The Bloody Masquerade

Chapter 29

It didn’t take long for the wound to heal. As it was fatal and not a simple cut, my Matter took to work and stitched it together slowly. I was content being held by Alexis as he waited for me to regain my strength but I was also wary of Elizabeth who stood not too far, towering over us almost menacingly. Her hair was just as crazed as her child form and was even worse than normal since the fight but her older features were darker and harder. I wasn’t wary of her true face, but the fact she saw me shift.

Shifting was a big no-no to do in front of strangers. That was shoved down my throat as well when I was trained by my grandmother and Crone Gloria. I must never shift in the presence of others. Shifting was an unnatural ability. Werewolves and jaguars can’t even shift. They just have two faces that they choose to wear. Moths was only one of the shapes I could take and only briefly to move myself out the way of an attack or move myself very quickly over short distances. Needless to say, I used shape shifting a lot in the fight with Irma. We were alone and I intended to kill her so shifting was allowed. That was the only time. Shifting in front of someone who was not meant to die was against the rules given to me. And I had broken it. I glanced up at Alexis who was still looking stony and grim and frowned a little. Again, I quickly corrected myself. It seemed breaking the rules Crone Gloria and grandmother Rosalia set up when I was sixteen was becoming a regular thing for me. I bet they were turning in their graves.

“Are you okay now, friend?” Hart asked. He was once again not asking how I was healing. Hart, as a loner, seemed to appreciate wanting to keep certain things to yourself and never asked question, no matter how strange I appeared to him.

“Yes.” I said with a smile and forced myself away from Alexis who seemed a little reluctant. I stood and poked the torn suit and felt the smooth skin for any wound. There was none.

“Tell us what you found first.” Elizabeth said.

“Should we not burn her before we say anything.” Alexis suggested, glancing at the corpse of Victoria.

Elizabeth snorted. “Anna has been here so Victoria will serve as a warning. We know now.”

“Know what? And who is Anna?”

“I think it is better if we start.” I suggested. Elizabeth only shrugged then wandered into the study to gather the papers while I spoke. “The Allaway Family have turned out to be a much bigger problem. You know what I have been doing the last eight years, don’t you?” I asked Alexis.

He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. “Searching for the traitor Family. The one who was been feeding information about the Old World to a bunch of psychopathic humans.”

I nodded then smiled grimly. “The Allaway Family is the traitor Family. We have found accounts of potential victims, both human and vampire, and survivors of Parasite attacks hidden away from the Old World.”

“What?” Alexis said simply.

“Why the Allaway Family is doing this I don’t know. I have a feeling though they wish to destroy the Old World and cull the immortals.” I sighed and tapped my teeth with my nail. “Maggie may have known that Irma had begun to go against the rules. It would explain why she declared the Allaways as traitors.”

“We also found marks on the profiles.” Elizabeth said loudly as she came striding meaningfully back. “Victoria had a blue mark, no doubt to say she was Black blood vampire.” She held Victoria’s profile up then handed over Eugene’s and the others. “We don’t know what the purple or red mark means though.”

Alexis took them, staring at Eugene’s file then flicking through his sisters and other past members.

“We found something upstairs.” Hart said softly. “It was a diary by the looks of it but not the normal sort. It had comments about members dating back over four hundred years ago, often saying which is the best body to have.” He leaned forward and looked at the papers. “The names match, friend.”

“Victoria did say something about girls being chosen as the ‘new Ethelinda’.” Elizabeth growled softly.

I blinked slowly as I slowly recalled Maggie’s words and the finding of the old wooden bead bracelet. “Maggie said it wasn’t impossible for Irma to still be alive, that she was still alive through her Matter. I found the bracelet holding Irma’s Matter and sent it to the Crone. Ilda then fell ill, became unconscious and woke up as a different person, as Diana said.”

Alexis glanced up and narrowed his eyes. “What are you trying to get at?”

“What if what Maggie said was Irma’s, or actually Ethelinda’s, way of having immortality?” I said hurriedly. “She lives through her own Matter. It doesn’t matter if her body is dead, just as long as something contains her Matter.” I quickly took the profiles then knelt down and spread out the women that were painted upstairs. “All these women were chosen by Ethelinda as new bodies. She would compare their Matter then pick out the strongest ones.” I paused then remembered the red mark. “Ethelinda had a red mark by her name. The purple means a potential body and the red must mean that they have a form of immortality.” Something sunk in then. “The scout, Anna, is able to create her own immortality.” That at least explained why Diana struggled against her, I thought to myself. I knew no simple witch could take down Diana so easily.

“But how? And why the girls from her own Family? Why not someone else’s?” Alexis questioned.

I shook my head. “I don’t know. Maggie did say there are rules, needs, for the Matter to create immortality. Maybe Ethelinda can only take over from her own blood?”

“Then she shouldn’t be in the Crone.” Hart pointed out.

“That’s true.” I mumbled then glanced down at Eugene’s profile then the bold purple mark. “But we know now why Eugene is wanted. She wants his Matter; his body and strength.”

“So we have gained some answers.” Alexis said heavily. “The Allaways want to destroy the Old World. Irma was actually Ethelinda who possess her own children and wants Eugene as her knew body and that the scout is an immortal.” He grumbled.

“We still don’t know Ethelinda’s and Anna’s laws though. Maggie said once we find them, we can destroy them.”

“Shall we give the house one more search?” Elizabeth suggested. “The sun won’t be rising for another hour.”

“I think we should.” Hart agreed.

I glanced up at Alexis who nodded once then turned with Hart and Elizabeth and left me alone to gather what bit of paper I could. I found a lot and even took the box Eugene’s profile had been hidden in. The hour went by too quickly. I wanted to find something to give me an idea what Ethelinda’s rules were and how Anna’s immortality worked but I found nothing. Neither did the others apparently. They returned to me empty handed and looking a little frustrated. Elizabeth growled softly but guided us out of the house slowly. As we stepped outside, holding the box and folders close to my chest, I realised we were cutting it close.

The sun was already beginning to light the sky and a thin mist hovered over the ground, making the grass damp. The clouds in the sky were grey and the air was cold, informing me today was going to be quite a wet day.

“I am not sure if we will get to your house before the sun is too high.” I said warily to Elizabeth as she wandered out of the gnarled out of control garden. Even in the faint light, they grounds looked quite ominous.

“We might if we hurry.” She said and began to jog.

I followed quickly, running after her smoothly. I hated the sensation of the sun climbing the sky, making my skin tingle and my eyes ache. It had always been unpleasant since the first time I had felt it all those years ago. By the time we reached her house I was walking and leaning on Alexis, trying my hardest to breathe normally. Hart was carrying the box while Elizabeth darted ahead, apparently ignoring me stumbling behind them.

Alexis quickly got me inside and Elizabeth locked the door behind us, shutting out all light. As Alexis gave up in letting me walk by myself and decided it would be better if he carried me, Elizabeth shouted to me, knowing I was awake enough to hear her.

“I will keep looking for information.” She said simply in the childish voice I was used to, indicating she was now in her smaller shape.

I waved my hand and grunted to let her know I heard her but even that was tiring. As Alexis carried my back to my room, I fell asleep slowly. I didn’t stir until the sun had finished its course over the sky and rain had fallen in droves. By the time I woke up, the world was dark, wet and very cold and Elizabeth was sitting beside me, holding out a cup for me.

“Alexis told me you would be waking and to bring this to you.” She said then sniffed in her usual haughty manner. I smiled warmly, trying my hardest to ignore the little fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach that Alexis had not forgotten about me once again, and sat up to take it. She watched me drink slowly out of the corner of her eye before speaking. “You are a strange one. Falling unconscious due to the sun, being able to heal yourself and apparently able to turn into moths.” She said sharply. “Just what are you?”

I stiffened then frowned hard. People seemed to be asking me that a lot these days. “I don’t know.”

Elizabeth grunted in disbelief. “You must have some idea. You’re older than you appear so do you need a red mark by your name?”

“No.” I snapped, suddenly alarmed that Elizabeth knew I was much older than twenty-five. Elizabeth apparently was very wary and observant. “My Matter is not what keeps me alive.”

“Then what does?”

“I honestly don’t know. The Crones didn’t even know; all three of them. I am an enigma.”

“And not supposed to exist like that Black blood witch.” Elizabeth said brusquely.

Something in me flashed and it took every inch of self control to stop myself from reaching for my gun and letting a bullet plough through her skull. “I am not supposed to exist, that is true. But I exist all the same. Exist is all I do.”

Elizabeth scowled at me, watching me carefully, and bared her tiny fangs in annoyance. “Have you gone to the other rulers? The Crones won’t know everything.”

“They know almost everything.” I bit back.

“But not everything.” She said darkly. “There are secrets that only immortals themselves should know, not those who hunt them.”

I frowned and glared back at the hostile vampire and thought of what she meant. Vampire Augusta. That is what Eugene calls me when I am in the blood crazed state. I need to bite things, but not to drink but to inject something. The Crones are witches and rule over the Families. They can only tell me about my witch nature. They cannot tell me about the more strange and vampiric aspects of me. They are not vampires.

“What do you suggest?” I asked warily.

“I suggest you go see the sap of a woman who is currently ruling over the Clans.” Elizabeth snapped hotly. “Eva is a Silver so she will be able to look into your mind and essence. She might be able to give you an answer. You need to go to her anyway and bring that box to her. You are still bound by duty, as you said yesterday.”

I tilted my head in interest before grudgingly agreeing. I needed to take what I had found to Eva as soon as possible. Maybe keeping Eugene close to her would be a good idea. A witch would have to be very strong to be able to get close anyone under a Silver’s protection. But Elizabeth had a point. My vampire nature might only be explained by a vampire and Eva was possibly the only one I trusted.

“I will go to her next then.”

Elizabeth nodded her hard curtly in approval. “I will go let Alexis know. He is eager to leave.”

I downed my coffee as she left my temporary room then quickly decided to borrow the shower while I was here. I might not get another chance to shower until tomorrow and not washing for three days straight was not something I particularly wanted to do. I showered swiftly, not wanting to waste any darkness I had. There was a lot of ground I needed to cover today. Travelling to Romania was going to take a while.

I quickly gathered my weapons and tied my hair back before making my way down to the main hall. Elizabeth glanced up at me as I wondered down the stairs and nudged Hart who seemed to be dozing against the wall. Alexis stepped forward but I frowned when, once again, he caught himself from touching me.

“You’re okay?” He asked instead, trying his hardest to not show interest.

I nodded, confused that he was once again trying to keep his distance, but smiled when the look of relief and contentment clearly flashed in his eyes. He was baffling me at the moment.

“I will continue to search the house now that Victoria is dead. I will see if I can find any of these ‘law’ things you were mumbling about yesterday.” Elizabeth said blandly. “If I find anything, I’ll send word.”

“Thank you.” I muttered a little half heartedly.

Elizabeth shrugged. “I will visit Eva soon and make sure Vince has run off on a crazed hunt. I hope to hear you have confided in her by the time I arrive.”

I smiled icily which was returned with a hostile glare. For a moment we just scowled at each other before turned on her and headed for the door.

“Thank you for your help Elizabeth. I hope your own hunt for revenge goes well.” I said as I waited for Alexis and Hart to join me outside.

The little vampire stood at the doorway and smiled eerily at me, a mixture of joy and thirst that should’ve be seen on a small girl’s face. “Believe me, this hunt will only go well. I will make sure of that.”

I simply nodded and she closed the door shut with quite a slam.

“Strange vampire.” Hart mumbled to himself before heading off to his old car.

“Where are we going then?” Alexis asked.

“To Romania. Eva Sinclair has hired me and I need to take that box to her.” I said, pointing at the ancient wooden box held by Hart. “Eugene will also be safe for a while there, unless political threats start brewing.”

Alexis stared at me from the corner of his eye until we reached the end of the long path of steps. “What else?”

“Elizabeth said I should ask Eva about my vampire nature.” I said hurriedly.

Alexis was silent and it made me a little uneasy. I didn’t like the fact I was now making this about me.

“It seems like a good idea but is Eva trust worthy?” He asked.

“I believe so.” I said honestly.

Alexis shrugged in defeat. “Then we go to Romania. Having Eugene under a Silver’s protection should give us some more time before we work out how to take down Ethelinda.” He agreed then flashed me a bright grin. “Hopefully Eva might be able to shed some light on what you are.”

I blinked, slightly overwhelmed by the smile I had so missed, before a weaker version tugged at my mouth. I watched him get in the car, silently trying my hardest to repress the hope of maybe getting some information on what I was and that Alexis still adored me like I had for the last five years.

I wasn’t however counting on the Whelan Pack suddenly having a problem only I could apparently deal with.