I had a family.

At that thought a frown instantly formed on my mouth. I shouldn’t be thinking like that. It’s why I got rid of them both as soon as my job was completed five years ago. I mustn’t have ties with the Old World. Ties are bad for unclaimed witches. It caused emotional problems if you were pitted against a family you have grown to know and love. Unclaimed witches were loners. They had only their Family or mortal connections.

Alexis stirred, murmuring sleepily to himself, and unconsciously he reached out and fumbled around for my hand. I didn’t resist as he linked our hands together, instead I just stared with half closed eyes. It felt nice. His hand was larger than mine and stronger and his skin rougher. I gripped his hand and didn’t bother to hide the small smile on my face as I felt the soft stroking motion of his thumb caressing my hand.

I fell asleep with that feeling and filled with a sense of guilty pleasure at considering these two my family.


The moment I woke, I could sense someone in the room I didn’t recognise. Instantly my eyes snapped open and I froze when I was met by a pair of large green eyes staring at me from a round face. For a moment, both of us remained very still, but I was filling Matter into my body, preparing to defend myself. That however was unnecessary when the boy stood up, blushing slightly.

“I brought you coffee. Alex told me to bring it to you.” He squeaked. I could sense his unease and I realised I was giving him quite a hard look.

“Thank you.” I said softly and sat up to take the mug, hoping my tone would calm the nervous boy.

He hovered and watched me just as I watched him. He was a chubby young boy with freckles on his nose and appeared no older than fifteen. His hair was mad and dishevelled with a very dark blond shade, and, with the round glasses and scent of wolf, I guessed this was Elgar. His eyes were bright but his fixated attention was strange. He watched me like he did no other, calculating, almost intrigued.

“You’re Elgar.” I stated.

Elgar blinked then nodded. “I am. And you’re Augusta.” He said and paused in thought. “You’re very strange.”

My eyebrow hitched up and a stiff smile appeared. “In what way am I strange?”

He shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his feet. “I don’t know. I just sense something about you. Like you’re not whole.”

I didn’t want to voice how correct he was. I was in three places, and none would have me with my faults. I was either too dangerous or an unwanted anomaly. Elgar appeared to sense that he had stepped into a subject I was not willing to speak about and backed off almost instantly.

“I didn’t mean to offend.” He said hurriedly. He seemed to become flustered when I didn’t reply and shuffled to the door. “I will let Alex know you’re awake.”

“He already does.” I told him with conviction. Alexis knew everything about me. What I was feeling, when I needed him, when I was awake, when I was in danger. Absolutely everything.

Elgar hesitated before he smiled weakly. “Of course.” He replied then fled.

I heard his heavy footsteps fade away and as soon as they vanished, I placed the warm mug on the side and flung myself back on my bed. I rested my eyes and enjoyed the gentle freeze that was flowing softly in through the window Elgar had opened shortly before I had woken. I dozed slightly but stirred when I heard footsteps tearing down the hall. I just about had time to turn my head to the door and push myself up when Eugene came bursting into the room. His eyes were ablaze with pride and he bounded up to me merrily and stufed a cookie under my nose.

“Look what I made.” He said happily.

“A cookie.” I commented while staring at the large almost circular biscuit.

He grinned and nodded. “Try it.”

I did as the beaming child told me and took a bite of the warm cookie and surprised that it actually tasted quite nice. I patted his head in a silent well done as I snaffled the rest.

“Martha helped me. She showed me how it was done.”

As if on cue, a middle aged woman came silently into the room. She was dressed in simple clothes with a flour covered apron tied to her small waist. She was apparently younger than Badger by a few years, maybe ten, and her sixties styled coffee hair was only showing a few grey strands of age. She stood smiling gently as she observed us with sharp reflective eyes.

“Did she approve of it?” Martha asked.

Eugene nodded enthusiastically. “She ate it.”

“That’s good, now go down stairs again. You need to help clean up now.”

Eugene wasn’t abashed by the thought of cleaning up and, after quickly giving me a hug, he run out from the room. Martha stayed for a moment and gave me a long look.

“I’d get sorted out now. Our customers are downstairs now, and the regulars will be appearing soon. Samuel wants to go over things with you before he asks for their co-operation.” She explained.

“Who’s Samuel?” I asked, dreading the thought of having to meet more people. I didn’t like crowds, especially one filled with complete strangers. Too many people I didn’t know if I could trust.

“Badger.” She replied. “He will be upstairs in ten minutes.” Martha said then left, walking away as silently as she had appeared.

I sat for a moment before I got up and did as I was ordered. I rummaged around for clean clothes, pretty much what I was wearing now only the shorts were now denim, then trundled into the bathroom. Quickly I showered and dressed so when Badger and Alexis came into the bedroom, I was rubbing my tangled hair enthusiastically. Alexis leaned against the wall next to where I was seated while Badger remained by the door with his massive arms folded. It was only now I could see him the light and up-close did his physical strength become apparent. He was quite a dominating character.

“Augusta, Badger needs to go over things with you. What’s happened and what you want to do now.” Alexis explained.

No doubt Alexis had already gone over things with Badger but just wanted to double-check with me which I appreciated.

“Just tell me what has happened so far roughly.” Badger instructed.

I nodded my head and began to brush my hair, trying my hardest to get it into some sort of order. “Well, five years ago, I was ordered to take care of Eugene who was being hunted by his mother, Irma. I killed her after ten months of hiding. Eugene then went to my Family for training in Italy and I had not heard from him again. However, a couple of months ago I felt an impulse that took me back to the exact spot where I had killed Irma. There was a bracelet in her place, one filled with her malicious Matter. I sent it to the Crone as she would have to deal with it. A week later, I got a phone call from her claiming she was dying and giving me the order that I was to look after a child and never hand him over to her. I later found out that this child was Eugene. It went downhill from there. Diana, the Crone’s own granddaughter, appeared; warning me that the Crone had changed and now wanted me dead and Eugene in her hands. Diana also had orders to guard Eugene and never obey the Crone again and informed me that I was now being hunted by the Families. She was also the one to point out there was a scout, a witch with an item that smothers her Matter, watching us while not taking any action. Diana dealt with her, which has most likely resulted in her death, while Alexis and I brought Eugene here.” I explained and shrugged my shoulders. “That’s about it.”

Badger was silent before he nodded his head. “Alexis says you believe Irma is behind this even though you killed her.”

I nodded my head. “The Matter in that bracelet was Irma’s and the Crone has changed, or died as Diana put it, a week after I sent it to her. Ever since then she has wanted Eugene, just like Irma did. I believe she is alive still, or partially at least, and wants to finish off what she started.”

Alexis shot Badger a worried look, one of a child looking at an adult for advice. “What do you think?”

Badger scratched one of the many scars that littered his face before answering. “I will say that you will need to speak to the Old Bat about it. She would be able to give you more information about your theory.”

“The Old Bat?”

“Her name’s Maggie Harlow but she’s crazy, utterly mad. Still thinks it’s in the middle of World War Two and hates Germans.” Badger explained roughly. “But she’s clever. She’ll give you some information that may help you.”

“Thank you.” I said, smiling. At least I had something to do to figure out what on earth is happening within walking distance.

“Now what do you want us to do? Alexis muttered something about searching for an old home.”

“If you could find the old Allaway house, that would be useful. There should be something in there that could tell us what Irma was planning to do with Eugene and might tell us what happened to the Crone.”

“I will see what we can dig up. What else?”

“My Family. They are my only other ally who can I trust completely out of the witches but they are under surveillance so I can’t get in contact with them. They were also seeking what has happened to the Crone and keeping an eye on her. Diana was my link but she’s gone now. Could you somehow open a connection to them? They should be able to help you.”

Again Badger nodded. “I can find someone, if not, the Old Bat might be willing to help you there, although she’s an unreliable source. I take it that’s it?”

I nodded. “That’s it. Just keep an eye out for that scout. You can’t sense she is a witch but you can sense her as an immortal. She will eventually come here.”

“And watch out for her we will. I won’t have trouble here.” Badger said firmly. “Come down stairs shortly. We will speak with my regulars and current customers and get them on our side.”

At seeing myself and Alexis agree, Badger grunted and wondered out of the room. It was quite fascinating how different the two werecats were as he lumbered loudly down the hallway. Nothing like the silent warm Martha at all.

“Can we trust them?” I asked quietly as I brushed my hair half-heartedly.

“We can definitely trust Badger and the regulars.” Alexis said. I could feel his eyes watching the brush with his full attention, making my skin burn slightly as his gaze shifted from my hair, to my neck and to my mouth. I tried my best to ignore the unusual slight fluttering of my heart but it was quite difficult. “And Badger does not share trust easily. If he feels that his customers can be trusted, I won’t question him.”

I was silent. Worry gnawed at me but Alexis had never let me down before. He also had Elgar under Badger’s watchful gaze and nothing had gone wrong there. I would try it and, if need be, we will just find somewhere else to hide.

“Okay, I’ll go with it, but only because you appear happy with the idea.” I mumbled.

Alexis laughed lightly and pushed himself of the wall so he could lean down and place his forehead on my damp insane hair. “I appreciate that.”

I grunted and remained frowning even as he took my hand and forced me to stand up. “After we have recruited these strangers to our cause of guarding Eugene, we go find this Maggie woman.”

Alexis nodded his head in silent agreement and guided me down the narrow hallway as I silently prayed I wouldn’t regret placing my guarded trust in these complete strangers.