The Bloody Masquerade

Chapter 16

I followed Hart silently and it was he who made small talk as he guided us to the Old Bat.

“I am new here Alexis, so I do not hold a connection to you like the others. Care to explain why they so readily fight for you, friend? It is uncommon to find an odd assortment of immortals so closely knit.” He asked in his deep voice.

“My grandfather often brought me here as a child so I know most from years back.” Alexis replied. His eyes weren’t on Hart though. I knew this because every fibre of my being could feel his gaze fixated on my back. “Ever since I brought Elgar to Badger, my connection has only grown stronger. Most are outcasts, loners or wanderers, so they create their own ties. They fight for each other and I am one of them as such.”

“That vampire didn’t want to help you I’m afraid, friend.”

“That’s because I’m a witch.” I mumbled.

“That would be a factor.” Hart said. “But he would also not feel obligated. The other vampire, Marcus, was a little nervous, but loyalty kept him from saying no and questioning the truth in Augusta’s story.”

“Do you?” Alexis asked with a steel undertone as I reached for my gun, feeling uneasy.

“No, I don’t. It is not uncommon for parents or relatives to take advantage of a young special. This warlock also has much inner fear and I sense he has seen too much for a child of his age. I do not doubt your story.” Hart said softly before he stopped suddenly.

I slowed my steps as I stared at the tiny narrow house that was rammed in between two others. It was tattered with paint peeling off the sides and grime once again covered theses windows. The floral curtains were closed however and there was only a dim light in the lower right had room.

“This is her house.” Hart said as he also stared at it. “I will wait for you outside if she will let you in.”

I smiled in thanks, watching as the huge dishevelled man stepped back into the shadow of the looming wall behind him and almost became invisible, before moving forward and tapped my knuckle against the flimsy door. I waited patiently for a few minutes, tapping at least three times, before my ears picked up the sound of movement. There was a shuffling sound followed by a noisy rattling of keys and locks before the door was tugged violently back and a chain snapped to keep it only ajar. From within the darkness I saw a pair of pale wild eyes staring at me.

“What do you want?” A nasally voice snapped.

A smiled kindly while my eyes tried to make out a face in the tiny gap and darkness. “I have come to speak to you. I’m Augusta.”

“Are you German? You sound German. And your name don’t sound normal. I don’t want no Germans around here!” She snarled.

I was taken aback for a moment before I remembered that Badger had said she believed it was still in the second World War and had a high level of hatred for Germans. I was beginning to see why Maggie had gained the title of ‘Old Bat’ however.

“She’s Italian, not German, Miss Harlow.” Alexis said gently.

“Italians are no better.” She snapped. “And why do you want to speak to me anyway?”

“Badger sent us here. He said you might be able to help us.” I explained.

The name Badger seemed to narrow her already tiny eyes even further but I felt a flicker of softness emit from her briefly. “Help you with what?”

“About a bracelet that contains Matter.”

Maggie paused. “Matter?” She echoed, narrowing her eyes that were quickly followed by a flash of recognition. “What Family you from?”

“Nespola, a northern Italian branch.”

Suddenly the door slammed shut. At first I thought I had said something wrong until I heard the tell tale sound of the chain being removed. A moment later, the door was flung open wide, revealing a dark narrow hallway and an old decrepit woman with wild unkempt hair leaning on a gnarled walking stick.

“In. We talk inside. Never know who listens. Walls have ears you know.” She ordered firmly.

As she shuffled back down the hall stiffly, I trailed after her slowly. Darkness flooded in when Alexis closed the door lightly behind him and shut out the vague silver moonlight that had posed as a small source of light. I walked into a tiny room. It was musty and filled with dust and dirt, showing she hadn’t cleaned or aired the room in a long time. The walls were old and the ancient 30’s floral wallpaper was peeling off in numerous places. There was a simple armchair beside a fire with a small coffee table beside it, bearing a used mug and half knitted scarf. Maggie sat herself in the chair while she waved a hand at a stool, silently ordering I was to sit in that. Alexis stood behind me, leaning against the wall.

“Thank you for letting me in.” I said warmly. I was getting concerned she wasn’t going to co-operate.

“One of my own. Witches don’t kill witches unless their claims drive them to. You’re unclaimed, so am I. Have no reason to fight.” Maggie said roughly.

“You’re a witch?” I echoed. I hadn’t sensed any Matter within her, only a strong immortal ebb.

“I am. Of the Harlow Family.” She said with a distinct sense of pride.

I only smiled. I didn’t want to point out that the small but very powerful Family had been destroyed seven years ago. She was obviously detached enough from them to not know of her Family’s death. Either that or she was in denial, which wouldn’t surprise me.

“What do you want to know about Matter then?” She demanded, her sharp voice having returned.

“I want to know if it is possible for a witch to live after her body has died through Matter.” I said bluntly.

“Depends.” Maggie replied.

“Wait, it is possible?” Alexis blurted out. Even I was surprised at there was a possibility.

“Of course it is.” Maggie snapped sharply. “Just depends on the person is all. Matter is powerful stuff. Very powerful. And some witches are able to manipulate it to create some sort of immortality.”

My interest perked up and, something hadn’t felt in a long time, hope. Hope that an answer might appear to how I was still appearing young, even though I was in my sixties. “How?” I asked quietly.

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Depends on the person, what they can do. My Matter keeps my body going, my heart beating.” Her bony hand patted her chest. “I was born nearly two centuries ago. But there are other ways of Matter being manipulated.”

“Can it be done unconsciously?”

Maggie blinked at me before she narrowed her eyes. “No, otherwise all witches would have some sort of immortality. You have to control the Matter to make it immortalise you.” My heart sunk. So my immortality wasn’t through my Matter. I watched vaguely as she picked up her knitting and figured out where she had stopped. “Now, your question. The witch has to be specifically powerful but requirements are needed all the same. Like mine, I have to make sure Matter is in my heart, or I die. How she would do it exactly is not something I can say. She would have to tell you.”

“She’s dead as such and I can’t get near her if she is controlling the Crone.”

Maggie narrowed her eyes at me again. “I told you what I know. Your theory is not stupid and it’s possible. Need to find out what the drawbacks are though. Immortality through Matter has needs. She has to stick with them or it don’t work and age catches up quickly. Find them; you’re likely to find out why she didn’t die when you killed her and how to destroy her.”

“Seems the finding Allaway house is becoming more and more significant in protecting Eugene.” Alexis mumbled.

Maggie glanced up sharply. “Allaway? You seek that Family?” She snarled and an air of defence and rage began to curl around her. She dropped her knitting sharply, reaching to a silver shot gun kept beside her. Knowing instantly that it was a witch-gun, I stood up rapidly and stood in front of Alexis protectively as she swung the barrel to face us. “Leave now if you hold ties to that Family!” She screeched. “No Allaway friend is my own.”

“Why?” I asked before my mind caught my mouth.

“Allaways are bad. Killers. Murderers. Bad news and trouble follows them.” She snarled. “So you leave now and never come back to me.” As if to press her point, she pulled the trigger and let out a large Matter bullet. It hit the wall behind us with an almighty bang and bits of wallpaper and brick exploded in the plume of dust. Alexis was snarling now, holding my waist to keep me pressed to him so he could lean over me protectively.

“Allaways are traitors. Leave.” Maggie said finally.

“I will leave.” I said calmly, smiling genuinely at her. “Thank you for your time.”

Maggie nodded once but didn’t stop the gun trailing us. Alexis took my hand and dragged me out of the room and through the hall, almost wrenching the door from its frame when he pulled it open. He threw me out and slammed the door shut, growling at the sound of numerous locks clicking behind it.

I stared up at him as he stood stiffly, rubbing his face hard. I could sense Hart alert in the shadows but he remained still. He could see we were unharmed so he waited for us to call him which I appreciated. I needed to talk to Alexis first.

“That went well.” I said lightly and very honestly. I thought it has gone very well. Much better than I had expected. Alexis however appeared to think the opposite when his eyes snapped onto me, dark and angry behind his glasses.

“It did not go well. She took a shot at us!” He snapped.

“To defend herself. You felt her rage and unease at hearing us seeking out the Allaway house?” I pointed out softly. “But we got in, which is more than I thought would happen.”

He let out a deep rumble from his chest and he bared his strong teeth in disagreement. Sighing lightly, I stepped forward and cupped his face gently.

“We know things now. It is possible Irma is still alive through her Matter and that she could be controlling the Crone. That is what we wanted to find out.” I said firmly.

Alexis stared at me for a moment before he gave in. His anger dissipated into defeat and he nodded his head slowly, his normal soft expression now in place. “Fine, just don’t go back there.”

“I don’t think she’d let me.” I smiled and patted his cheek lightly. “Besides, she’s given me more than enough information.”

His eyes narrowed suddenly. “What else did she give you then?”

“She called the Allaway’s traitors which is a very powerful insult. Witches cannot become traitors easily as we fight from all sides. So I want to know why she said that.”

“You have an idea though?”

“I do but it won’t be confirmed until I find some evidence as I can’t talk to her.”

“Which leads us back to the Allaway house.”

I grinned. “Exactly. Most of my answers will be there I think.”

“Let’s hope its whereabouts it discovered quickly then.” He mumbled, frowning a little.

I agreed and made to walk away but something in Alexis’s expression had my body remain completely still. He was looking strangely serious but his eyes had a sudden flare to them that made me melt inside. I wasn’t thinking, just staring softly at his face, letting my eyes roam until they locked onto his mouth. The urge to kiss him began to creep up my spine, making me feel horribly warm and uncomfortable in my tight suit.

“Is all well, friends?” Hart asked, reminding me of his presence like a punch to the face.

I almost shoved Alexis away when I realised how dangerously close we were and wanted to hit myself for thinking such thoughts. This was doing the exact opposite of trying to suppress these increasingly strong emotions and urges and I was not helping myself in letting them flourish. I just about managed to stop myself throwing him away and stepped back a few sharp steps, letting my gaze quickly sweep over to Hart still standing in the shadow.

“I heard gunshots.” Hart explained, taking no notice of my embarrassment.

“She didn’t like the Family we’re involved with.” I replied.

He inclined his head once in acceptance. “Do I take you back now?”

“Yes please.” I replied and instantly followed him, keeping my eyes away from Alexis as he trailed a little further behind us.

I didn’t want to see his face, whether or not he appeared smug or hopeful. It was too much, knowing he would be more than happy to accept my growing feelings and not going to bother to stop any of my unintentional advances. I puffed out my cheeks and ruffled my hair in annoyance. I had to focus on Eugene and the Allaway Family, not Alexis and my hormones. Things were beginning to grow interesting, if a little worrying. But I had a feeling the task Eva has set me all those years ago, seeking out the traitor Family who is helping tear down the Old World, could now be tied to my current job.

Things were just getting more and more complicated with every day.